WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: 2 stolen vehicles to watch for

Earlier this week, the Southwest Precinct issued an auto-theft alert, noting that it’s up 14 percent in the past month compared to the same time last year. And tonight, we have two reader reports about stolen vehicles:

My car was stolen overnight. It’s a beige-colored 1997 Honda Accord. A police report has been filed and we’re hoping to find the car ASAP. Might be good to remind the neighborhood to keep their cars locked. License plate is AJJ1695 and we’re in Fairmount Park on 37th Avenue.


Stolen ’95 Chevrolet Pickup, stock 4x, WA plate B18708T– from 4800 block 41st Avenue SW sometime last 4 days.

If you see either one – or any other stolen vehicle – call 911.

2 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: 2 stolen vehicles to watch for"

  • John W November 28, 2020 (7:46 am)

    It was sad and touching to hear from my former business partner Steve about his beloved truck which  a decade ago I had keys to.   I  would spot that Green Chevy PU (customized with a few of my dings) in parking lots, outside the hardware or parked on the street…and I would move it.
    Steve contacted me yesterday about the truck, asking me if I was up to my old tricks.
    I recommended he contact WSB.  
    I long ago returned the keys and stopped my prank, but  I remain hopeful  that the truck is quietly parked somewhere nearby after being used by someone for their illegal convenience, waiting to be found.  

  • 22blades November 28, 2020 (10:12 am)

    It would be an interesting graphic of the number of vehicles stolen by geography. It’s becoming pervasive here. We had a family member get her truck stolen. It makes it a bit worse since we gifted it to her. We’ve “only” had two sets of wheels stolen of our cars. A real double-take, walking out to your car on blocks.

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