Four short reader reports tonight:

STOLEN CAR: Missy lives in Arbor Heights. Her car was stolen on Capitol Hill. In case it winds up here – or you see it off-peninsula – here’s what to watch for:

It’s a white Chevy Sonic, flat black rims, plate #BUE0342, stolen Friday night. Call 911 if you see it.

PACKAGE TAKEN: The security-camera image and report were sent by Charles:

This morning at 9:48 this lady stole a package from our front door in the Admiral District; please advise neighbors to be on the lookout.

TENNIS-COURT DAMAGE: The photo and report were sent by Brian:

The net on one of the (Lincoln Park) courts was recently cut out. I played yesterday 1/22/22 and noticed the damage.

Note that if you see damage, whether vandalism or not, at a city park facility, you can report it at 206-684-7250.

DRIVE-BY VANDALISM: A reader sent this early today: “Some teens are going around West Seattle egging houses. They are driving an old silver Ford Explorer.” Yes, that’s vandalism, as we’ve discussed here over the years – it can cause damage that you can’t just clean off, for one.

7 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: 4 reports"

  • Alki resident January 24, 2022 (7:30 am)

    She looks very much like the White Center tip jar thief. 

  • JOHN January 24, 2022 (7:40 am)

    Tennis net?  That required some time and effort as well as a sharp knife. But why and what for?

    • HS January 24, 2022 (12:11 pm)

      To make a hammock or a cot to sleep in/on?

  • Eldorado January 24, 2022 (8:50 am)

    Seems like people are getting bored if they are committing these crimes. 

  • RT January 24, 2022 (9:18 am)

    Looks like she has a cart full of packages out there on  the sidewalk.  Sad to see her thievery is a thriving business. 

  • waikikigirl January 24, 2022 (10:32 am)

    Egging does cause a lot of unclean -able damage its either the yolk or whites (???) has something in it that eats right thru vehicle paint!

  • KayK January 26, 2022 (4:49 pm)

    There’s a tennis net just like that around a tent camp down on the waterfront near Pioneer square – set up like a perimeter fence…coincidence?

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