West Seattle, Washington
14 Friday
That’s reader-contributed video showing the aftermath of a fire around 7:30 this morning in western Fauntleroy Park. What concerned the person who sent it, and another nearby resident we have heard from tonight, is that there have been multiple fires recently. Stacy said via email:
“I’ve lived next to Fauntleroy Park for 13 years. Today we called 911 because of a sizeable fire in the park, at our property line. SFD responded extremely quickly and put the fire out using shovels, rakes, a large hose of water and a chainsaw. We’ve spoken with neighbors and come to find out, this is the third fire in the park in the timespan of one week that the SFD has had to respond to and put out. And SFD says neighbors reported additional recent fires. … I don’t think anyone has seen any indication of an encampment at the sites of the fires. But the multiplicity is obviously concerning. … We are hoping others will be alerted so that they are careful and so that they let the fire department or police department know of any leads.”
We asked SFD spokesperson David Cuerpo about today’s fire, which was logged only as a “brush fire.” He replied, “I spoke to the firefighters that responded to this incident. They extinguished a small smoldering fire occupying a space of about eight feet in diameter. There was no clear evidence around the area that would have indicated how the fire may have started. No injuries were reported.”
9:45 PM: Last night just before sunset, the reddened sun was visible through the smoke. Tonight, we took the photo above just before sunset, and nothing was visible looking west but the hazy outline of Blake Island. A few minutes later, here’s the view looking downtown.
The National Weather Service’s Air Quality Alert remains in effect through 6 pm Sunday, and the NWS expects things to start improving “late Sunday”; the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency says so too. But for now, tonight many areas are showing “unhealthy” air quality – either for “sensitive groups” or for everyone.
P.S. If not for the smoke, we’d be seeing a full moon tonight. The moon was in view last night/this morning before more smoke swept in, so as consolation, here’s this morning’s moonset, photographed by James Bratsanos:
11:33 PM: The moon is visible after all, and red-tinged – we’ve received a few photos including this one from Jerry Simmons:
Contract talks between the striking Seattle Education Association and Seattle Public Schools continue tonight. So says a media update sent by the district, calling the weekend talks “extremely productive” so far:
Seattle Public Schools (SPS) and Seattle Education Association (SEA) are making good progress on negotiations. The bargaining teams are working late into the evening. We are optimistic an agreement will be reached so our students can begin school as soon as possible.=s and is posted to the website at: https://www.seattleschools.org/news/start-of-school-delay … We will update families and staff as early as possible on Sunday.
District updates are here; union updates are here. SEA’s contract expired August 31st, almost three months into negotiations; the strike began on what was supposed to be SPS’s first day of classes, Wednesday. This is SEA’s first walkout since 2015. That strike, like this one, started on a Wednesday; a tentative agreement was announced the following Tuesday morning.
7:58 PM: The West Seattle High School Wildcats are out to a 2-0 start in the football season. They played Franklin this afternoon at Memorial Stadium downtown and went home with a 7-0 win. Next week they’re back at Nino Cantu Southwest Athletic Complex, playing Cleveland at 7:30 pm Friday (September 16th).
8:45 PM: Commenter KWest Seattle says the game was called early because of air quality, which the Metro League website (linked above as our source) did not indicate when we checked it for the away-game score. We’re attempting to reach school reps.
ADDED SUNDAY: WSHS principal Brian Vance confirmed via email, “Game was suspended after the first quarter due to poor air quality. Waiting for information on rescheduling.”
Thanks for the tips. In our photo, that’s muralist Desmond Hansen, out at 35th/Alaska this afternoon restoring his signal-box portrait of Chris Cornell. As noted here last Sunday, it was defaced (literally, with black paint over the face) about the same time as Easy Street Records‘ south-facing multi-mural wall, which also included a portrait of Chris Cornell. That one, by a different artist, was restored on Labor Day; now this one is restored too. Hansen originally painted it four and a half year ago.
If you are looking for something low-impact to do this afternoon, the Seattle Chinese Garden‘s Kite Festival is on until 5 pm. You can make a kite ..
fly yours and/or watch someone else fly theirs …
listen to guzheng music by Angell Li …
Happening at @SeaChineseGrdn – Kite Festival, with music pic.twitter.com/UJ1gCwuodp
— West Seattle Blog (@westseattleblog) September 10, 2022
and enjoy the garden, which is on the north end of the South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) campus at 6000 16th SW, just east of the Arboretum. ($5 suggested donation for entry.)
Thanks to Keith Hughes for the photo! Members of the Rotary Club of West Seattle are installing eight Peace Poles over the next year and the first one will be the center of a Children’s Peace Garden at Fauntleroy UCC. Work was under way earlier this week to get the garden ready. It’s to be dedicated at 11 am tomorrow (Sunday, September 11th) outside the church at 9140 California SW.
Sea Scouts Gavin, Remy, and Milo are among the volunteers collecting your donations for the West Seattle Food Bank at six grocery stores around West Seattle until 1 pm. They’re at PCC West Seattle (California/Stevens; WSB sponsor); the Sea Scouts are affiliated with the Lions Club of West Seattle, one of the service clubs leading today’s “Celebrate Community” food drive. The Kiwanis Club of West Seattle also is leading it:
Joel and Mike are at Metropolitan Market (41st/Admiral). Here’s the list of what the WSFB most needs (including some non-food items), The other stores where you’ll find volunteers until 1 pm are West Seattle Thriftway (California/Fauntleroy; WSB sponsor), Trader Joe’s (4545 Fauntleroy Way SW), and both West Seattle QFCs (Westwood Village and 42nd/Alaska).
P.S. If you missed this event but have food to donate, some stores have year-round barrels for WSFB – Thriftway, for one, right by the southern front entrance.
From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar, and other previews, here’s what’s happening on your Saturday:
TRAFFIC ALERTS: Here’s what SDOT has announced for today:
-We will be paving Admiral Way SW between SW Hanford and SW Olga St. We anticipate this work taking place the next two weekends.
-We’re repaving the street near California Ave SW and Ferry Ave SW.
-We’ll be pouring new concrete panels on 16th Ave SW and SW Webster St. Traffic will be maintained in both directions as we complete the work however you may experience delays.
-We’ll be working at Chelan Ave SW and SW Spokane St (by Fire Station 36) to return the signal to how it operated before the bridge closure. The signal will be turned off for a period of time, and uniformed police officers will be directing traffic while we complete this work.
-We’ll be removing the red bus lane paint on 1st Ave S in the vicinity of S. Horton St in and on both sides of the Spokane St Swing Bridge (low bridge) entrances. This work is scheduled to begin Saturday night at 8:30 PM and conclude on Sunday around 6 AM.
-We’ll be installing new directional signs at the Chelan 5-way intersection. Work is anticipated to begin as early as 7 AM and conclude by 4 PM on both days.
GARAGE/YARD SALES: See (and post) listings in the WSB Community Forums.
BARRE3 ANNIVERSARY: 8:15 am-1:30 pm, celebrate the fitness studio’s 5th anniversary with free classes, a food truck, more – details in our calendar listing. (3218 California SW)
WEST SEATTLE-WIDE FOOD DRIVE: 9 am-1 pm, take nonperishable food to any one of the six grocery stores where you’ll find volunteers from local service clubs collecting to “Celebrate Community” and help the West Seattle Food Bank:
Metropolitan Market (41st/Admiral)
PCC (California/Stevens)
QFC in The Junction (42nd/Alaska)
QFC at Westwood Village
West Seattle Thriftway (California/Fauntleroy)
Trader Joe’s (4545 Fauntleroy Way SW)
SOUTH DELRIDGE FARMERS’ MARKET: This twice-monthly market focused on BIPOC growers and makers continues on into the fall in the courtyard at Hope Academy (9421 18th SW), 10 am-2 pm
SAN GENNARO FESTIVAL: Happening in Georgetown but with major West Seattle ties, the Italian street fair is back, with food, shopping, music, more. 10 am-10 pm today, including free face-painting for kids noon-4 pm. (1225 S. Angelo)
CAMP LONG MOUNTAIN FEST: 11 am-5 pm, celebrate climbing and more at Camp Long (5200 35th SW) – even a scavenger hunt if you don’t want to try the ropes course or historic Schurman Rock.
SPRAYPARK: Highland Park Spraypark (1100 SW Cloverdale) will be open 11 am-8 pm (daily through September 18th).
‘REUNITED’ T-SHIRTS: Pick up your pre-ordered shirt(s) and/or drop in to see if any are left to buy, 11 am-2 pm at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center (4408 Delridge Way SW).
LOG HOUSE MUSEUM: Noon-4 pm, the Southwest Seattle Historical Society museum on Alki is open (61st/Stevens).
ALKI ARTS POP-UP: Noon-5 pm today at California/Oregon in The Junction. Second-to-last day.
MAKERS ART MARKET: 1-6 pm, with vendors on the east side of Alki Bathhouse (60th/Alki).
KITE FESTIVAL: An afternoon of activities at the Seattle Chinese Garden, north end of South Seattle College (6000 16th SW; WSB sponsor) campus, $5 suggested donation, all ages welcome.
FREE CLASSES AT WEST SEATTLE NURSERY: 1 pm, “How Native People Use Native Plants“; 2:30 pm, “Urban Food Forests.” (California/Brandon)
WINE TIME: The Viscon Cellars (WSB sponsor) tasting room – selling wine by the glass or bottle – is open 1-6 pm. (5910 California SW)
FOOTBALL: West Seattle High School plays Franklin at 2 pm at Memorial Stadium downtown.
FREE OUTDOOR CONCERT IN THE PARK: Come listen to the music of Thaddeus Spae at Puget Ridge Edible Park (18th/Brandon) and explore the park while you’re there, 3 p.m.
FINALE WEEK AT WS BREWING’S ALKI TAP SHACK: With closure looming for West Seattle Brewing‘s Alki outpost, as reported here, they’re having a celebratory “Finale Week” including live music. Tonight 5-8 pm, it’s Led Zeppelin tribute band Urban Achievers. (2536 Alki SW)
✦Trust Blinks
✦Riley Getz, live in-store, 5 pm. All ages, free. (California/Alaska)
WHITE CENTER CDA CELEBRATION: 5 pm at South Seattle College‘s Brockey Center (6000 16th SW), you can support the White Center Community Development Association by attending tonight’s celebratory fundraiser.
FULL MOON SEA KAYAK TOUR: Go out on the water with Alki Kayak Tours on this full-moon late-summer night. 6:15 pm from Seacrest (1660 Harbor SW).
MOON CANDY: 5 female musicians playing Americana, folk, and country, 7 pm at C & P Coffee Company (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor), no cover, all ages.
MUSIC AT THE SKYLARK: Birthday Bash featuring Bouquets, Mayfly, BMB, Runaway Satellite, Friction Pitch and The Long Hauls, doors at 7 pm, show at 8. No cover, but donations for the musicians encouraged. (3803 Delridge Way SW)
DRIVE-IN MOVIE: “Parmanu” will be screened outdoors at The Heron’s Nest (4818 Puget Way SW). 7:30 pm.
OUT AT THE BOX: Drag show at Box Bar (California/Brandon), 9:30 pm. No cover. 21+.
Something to add, for today/tonight or beyond? Email westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
The Chief Sealth International High School Seahawks have their first victory of the season, and they did it in fairly dramatic style Friday night at Nino Cantu Southwest Athletic Complex. Neither they nor the visiting Lakeside Lions scored in the first quarter. Lakeside got a TD in the final minute of the first half, going into halftime with a 6-0 lead. That’s where the score stood until the fourth quarter. Lakeside added another TD – and then the Seahawks started their comeback.
After Chief Sealth picked off a Lakeside pass and moved down the field, #5, junior Jamal Guy Jr., got the Seahawks’ first TD across the line with 8 minutes left in the game. With the extra point, they were only behind by 5, 12-7. But it took Chief Sealth until 1:32 was left to get the game-winning TD, run in by #11, senior Dayne Camacho.
Final score: 13-12.
Head coach Daron Camacho‘s Seahawks are now 1-1. Next week, they’re at NCSWAC (2801 SW Thistle) again, 4:30 pm Friday (September 16th) vs. Franklin.