WEST SEATTLE WEDNESDAY: Bridge meeting, 10-venue dining fundraiser, free pumpkins, Junction Harvest Fest, more…

(Golden-crowned Kinglet, photographed by Mark Wangerin)

Big day! Here are the highlights:

GET YOUR FLU SHOT: The city has clarified that the drive-up/ride-up flu-shot clinics at local schools are open to EVERYONE, and if you’re uninsured, they’ll cover the cost: One is happening today at Madison Middle School (3429 45th SW) until 5 pm, and others are coming up in West Seattle. Get an appointment before you go; our preview explains how.

GET A FREE PUMPKIN: Happening today outside Lafayette Elementary:

he Lafayette Garden program has extra pumpkins and would like to offer them up to the community! Stop by the school (2645 California Ave SW) to pick one up for yourself, they will be by the flag pole from 10-4, or until they are gone. Our students have been learning all about the ones they took home with a pumpkin S.T.E.M. lesson that encourages the kids to measure, weigh and learn about their pumpkin. Lessons will be out front as well for anyone looking for a fun activity to do with their child. If you are interested in exploring garden programming at your school or have any questions don’t hesitate to leave your name in the box by the pumpkins. The pumpkins were made possible through a grant by the Robins Family foundation (thank you!).

DINE OUT AND SUPPORT WSHS SENIORS: Today’s the day for the big fundraiser we’ve been previewing! 10 local venues donating part of their proceeds to support the West Seattle High School Class of 2021 – just dine in or take out sometime today. Our most-recent preview has the list of participating food/beverage spots. Plus – the band Aurora Avenue at Lady Jaye (4523 California SW) 4-4:45 pm.

WEST SEATTLE BRIDGE COMMUNITY TASK FORCE: Two big items during today’s noon meeting – a presentation about the newly emerged option for a pootentially faster replacement, plus a discussion of the Cost-Benefit Analysis made public Tuesday (here’s our coverage), which compares and analyzes repairing vs. replacing. Here’s the link (UPDATED) to watch the meeting; for questions/comments, before/during/after, email westseattlebridge@seattle.gov.

WEST SEATTLE JUNCTION HARVEST FEST: The 10-day celebration begins today! Get a scavenger-hunt map, stop for cider or cocoa, enjoy festive displays. All the details are here.

5 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE WEDNESDAY: Bridge meeting, 10-venue dining fundraiser, free pumpkins, Junction Harvest Fest, more..."

  • anonyme October 21, 2020 (11:27 am)

    What a beautiful shot of the kinglet.  Their eyes are quite large and expressive for such a tiny bird.

    • Lisab October 21, 2020 (4:49 pm)

      Agree, absolutely beautiful!

  • Diane October 21, 2020 (12:06 pm)

    is there a call-in phone # for the WEST SEATTLE BRIDGE COMMUNITY TASK FORCE?  

    • WSB October 21, 2020 (12:12 pm)

      I have asked repeatedly for one but, no.
      The YouTube link gave us some trouble – we finally landed here:

      • WSB October 21, 2020 (12:26 pm)

        (To be clear, that is an unannounced change of link on SDOT’s part and I will be stressing with them later that they can’t just do that. Apparently the link changed after they finished a practice session. I only found the new link by tracing back to the page of the service that streams the meeting, Participate Online.)

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