(Pamela photographed The Turkey on Monday, “south of West Seattle high School”)
If you regularly check our daily highlight lists, you know we feature bird photos most days. Today, our guest spotlight bird is The West Seattle Turkey, since several more reader photos have landed in the WSB inbox in recent days. It’s still hanging out in southeast Admiral, although some sightings have placed it a little further south – we’re hoping it doesn’t wander too close to West Seattle Summer Fest this weekend! Meantime, highlights for today/tonight, interspersed with turkey pics:
PROFESSIONAL & TECHNICAL CAREER TRAINING: Explore what’s available at South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) by attending today’s informational session, 10 am-noon – details here. (6000 16th SW)
HIGH POINT MARKET GARDEN FARM STAND: First of this year’s weekly farm-stand sessions, selling fresh produce and flowers grown steps away. 4 pm-7 pm. (32nd SW/SW Juneau)
COUNCIL CANDIDATES IN SOUTH PARK: Conversation and casual dinner with all three candidates for City Council District 1, 6 pm at South Park Community Center. (8319 8th Ave. S.)
(Hannah sent that turkey photo last weekend)
WRITING CIRCLE: Seattle Writes with Hugo House at West Seattle (Admiral) Library, 6-7:30 pm: “Drop by this writing circle, hosted by author Jeanine Walker, for writing exercises and motivation.” (2306 42nd SW)
POETRYBRIDGE: Monthly reading event at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 7 pm, with featured readers Elizabeth Cooperman and Thomas Walton – details here. Free. (5621 California SW)
34TH DISTRICT DEMOCRATS: 7 pm at The Hall at Fauntleroy. This month’s agenda, including a 2020 Census presentation, is here. (9131 California SW)
(Scott photographed The Turkey on Monday, “a couple blocks south of Hiawatha”)
YADA YADA BLUES BAND: 9 pm at Parliament Tavern, “featuring Milky Burgess and friends.” No cover. 21+. (4210 SW Admiral Way)
SEE WHAT ELSE IS UP … via our complete calendar!