HALLOWEEN: Got decorations?

Halloween is three weeks from tomorrow. In this year when so many have already made displays for passersby to enjoy, from chalk art to window-dwelling bears and beyond, we’re already noticing more Halloween decorations than usual. And we’ve received a few requests to provide a Halloween version of what we usually do at Christmastime. “It would be awesome to have a list of houses decked out for Halloween that we could drive by,” suggested Jenny via email. So if you have – or are going to have – or see someone else with – a well-decorated house/yard/apartment window/business … let us know. Photos are great, but if it’s just a tip, please describe whether it’s a lit display (we’ve already seen some excellent ones that aren’t, so people would want to know to go by before dark). westseattleblog@gmail.com or text our hotline, 206-293-6302 – thanks!

23 Replies to "HALLOWEEN: Got decorations?"

  • Alki resident October 9, 2020 (9:27 am)

    Looking forward to seeing all of the trick or treaters this year. I know so many are going big this year, buying extra candy or big bars. Hopefully it’ll be rain free. 

  • Plf October 9, 2020 (9:40 am)

    Parents and homeowners need to think carefully having trick or treating not recommend by public health, this year will not be providing candy, lights out.  Next year hoping our community can do a spectacular Halloween to make up for 2020

  • Lola October 9, 2020 (9:40 am)

    I am buying candy just in case but I don’t think there will be a lot of trick or treaters because of Covid this year, even the Junction’s have said they will not be doing Harvest Fest, or trick or treating the businesses. 

  • Plf October 9, 2020 (9:42 am)

    Parents and homeowners need to think carefully having trick or treating not recommend by public health, this year will not be providing candy, lights out.  Next year hoping our community can do a spectacular Halloween to make up for 2020

  • Anne October 9, 2020 (10:11 am)

    Not sure this year.Thinking i would buy bag of individually wrapped candy bars as usual- carefully ( using gloves) putting them into a bowl- but do I hand out myself-(would wear gloves of course) would parents feel it was safe enough – should I let kids help themselves- no assurance of where those little hands have been- how would parents feel about that? 

    • Alki resident October 9, 2020 (12:18 pm)

      I’d hand the candy out with gloves on. Instead of every hand touching the bowl. 

  • shotinthefoot October 9, 2020 (10:16 am)

    People are letting their kids trick or treat during a global pandemic? Wow, ok. 

  • Yma October 9, 2020 (10:19 am)

    There will  be a 6 foot wide & non-contact at our house. Treats for all ( have a teal pumpkin).  

  • KS October 9, 2020 (11:07 am)

    It seems like there are some safe, socially distant options for trick-or-treating. My kids want to hang candy from a tree in our yard so kids can grab a treat as they walk by. We’ll watch and wave from our porch and refill the tree as needed. 

  • WSB October 9, 2020 (11:07 am)

    Already getting decoration location suggestions. Thank you!

    As for the trick-or-treating discussion, FYI, here’s Public Health/Seattle-King County’s take

  • Ghost with the most October 9, 2020 (12:26 pm)

    Instead of trick or treating this year, how about families opt for a cozy movie night in with popcorn and candy?

    Beetlejuice… Hocus Pocus… Coraline… Practical Magic… some ideas, what are others favorites?

    • Alki resident October 9, 2020 (2:24 pm)

      I think a lot of us have been in front of the tv long enough this year. We’re going to go out and have fun and see others costumes and live our life. Happy Halloween 

      • Ghost with the most October 9, 2020 (3:04 pm)

        That’s too bad, and I understand, the pandemic really sucks. But I’ve also been fortunate enough to have access to some nature and getting outside, thankfully. Just wanted to share for those who might like the idea. Wishing you a fun and safe halloween.

      • Anne October 9, 2020 (3:12 pm)

        So tired of the undertones-that we aren’t living our lives-yes we are-differently – for now-but at our house we have our health , we have each other -we find joy in things we hadn’t before & we’re getting through it-but make no mistake -we are living’, & happy to be doing so. 

  • Chris October 10, 2020 (11:03 am)

    There will be trick-or-treaters unless it is banned by the state or city. If everyone is masked and you are outside on the sidewalk or front yard to pass out candy, it should be OK? I’m not sure about kids reaching into 50 different bowls though…but it can’t be worse than grocery shopping, right?  Alternatively, it would cool to close a street and have a costume parade for kids, with social distancing.     

  • Sommer October 12, 2020 (7:54 pm)

    I’ll have candy! Come to High Point! My plan is to slide it down my front porch stairs using my sons slide straight to the kiddos. It’ll be fun! 

  • Zak October 14, 2020 (3:25 pm)

    Awesome idea! A friend and I were thinking that something like this would be really cool to bring some joy to the holidays. It’s always a delight to drive around Seattle and see all the neat decorations every year! Does the West Seattle Blog plan to do something like this for Christmas too? 

    • WSB October 14, 2020 (7:13 pm)

      We have featured Christmas lights every year for more than a decade.

      • Wyatt October 19, 2020 (10:37 pm)

        Hi WSB, I’d like to clarify what Zak and I were thinking. In addition to the “Tonight’s Lights”, it would be great if you had a list of all the homes featured, like the map you guys did in 2012 with the trees as displays. We love the individual features, but a growing list on one page would be awesome so that we can see them all together.

  • Excited for Halloween October 22, 2020 (7:23 pm)

    Can’t wait for the list to come out!  @westseattleblog any updates?  

    • WSB October 22, 2020 (7:40 pm)

      Trying for tomorrow.

  • Excited for driving through decorations October 28, 2020 (4:10 pm)

    Is the list out? can you please link it here @westseattleBlog ?

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