3:51 PM: Today the city’s COVID-19 test site in the Southwest Athletic Complex parking lot doubled as a vaccination site. As mentioned in our pandemic-news roundup last night, the city joined with community-partner organizations El Comité, Villa Comunitaria, the Senior Center of West Seattle, and the Seattle Housing Authority to set up a “pop-up” clinic. As with the test site – which has administered more than 71,000 tests since opening in August – the shots were given by firefighters, including West Seattle resident Roger Webber:
Media were invited for a briefing with Mayor Jenny Durkan, Fire Chief Harold Scoggins, City Councilmember Lisa Herbold, and community-org reps including Senior Center of WS director Amy Lee Derenthal (below left).
The mayor reiterated the commitment she had made to Herbold, that the city will open a mass vaccination site in West Seattle (as well as others around the city) when vaccine supplies allow. They’re receiving a sliver of the regional allotment so far – in the coming week, for example, 1,500 first doses and 1,000 second doses. SFD personnel also continue traveling as mobile teams to facilities such as adult-care homes. The pop-up clinic was focused on high-risk older Latinx residents from West Seattle and South Park, the city explains, noting that, “In King County, Latinx residents make up 24.1% of confirmed COVID-19 cases and 17.7% of hospitalizations, despite making up 10% of King County’s population.” Seattle Channel recorded today’s briefing; we’ll add their video when it’s available.
4:27 PM: Added.