2019 ELECTION: Hours left to vote! But if you can’t get your ballot into a dropbox or mailbox…

One more reminder – it’s Election Day and you have until 8 pm to vote. Two issues are on your ballot, both Seattle Public Schools levies:

*Seattle School Prop #1 (Operations Levy)
*Seattle School Prop #2 (BEX V Levy)

Prop 1 is a three-year levy, Prop 2 is a six-year levy. Each link above takes you to official info including pro/con arguments and full measure text; the school-by-school project list for Prop 2 is here. The photo above is courtesy of Michelle, taken at the Junction dropbox (we had been there a bit earlier); you can drop your ballot there (Alaska just east of 44th), or at the High Point (3411 SW Raymond) dropbox (among others – here’s the full list), or get it in the USPS mail. If you absolutely can’t, the county invites you to call 206-296-VOTE; they might even be able to pick yours up – Toni just sent a note saying she’d called and they were sending someone over.

17 Replies to "2019 ELECTION: Hours left to vote! But if you can't get your ballot into a dropbox or mailbox..."

  • Chuck February 12, 2019 (3:32 pm)

    This is Seattle. Where every elective tax is welcomed with open arms. Especially by the renting voters who don’t actually have to pay for them. Seriously, what’s the point of voting? These are gonna sail through like they all do. Wheeee… All kidding aside, Seattle’s tax levy’s are crippling working families. Enough! 

    • Lagartija Nick February 12, 2019 (4:32 pm)

      For the umpteen zillionth time renters absolutely do pay property tax, it’s embedded in their rent! Ugh I’m tired of having to explain this.

      • Mike February 13, 2019 (1:56 am)

        Let me know when you get the $1,300 bill like I will be on this year for it.

        • Lagartija Nick February 13, 2019 (8:56 am)

          My rent went up $400/month last year to cover the increases in property tax etc., pretty sure $3800 is more than $1300 for a yearly bill.

    • Steve February 12, 2019 (4:47 pm)

      Shall we bring back the days when only landowners can vote? Also, everyone pays property tax. Landlords pass the increases straight to renters, who I might add make up a majority of Seattle’s households. 

    • AJP February 12, 2019 (8:53 pm)

      Chuck’s not wrong. This IS a regressive tax, and even as I voted for it, I wished there was something better. Time to support a capital gains tax! 

    • Nope February 13, 2019 (5:26 am)

      Chuck – you think landlords don’t pass every increase to their tenants? I know for a fact mine does because we’ve talked about it when I have received large rent increases. I evaluate a potential rent increase before I cast my vote. The numbers of single family homes still outnumber apartment dwellers, last I read, so you may want to rethink your renters cause all tax increases stance.

  • MercyMoi February 12, 2019 (3:40 pm)

    That’s great news about the county pick up service! We haven’t had mail for a few days so I walked to the Junction ballot box. Walking in the high-rising slush is a workout, and I live close by!

  • B February 12, 2019 (4:04 pm)

    Any word from the USPS about when they’ll start delivering again?

    • Stephanie February 12, 2019 (4:31 pm)

      I called this morning to check on some packages. They said they were filling the trucks up and trying to get to everyone, but it was dependent on how clear the roads are. So.. today or tomorrow, hopefully.

    • Seaspade February 12, 2019 (5:24 pm)

      They’ll start delivering just as soon as the election deadline is closed so we can get those new tax bills in your hands – the same ones that might have changed your mind on how you vote on these special levies.  Tax bill had doubled in five years.  Not a sustainable model, and will adversely impact our “way of life” in West Seattle as things like free junction parking are put in jeopardy.

  • they February 12, 2019 (4:36 pm)

    all my renters see the breakdown every month, that way they can vote with open eyes…

    • WiseWoman February 12, 2019 (9:46 pm)

      Good job landlord!

  • TJ February 12, 2019 (4:49 pm)

    Chuck, renters do pay for these. Landlords pass these right on to the renters. Now, some renters may not realize this when voting as they don’t get a property tax notice like I do. Keep in mind that those wanting rent control want landlords to absorb some of these increases, which is absurd since it would create what you are talking about: a voting base that wouldn’t have as much skin in the game as property owners. I really hope these two levies fail. I got a huge tax increase with the McCleary fix (which some people still say isn’t fixed haha), yet here we are with them asking to continue these.

    • AJP February 12, 2019 (8:56 pm)

      McCleary wasn’t a fix, unfortunately, it was hamstrung by Republican legislators. We wouldn’t need these levies if big corporations like Boeing and people who earn billions of dollars paid their fair share of taxes. 

  • Dan February 12, 2019 (5:46 pm)

    So as of 6pm if it’s in the USPS Mailbox will it count or am I better off trucking to Highpoint?

    • CAM February 12, 2019 (5:59 pm)

      I believe it has to be in the mailbox before the last scheduled pick up and that box gets picked up at 5 pm. I’d bring it to a drop box instead. 

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