BIZNOTE: You asked, so we asked West Seattle’s local True Value store about the national news (Wednesday update: Name change)

ORIGINAL TUESDAY REPORT: Several readers asked how West Seattle’s Junction True Value store would be affected by national news about True Value’s Chapter 11 filing and sale. Short answer: Not much if at all, store management told us – Junction True Value is a locally owned, independent store, like 4,500 other stores carrying the True Value name. The True Value company involved in the filing and sale has just basically been one of the store’s vendors; until about seven years ago, we’re told, it was basically a buying cooperative. (The co-op was explained when we reported on Junction True Value’s long history in 2013, as the store celebrated its 60th anniversary.)

WEDNESDAY UPDATE: As commenter Lance notes, the store has announced it’s affiliating with Ace Hardware. From its website:

Exciting News! We’re switching to Ace Hardware!

After 70 amazing years of serving West Seattle with True Value Hardware, we’re thrilled to announce that we’re officially switching to Ace Hardware!

Don’t worry, it’s not just a new name – it’s the same great people, the same friendly service you’ve always loved. We’re still your go-to spot for all your hardware needs, from DIY projects to home repairs and garden goodies.

We’re excited about this change and can’t wait to see what the next 70 years hold. The transition will take a little time but we hope you’ll come on in and check out our new look!

See you soon,
Bruce Davis, Brian Coulston and the Junction Hardware family

18 Replies to "BIZNOTE: You asked, so we asked West Seattle's local True Value store about the national news (Wednesday update: Name change)"

  • lucy October 15, 2024 (3:48 pm)

    TV is an awesome store with awesome staff.  Connor, who used to run the paint department, matched many many colors for me and every one of them was perfect.  Always had a great interaction with the folks there.

  • Morgan Graham October 15, 2024 (4:16 pm)

    Thanks for the follow-up WSB. It’s good to know they plan to stick around.

  • anonyme October 15, 2024 (4:23 pm)

    TV is a great store, although I do miss some of the old-timers like John.

  • BJG October 15, 2024 (4:58 pm)

    Good neighbors! We try to watch out for them when they’re closed. Not always successfully. We hope they stay right there for years to come!

  • matt October 15, 2024 (5:01 pm)

    This is one the greatest shops in all of WS, always has been. Great staff and they always have what u need. Good “rewards” program too. Matt

  • Gabe Athouse October 15, 2024 (5:23 pm)

    So the True Value entity that filed for bankruptcy is a tool manufacturing brand, the retail store brand did not and is not impacted

  • sbre October 15, 2024 (5:49 pm)

    Soooooo glad that this cherished WS staple isn’t changing or going away.   Like Luna Park, hopefully this type of thinking  will continue for years and decades to come!

  • 22blades October 15, 2024 (5:55 pm)

    Great antidote to the big box store.  The service is truly tailored to what you need over what they want to sell you.

  • Ksj October 15, 2024 (6:16 pm)

    Thank you, this is great news. Our local True Value is the best!

  • Fan of tv October 15, 2024 (6:16 pm)

    One of the best stores in West seattle. The staff goes out of their way to help. They are friendly and I hope they stick around forever.

  • Late Inning Relief October 15, 2024 (9:48 pm)

    For four decades, beginning in 1959, my parents had a hardware store in a city in rural upstate New York.  The store was independently-owned but soon became affiliated with True Value.  The store was an anchor of Main Street’s retail core.  In this, the store was similar to Junction True Value.  Regrettably, as the decades went by, the store was increasingly unable to compete, price-wise, with Lowes, Home Depot, Walmart, etc.  It seemed that customers would rather spend money on gas to drive miles out of town in search of “bargains” at the big box stores, than save time and gas and, in the process, support a local business.   After 40 years, my family’s store went out of business — it was no longer economically viable.  We are lucky that Junction True Value has been able to weather the economic storms and is still with us.   

    • CarDriver October 16, 2024 (6:18 am)

      I remember when the store was still at the junction before they built their new building. Clerks would sadly shake their heads at the number of West Seattleites who would come in getting advice on their projects, thank them and then drive off to Home Depot where prices were cheaper. “sir, I have seen the enemy-he is us”.

    • Sam Brotherton October 16, 2024 (1:44 pm)

      The times they are-a-changing. It sure is a good feeling to walk into our TV here & get friendly help. And it sure is nice to support our local businesses. Big box retailers are not only successful for their lower prices due to their buying power. That they do have. But they also have broader selections and better inventory (especially important if you buy something that’s defective). But what really sets them apart is smart hours of operation. TV opens at 8am, 9 on weekends and closes at 6p, 5 on weekends. Those hours can be really inconvenient for anyone who works a 9-5ish job (8 to 6 including commuting). And inconvenient if you want to start early or work late on projects on your free weekends. HD opens at 6a, closes at 9p all week. So often when I need to buy something, TV is closed so to HD I go. Then I get the lower prices & other advantages too. If TV would make changes to just their hours to closer match what customers really could use, I bet they’d be more profitable & stick around for the long-term. Numerous times, I’ve rushed over to TV to try to get there before their early close, they see me running in before locking the door, I say “I sure wish you had hours closer to HD hours, then I’d be able to shop here more” (even with the higher prices), and every single time the response I get back is something like “Well, the employees need to get home to their families!”. Fair enough. But not a very good business strategy to stay in business long-term. HD has their own issues, competing with Amazon. But having convenient long hours & a good selection will probably keep them safe.

  • GT October 15, 2024 (11:35 pm)

    JTV is a really well supplied store and we should all patronize more for a lot of stuff Home depot has. If you live south m, shop Mclendon’s. 

  • B October 16, 2024 (2:04 pm)

    Always had the Best Christmas Decorations selection in West Seattle <3 Especially ornaments & lights!

  • Lance October 16, 2024 (2:32 pm)

    This didn’t age well.  They are changing to Ace Hardware 

    • WSB October 16, 2024 (2:53 pm)

      What’s in the story above is what they told us yesterday. So it goes. Thanks for pointing it out, though! Updating!

  • John Burkholder October 17, 2024 (9:20 am)

    I miss the old timers too. Congrats to Bruce for celebrating his 50th anniversary at JTV this week. 

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