FOLLOWUP: New comment period for Madison Middle School field project

We first reported in 2019 about the levy-funded plan for synthetic turf and six 70-foot light poles to be added to the Madison Middle School field. A comment period followed in May 2020; the project was at that point expected to be completed that year. Then it was bundled with the classroom-addition project, which is almost complete; now, a new comment period for the playfield work has opened, according to a notice in today’s city-circulated Land Use Information Bulletin. The most detailed document available regarding the lights/turf project is this “environmental checklist.” If you’re interested in commenting, today’s notice explains how, The deadline is September 6th.

11 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: New comment period for Madison Middle School field project"

  • TJ August 22, 2022 (7:21 pm)

    Another comment period. After it was supposed to be completed in 2020. Bogged down by beauracracy, the Seattle process. Next it will be over budget. You can guarantee it won’t be done by the end of the school year. 

    • Reed August 23, 2022 (2:18 am)

      What are public schools in Arizona doing in regard to comment periods on capital projects TJ? Didn’t AZ’s Republican AG recently sue a Scottsdale  school board over allowing MORE public comment on school functions? 

  • Kyle August 22, 2022 (8:34 pm)

    Will the gate be locked and closed to the public during the summer or off school hours? Will there be community access for these public dollars?

    • Boop August 23, 2022 (8:26 am)

      Probably shouldn’t be, the field will likely be fouled by all the “community” off-leash dog owners.  

      • Leo August 23, 2022 (3:15 pm)

        You’re totally correct 

    • Seattlemom August 24, 2022 (7:12 am)

      Honestly I think it should be locked up- dog owners believe it’s their off leash dog park and abuse it by not cleaning after themself. It’s gross!!

  • onion August 22, 2022 (9:38 pm)

    My comment is that priority should be given to getting this field into usable shape for the students of Madison School. Wasn’t the redevelopment plan reviewed the several years ago? If not, couldn’t this review and comment process have taken place before this? 

  • David August 23, 2022 (5:33 am)

    My guess that the new field will be locked and no one will be allowed access unless part of authorized events. Currently lots of families use that field in the off hours – such a shame to spend my tax dollars for a select few.

    • Seattlemom August 24, 2022 (7:14 am)

      It would be nice if families could use it but how to police the dog owners and their lack of respect for the community by not cleaning up after them or letting them run rampant 

  • poododger August 23, 2022 (9:35 am)

    Wait, the Madison dog park is getting turf? But the divot filled grass is so nice! I thought it was popular because someone passed a law that you don’t actually have to bag your dog’s poo there? What other explanation is there for the dog owners that have ruined that spot for humans where we used to be able to exercise and have fun.

    • Glen August 23, 2022 (10:25 pm)

      No dog owners go there any more since an “unbalance neighbor” stalks the field.

Sorry, comment time is over.