West Seattle, Washington
19 Wednesday
Pandemic notes for June’s first Saturday:
THE BIG PICTURE: The state has released a new report that gives an overview based on “surveillance and modeling.” Key points:
Report findings include:
*Statewide case counts and hospital admissions continued to decline as of May 20.
*Vaccination is protecting people from COVID-19 illness severe enough to require hospitalization.
*Increasing immunity from vaccination is playing an important role in reducing transmission.
*While vaccination has helped reduce the spread of the virus, the level of transmission was still fairly high as of mid-May.
*As of May 20, case rates were declining across all age groups except people ages 70 and older, among whom case rates have stayed mostly flat since March. Hospital admission rates followed similar trends, declining among people ages 20-69 and remaining flat but high in ages 70 and older.
*The number of total hospital beds occupied by COVID-19 patients is declining as of May 30. The number of ICU beds occupied by these patients has remained fairly flat through the end of May.
NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: Here are the cumulative totals from Public Health‘s daily-summary dashboard:
*110,258 people have tested positive, 141 more than yesterday’s total
*1,602 people have died, 3 more than yesterday’s total
*6,224 people have been hospitalized, 10 more than yesterday’s total
ONE WEEK AGO: Last Saturday, those numbers were 109,591/1,592/6,161.
WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: 172.8 million people have tested positive, and more than 3,718,000 people have died; U.S. deaths exceed 594,000. Most cases: U.S., India, Brazil, France, Turkey (unchanged again this week). See the breakdown, nation by nation, here.
GOT SOMETHING TO REPORT? westseattleblog@gmail.com or 206-293-6302, text/voice – thank you!
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
8 of the 15 candidates for Seattle mayor participated today in the campaign season’s first forum presented by a West Seattle-based organization.
The 34th District Democrats‘ forum happened online four days before our area’s biggest political organization meets Wednesday to decide who it’s endorsing in this and other key local races.
The 34th DDs’ chair Carla Rogers hosted; moderators were Rachel Glass and Chris Porter; timer was Ann Martin. Rogers said all 15 candidates were invited; 9 accepted, 8 showed up – Colleen Echohawk, Jessyn Farrell, Lorena González, Bruce Harrell, Andrew Grant Houston, Lance Randall, Don Rivers, and Casey Sixkiller. (If you’re just catching up, there’s no incumbent in the race – Jenny Durkan decided one term was enough.)
The questions and answers did not at any point get deeply West Seattle-specific. There were a few mentions of the closed bridge – Harrell scored local points there by briefly noting that the issue of accountability for its damage has yet to be settled – and González noted that she was the only West Seattleite there; Sixkiller said he had recently visited the West Seattle Farmers’ Market and local businesses. Answers to most of the questions by most of the candidates leaned more heavily on self-descriptive information – their background, their family status and/or history – than on concrete policy plans, with a few notable exceptions.
If you’re interested in the race, we highly recommend watching the video. If you don’t have the time, below are our notes – brief paraphrases or select quotes from each answer, following a transcription of each question as posted in the on-screen chat window by Rogers. First, each candidate got up to a minute and a half for an opening statement:
Utility-pole art and poetry turns up around West Seattle fairly often; thanks to all the anonymous creators who take the time to make it happen. This caught our attention while we were walking in Gatewood this week. While at first it might seem amusing – “lost mind” in the spirit of “lost pet” – it also holds a serious message. Check in with neighbors, friends, family – sometimes this “almost over but not over” pandemic period seems more unsettling than the pre-vaccine “hunker down” days. And if you need someone to talk to – the state set up Washington Listens as part of the pandemic response.
Thanks to Jay Brock for sending the report and photo:
BSA Scout Troop 282 held their triannual Court of Honor at Lincoln Park in West Seattle. This ceremony recognizes the efforts that the Scouts put into their training with promotions to the next ranking, badges, and other awards. Eleven merit badges were awarded, and five Scouts received their next rank. Three of those Scouts: Jeremy Beebe (not pictured), James Brock, and Asher Morgan, were recognized for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. The Eagle Scout Rank is the highest rank a Scout can earn and only about 4% of scouts nationwide achieve it. Troop 282 has a storied history of shattering that percentage.
This Court of Honor was special for the Troop as it was the first one held in person in over a year. The 25 Scouts, friends, and parents at the park for the occasion were also entertained by skits, songs, and jokes from the patrols of Troop 282. Elliot, the Master of Ceremonies for this Court of Honor, did a wonderful job hosting the evening.
Troop 282 is looking forward to transitioning away from online meetings and focusing on the OUT in Scouting. Plans for the summer include summer camp at Camp Parsons, skills hikes to welcome our newest scouts, and hiking/biking outings for the patrols. Troop 282 will be meeting every Tuesday in June at 7:30 pm at the south end of Lincoln Park, and is open to all boys and girls. Feel free to join us for a new experience in Scouting!
If you have a boy or girl interested in joining Troop 282 or Scouting, go here.
Thanks to Ted for the photo. Breezy weather has brought down branches at the south end of Admiral Way just north of the West Seattle Bridge. Forecast says it’ll be even breezier – with gusts up to 30 mph – tonight.
10:54 AM: The photo and report are from Alexis:
My husband’s van was stolen from in front of our house sometime between 8:00 pm last night and 8:00 am this morning. It was locked and parked in the street. We live in the Genesee Hill neighborhood (in the 4000 block of) 51st Ave SW. It is a white 2003 Ford Econovan 250. It has my husband’s logo on both sides and the back of the van – “Toma Construction LLC.” It contained many tools.
We have notified the police. This happened to us about 6 years ago in a different neighborhood, and neighbors found it dumped and emptied out nearby. If anyone has seen it, please contact us at alexislewinger@gmail.com, at 602-326-7262, or at 206-697-5087.
But first call 911.
2:43 PM: Alexis says they recovered the van – someone spotted it at 40th/Edmunds and called police.
(Mount Rainier and clouds on Friday, photographed by Jerry Simmons)
Options for your Saturday:
VACCINATION POP-UP: The mobile nurse-practitioner service Pliable is in High Point, offering first or second dose of Pfizer, or the one-dose J&J – at Neighborhood House High Point (6400 Sylvan Way SW), 8 am-11:15 am. Make an appointment online by going here.
SEATTLE LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL TOURS: By appointment between 9 am and 3 pm today, Seattle Lutheran High School (4100 SW Genesee) is offering tours. Our calendar listing has the link and more info.
BEACH CLEANUP: Join Jessica and other West Seattle neighbors for the monthly Alki cleanup. Meet up at 10 am. Our calendar listing has info on where, plus how to RSVP.
MAYORAL FORUM: 11 am-1 pm, the 34th District Democrats host a forum for Seattle mayoral candidates; they say 9 of the 15 are expected to participate. All welcome to watch; here’s the link.
PRIDE ART EXHIBIT OPENS: As previewed here Friday, it’s opening day for “The Divine: Beyond the Bounds of Queerness” at Nepantla Cultural Arts Gallery (9414 Delridge Way SW), open noon-6 pm.
LIVESTREAMING FROM HPIC: Beef’s Prime Cuts presents Ron Weinstein Trio, 8 pm, live from Highland Park Improvement Club. Tune in at loudswell.com.
2:45 AM: A sizable Seattle Fire and Police response is headed to the 2200 block of SW Barton for what’s reported as a person “assaulted with a weapon.” Updates to come.
2:49 AM: Officers at the scene – a building lobby – have told dispatch that the victim says he was stabbed at a nearby bus stop. He is reported to be wounded in an arm and leg.
2:54 AM: The victim will be taken to the hospital by SFD medics. No word so far of any arrest(s).