GROCERY SHOPPING: This week’s West Seattle update

Every Saturday morning – for eight weeks now – we check in on the state of grocery shopping at West Seattle’s standalone stores:

Only one major official change we’ve found, looking around – Trader Joe’s is adding an hour, and will be open until 8 pm starting Monday (May 11th).

West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor) is still the only late night store, open until midnight. It also remains the only local standalone store telling customers they must wear face coverings. (That topic dominated discussion last Saturday.)

There’s been concern in national news coverage about possible meat shortages because of COVID-19 outbreaks at packing plants, but so far we haven’t heard of anything major at local stores. Let us know if you do!
And if you need to check hours, our original list of those is still up to date.

38 Replies to "GROCERY SHOPPING: This week's West Seattle update"

  • HD May 9, 2020 (7:06 am)

    Earlier in the week I stopped at the Safeway at Jefferson Square and needed ground beef. I buy lean and organic and they were all out. All they had was 2 pounds of regular ground and bison. I’ll check again this weekend. 

    • Graciano May 9, 2020 (10:47 am)

      Give the bison a try you just may have found a new meat in doing so!

      • Jn May 9, 2020 (11:09 am)

        Agreed! Bison is delish!

    • Stay well May 9, 2020 (11:05 am)

      During this time of meat shortages for larger suppliers, maybe there are some local farms people can support and who would appreciate the business.

      Also, might be interesting for some to try meat substitutes for awhile.  There are so many nutritious and tasty options. Jackfruit, soy, nuts, beans…

      • HD May 9, 2020 (1:46 pm)

        Agreed! I’m fortunate to have a brother with livestock but it’s about a 3 hour drive round trip. But if it gets out of hand, I’ll head down and get some beef, pork and farm fresh eggs. He’s also selling sides so let me know! All grass feed and hormone free! Oh, and goats milk too which I don’t use but he’s got it! :)

        • Stay well May 9, 2020 (4:33 pm)

          Nice, thanks HD :)

  • L A Myers May 9, 2020 (7:47 am)

    In LA , as of April 14 all essential stores require every customer and employee to wear a mask! How about It Seattle including West Seattle?

    • LB May 9, 2020 (8:53 am)

      All for it and thank you west Seattle Thriftway!

    • Rick May 9, 2020 (11:53 am)

      I thought it was San Fran we’ve been trying to emulate as opposed to LA.

  • Steph May 9, 2020 (9:01 am)

    I gotta say, I went to Safeway on Roxbury on Thursday which I’ve been doing every week. There were probably only 25% of people wearing masks. The 2 weeks prior it was more like 25% not wearing masks. It seems people have really relaxed their efforts. If that continues, restrictions will be put back in place or not lifted. If anything, wear the mask to help protect the workers that come in contact with hundreds of people every day. Help prevent these closures from lasting or returning. 

    • East Coast Cynic May 9, 2020 (6:41 pm)

      I’ve been leery of going back to Safeway Roxbury in spite of the fact that it is better stocked than the Jefferson Square one:  Bigger store with more people walking around.  Greater potential for infectious aerosols to be passed around.  Good to know that more people who patronize the store are being more careless, not.  I guess I’ll hold off on shopping there for a while more, probably until there is a sustained flat line city wide.

      • WSB May 9, 2020 (6:51 pm)

        A household member went there today for an “emergency” few items, though we have shopped once a week elsewhere, only, for a month-plus now. I’m sorry to say he verifies the reports of sanitation concerns and, surprisingly, supply problems.

        • Highline Teacher May 10, 2020 (12:26 am)

          Was also at the Roxbury Safeway Saturday afternoon, and watched two employees stock items without wearing masks or gloves. One was unboxing corn on the cob, and was coughing. Another in an aisle stocking canned food.  And yes, many customers not wearing masks, or incorrectly (not covering their nose at all). Plus children! Astonished with the number of children in the store, unmasked. It’s at though the warm weather negated the fact that a pandemic is still going on. 

  • Norskgirl May 9, 2020 (9:04 am)

    And wear the masks correctly so that both nose and mouth are covered. 

  • AMD May 9, 2020 (9:49 am)

    I’ve seen a few people hoarding meats (buying probably 30+ pounds of beef, chicken, and pork products combined in one trip, plus a loaf of bread) so I wouldn’t be surprised if this lead to temporary outages.  But the major meat processors are still sending ~30% of their products overseas, so I can’t imagine there’s an actual shortage in the US if they haven’t stepped down their trade with foreign markets.  

    • Donna Snow May 9, 2020 (6:58 pm)

      Don’t be too quick to criticize how much food people are buying because they may be shopping for more than one person!

  • Tsurly May 9, 2020 (10:23 am)

    Meat shortage. Glad I’ve been a vegetarian for over a decade.

    • WSB May 9, 2020 (11:07 am)

      In the early going, the frozen vegetable shelves were inexplicably deleted. I wouldn’t usually buy frozen but we eat a LOT of vegetables around here and I was concerned the fresh-produce supply chain might be disrupted … so far, that hasn’t happened. I have a bag of frozen pearl onions (the only unwanted item in one freezer case back in early March) as a souvenir … going to have to find a recipe before long.

      • JDLR May 9, 2020 (11:14 am) isn’t always better than frozen. And yes, this video is about meat, but the same logic applies to produce.

      • C.A. May 9, 2020 (11:43 am)

        Before she passed away, my mom used to wax nostalgic about a creamed pea & pearl onion side dish she’d have, growing up. Pretty basic, but a comfort classic.

      • J May 9, 2020 (2:20 pm)

        My mom LOVED little pearl onions cooked in cream sauce before she became lactose intolerant. I think she called them ‘creamed onions‘ or something like that. It was a holiday favorite. I like any kind of onion in a soup. Perhaps they would be tasty steamed and tossed in a grain bowl. Just a few ideas.

      • Larry B May 9, 2020 (4:30 pm)

        +1 for creamed onions. They’re also great browned in butter and added to beef stew at the last minute.

  • FedUp May 9, 2020 (10:27 am)

    @wsb Costco is limiting meat to 3 items per person only. Some items were limited in supply

  • Flo B May 9, 2020 (11:01 am)

    There is NO shortage of beef, chicken or pork. With restaurants closed there’s even more available. The issue is having healthy packing plants and distribution systems.  Packing plants are set up to ship bulk packages-think 50 pound bag’s of meat-grocery stores cant stock that size.

    • Brian May 9, 2020 (12:26 pm)

      I feel like you’re saying the same thing with more words. If the meat can’t get into the hands and mouths of consumers, it’s a shortage.    

      • Jethro Marx May 9, 2020 (1:04 pm)

        I figure that a meat shortage where most people buy it while meat goes to waste or sits in warehouse freezers ten states away indicates a societal problem with how meat makes its way to our plate. Meanwhile, the Live Butcher is thriving. Good thing the farmer’s market is back, what?

      • KM May 9, 2020 (7:16 pm)

        It’s an example of how complex our food systems are, and how that’s problematic. It’s a shame we have farmers a couple hours away plowing under potatoes, milk being dumped down the drain at dairy factories, and chickens not able to be “processed” for food, and many, many people in need of food in our country.

    • YouDontGnomeMe May 11, 2020 (9:34 am)

      To some degree, there are shortages and yes many stores have restrictions to help with this. Last week Safeway had an ad for heavily discounted bone-in Ribeye (limit 1 per customer), and my uncle joked with me that I should get him 100 packs.  He works for a local butcher chain in the south sound and their supplier has run out.  I also support the other comment of visiting Meat the Live Butcher in White Center; glad to hear they are still doing well, and you’ll for sure get quality meats there. 

  • Reality Check May 9, 2020 (12:07 pm)

    In regards to any store requiring you to wear a mask…. it’s simple.  Shopping at any store is a privilege not a rightStores can refuse your business if you choose to not follow their rules, like being belligerent, damaging property, theft, disorderly conduct or being an ass. Working as a retail manager for over a decade people feel because they are spending money they can do whatever they want to whom ever they want. WRONG

    • Grocery worker May 9, 2020 (10:32 pm)

      Sure, but refusing admittance because of no mask has already led to a murdered security guard in Flint, and led to purposeful coughing on and confrontation of employees, vandalism, and all manner of customer BS to deal with. Everyone should wear them if employees have to, but … It’s not worth having a whole store shot up over.

  • Trickycoolj May 9, 2020 (1:14 pm)

    Did our 3rd monthly stock up at Costco since all of this started. For 2 people we get a full cart load that packs our fridge/freezer and it can last us all month with an in between delivery from Prime for some fresh produce mid month.  Weekday mornings are pretty quiet at Costco and they are back to their regular store hours. TP was in supply and people are still trying to buy more than the 1 per member limit but you could buy one of each brand (1KS + 1 Charmin) to get multiples. Fresh meat is limited to 3 per member so plan accordingly. Cut pork products were plentiful but fresh chicken cuts were limited to wings and I think thighs. Frozen chicken selection was also limited variety this time so you can’t be picky about brand or cut. Only KS bacon was available no fancy brands. Our usual frozen veggies were also out of stock but they sometimes have trouble stocking those in normal circumstances. Plan accordingly and purchase the bigger fresh meat packages or veggies to split up and freeze. We’ll probably start to get back to normal Costco volume and get back to the regular store as this month wraps up. 

    • J May 9, 2020 (2:39 pm)

      We got a rotisserie chicken the other day. It was still very cheap. I don’t know if there is a limit. I heard whole birds might be easier to get as there is less processing needed in plants. A small rotisserie lasts our small family 3-4 meals. Meal #1 a fresh piece with veggie and grain. Meal #2 slice of breast on sandwich. Then pick meat from carcass, and simmer bones and skin with onion skins and ends for broth. Meal #3 chicken soup. Meal #4 (if there are picked bits left) chicken salad either on sandwiches or topping greens or veggies. This is a processing safety problem… so the more processing you can do yourself the more meat you might be able to find. I imagine with some energy you could pick, pack, simmer and freeze in pieces a few whole cooked birds at a time in a small home kitchen pretty easily.

  • Sharon May 9, 2020 (1:16 pm)

    Safeway – have limit of 2 pks per family – pork (if they have any), chicken, ground beef, lamb & beef. signs at Rainier Beach Safeway. End of May expect prices to double.

  • Pamela May 9, 2020 (2:48 pm)

    Don’t forget the Swinery,  at California and Hanford, is also a butcher shop in addition to their to go burger and sandwich menu.  

  • anonyme May 9, 2020 (3:54 pm)

    A message for the steers: make a break for it while you still can!

  • Elton May 11, 2020 (3:39 pm)

    I don’t know if it was reported on before, but I just noticed last week on my weekly grocery forage that Metropolitan Market now has a hand washing station outside the front entrance. Love this and also the dedicated person they have in charge of carts (collecting, sanitizing, distributing). While at times they’ve been out of meats I’ve wanted they’ve overall done a great job of keeping their shelves stocked and I see face coverings on most shoppers there.   

  • Admiral ridge May 11, 2020 (6:28 pm)

    Costco completely out of pork and all beef except short ribs on Saturday. Bacon has been out for a couple of weeks. Supply chain disruptions are real. 

    • Elton May 11, 2020 (8:39 pm)

      Consider that Costco buys in bulk from large processing facilities more susceptible to disruption. Plus, Costco attracts more of the prepper crowd that hoards. Your local grocer buying from local farms not as likely to be as heavily disrupted. 

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