VIDEO: Small aircraft crash-lands in water off Alki promenade

4:43 PM: Thanks to Allison for the photo. That craft went into the water off the Alki Beach promenade a short time ago. No major response has ensued, just a two-unit SFD medical dispatch. We’re on our way to find out more.

5:08 PM: No injuries, we’re told at the scene. The pilot/operator is trying to figure out how to get it out of the water, as it’s submerged. Still trying to determine what size of aircraft this is.

5:11 PM: Cessna 150, we’re told. It’s 10 or so yards offshore.

5:18 PM: Allison, who sent the first photo, says she and her son were driving westbound around 62nd/Alki “when we saw the plane splash in nose first, then pop up and lie flat on the top of the water. We drove closer, pulled over, and saw 3 or 4 amazing folks swim out and assist the pilot out to safety. About a minute later police arrived in response to someone who had called the incident in.” Police-radio communication indicates the NTSB will investigate.

5:42 PM: Paddleboarder Tim Kelleher recorded this video of the plane crash-landing in the water:

Since the tide is still coming in, you can’t see the plane from shore right now – this person went out for a look:

An SPD boat is in the area now.

6:48 PM: History note, the most recent in-the-water crash in our area was 2017 – off Beach Drive, almost exactly five years ago.

8:52 PM: We went back to the scene before sunset – no one around but park visitors; the police-line tape above is wrapped around the closest beach stairway, and a float offshore presumably marks where the plane sunk.

9:37 PM: Police-radio exchange indicates they hope to get it out at low tide – 11 am tomorrow, it’s out to -1.2 feet. Meantime, the Coast Guard just tweeted some aerial images including this one:

30 Replies to "VIDEO: Small aircraft crash-lands in water off Alki promenade"

  • Chris Kallin July 26, 2022 (5:12 pm)

    I have a video.  See it on my FB page under the same name. 

    • WSB July 26, 2022 (5:26 pm)

      Thanks, we can’t use that platform but if you have the chance to email, or text us at 206-293-6302, thanks!

  • AS July 26, 2022 (5:12 pm)

  • Cami July 26, 2022 (5:20 pm)

    Low Tide is around midnight.  That might work.

  • John July 26, 2022 (6:13 pm)

    Any word on removal efforts? I’d imagine they’ll have to wait for low tide tonight or tomorrow morning 

    • WSB July 26, 2022 (6:56 pm)

      The next low tide is not that low, so like the crash almost exactly five years ago, it might have to wait until tomorrow.

    • TLove July 26, 2022 (7:48 pm)

      Saw police in tow back towards downtown 

      • WSB July 26, 2022 (8:40 pm)

        There’s still a buoy offshore and caution tape onshore.

  • Chino July 26, 2022 (6:44 pm)

    That’s one way to cool off! I’m glad the pilot is ok.

  • sami July 26, 2022 (7:26 pm)

    omg I saw this plane flying when was driving on beach drive right by rocky beach, I was thinking it looked a little too low to the ground. so crazy! I’m glad they are okay though!

  • 22blades July 26, 2022 (8:43 pm)

    We were on the Southworth Fauntleroy ferry & saw this plane on the Vashon Arrival  to Boeing Field. either venting or smoking in trail. He was headed for the Myrtle Street Water Tank reference point. Two commercial pilots here… 

    • Delridge neighbor July 26, 2022 (10:35 pm)

      I’m glad the pilot didn’t fly over the city with the broken plane.  Probably saved lives from their responsible flying. 

    • 22blades July 27, 2022 (8:07 am)

      It looked like he was venting fuel from a gas cap left off (dissipating plume as opposed to constant plume. Easier to do in a high wing aircraft since you can’t see the cap. In a low wing aircraft, you can’t miss the vertical geyser of Avgas (& the stench)! Doubt he ran out of fuel if he came from Tacoma Narrows Airport though. We thought it was odd that he sounded like he still had some power in the video as opposed to a windmilling sound. He definitely had pretty good power when he flew over our ferry.

  • Stephen July 26, 2022 (8:59 pm)

     First lesson exactly 2 years ago ..

  • Dave July 26, 2022 (11:55 pm)

    A couple years ago there was a broken propeller aircraft flying over my house with an engine misfiring in flight. I wondered how they were allowed to leave the airport with a broken plane or that the pilot didn’t notice, but with all of the crashes lately I guess they don’t regulate small aircraft maintenance or the airfields don’t care.

    • Bemp July 27, 2022 (1:38 am)

      Not really the airfields responsibility to monitor condition/ airworthiness status of aircraft.

    • Eddie July 27, 2022 (6:44 am)


  • Jay July 27, 2022 (8:41 am)

    Cessnas fly low over my house daily in Puget Ridge. Makes me nervous to have so many amateur pilots buzzing around the neighborhood.

    • hj July 28, 2022 (6:16 pm)

      I’m personally far more nervous about all the low-skill drivers causing hundreds of car crashes and tens of fatalities per year in Seattle, rather than private pilots who have literally never caused a single ground injury or fatality in Seattle since the NTSB started keeping records.

  • Carol July 27, 2022 (8:56 am)

    Wed morning 9 am. They are starting work on getting plane out. Hooking up lines to plane

    • WSB July 27, 2022 (9:07 am)

      thanks, a little earlier than we expected – adding a photo we just received.

  • Boinsted July 27, 2022 (9:16 am)

    22Blades, you must be a 777 pilot. I too heard the sputter in the video and was surprised he still had some power. Must not have been enough to get it safely to BFI. 

    • 22blades July 27, 2022 (4:00 pm)

      Ha ha!!! Yes… better on the beach than on the hill.

  • Kersti Elisabeth Muul July 27, 2022 (9:42 am)

    Plane is out

  • Christopher Boffoli July 27, 2022 (12:27 pm)

    How incredible that Tim Kelleher had the presence of mind to shoot this bit of footage as this happened right in front of him. And how equally disheartening it has been to see how this clip has proliferated around the internet in the past 24 hours, with even bothering to give him credit (let alone pay a license) and some major networks even just running it from where random people (presumably without permission or license) have posted it to social media. As a content creator it continues to demoralize me that everyone seems to love a great bit of footage but at the same time couldn’t care less about the person who created it.

    • WSB July 27, 2022 (2:11 pm)

      Just for the record, this was texted to us by someone identifying themselves as Tim’s brother. We uploaded it to YT because we don’t have another way of publishing video other than uploading it to a third-party service.

    • Jason July 27, 2022 (5:36 pm)

      I was thinking the same thing, but I found Tim Kelleher on Twitter and when someone inquired if he shot the video he said it was given to him by someone on shore, presumably Mihai Melonari, who is being credited elsewhere. 

  • valvashon July 27, 2022 (4:38 pm)

    … and how unfortunate that Tim didn’t hold his phone sideways.  If you see something really newsworthy like this hold your phone sideways; the broadcast and cable TV networks will appreciate it.  Need to put it on your Instagram or whatever?  That’s fine, Instagram at least will do the center cut for you.Val

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