COUNTDOWN: Five days until Admiral Funktion street party. Here’s what’s different this year

Looking ahead to next weekend, West Seattle’s biggest event will be the second annual Admiral Funktion street party on Saturday (August 26th), presented by the Admiral Neighborhood Association, with community sponsors including WSB. We’ve already published the music lineup – in case you missed that, here it is again:

12 pm – School of Rock
1 pm – Princess Pulpit
2 pm – Michael Pearsall
3 pm – Matlock and the Keys
4 pm – Midnight Gallo
5 pm – Radium Girls
6 pm – Tennis Pro
7 pm – Frond
8 pm – The Loveless Building
9 pm – The Ancient Robotz

That’s a bigger lineup than last year. The festival starts earlier (11 am) and ends later (10 pm). The festival is free, but if you can afford to support it – permits and production aren’t cheap – the ANA is crowdfunding, with wristbands that’ll get you discounts at local venues if you donate $25 (or more) – go here. (The ANA is an official nonprofit, so your donation is tax-deductible.) California SW will be closed between Admiral Way and SW College for the festival, which also will feature outdoor cafés and beer gardens at local venues so you can enjoy lunch, dinner, and inbetween! Vendors – stand by for that lineup in our next preview – and games, too. See you in Admiral on Saturday!

2 Replies to "COUNTDOWN: Five days until Admiral Funktion street party. Here's what's different this year"

  • Funktified August 22, 2023 (9:40 am)

    Super psyched about the Funktion!! Thanks to all the organizers and participating performers, restaurants, bars, and everyone working the event. I can’t wait! Organizers’ donation page says 10a-10p for a solid 12 hours. WSB, you ripping us off an hour of good times?? 

  • Dan August 22, 2023 (10:02 am)

    The times have been revised since the gofundme was started so as always, the Blig is correct :)

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