Junction Tree Lighting & Night Market, pancakes, whale welcome, much more for your West Seattle Saturday

(Photo by Trileigh Tucker from Friday’s orca visit)

It’s a day to “Welcome the Orcas” and welcome the holidays! First, from the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide:

ROTARY SHOPPING SPREE: Rotary Club of West Seattle‘s annual Children’s Shopping Spree, happening now at Sears Southcenter. Students from live local schools will get to shop, have breakfast, and meet Santa.

PANCAKES AND SANTA: Santa photos for kids up to age 10 are part of the Kiwanis Club of West Seattle‘s annual pancake breakfast, 7-11 am at Alki Masonic Center. Tickets are $10 at the door, kids under 10 eat free with paid adult. Buy advance tickets online. **Bring new, unwrapped toys for Toys for Tots!** (4736 40th SW)

SANTA PHOTOS: Get a pic with Santa at CAPERS in The Junction, 9 am-1 pm, by donation benefiting the West Seattle Food Bank. (4525 California SW)

BAZAAR AND BAKE SALE: 10 am-3 pm, holiday bazaar/bake sale/rummage sale at The Kenney (WSB sponsor). (7125 Fauntleroy Way SW)

GIFT WRAPPING: At Quail Park Memory Care Residences of West Seattle (WSB sponsor):

We LOVE the Junction! On Saturdays in December: (1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd), between 10 am and 4 pm, we’ll WRAP any gifts you purchase from Junction businesses! Bring your gifts down the hill, and enjoy some hot cider while we wrap your gifts! The service is on us, but if you’d like to leave a donation for the Alzheimer’s Association, we’ll have that opportunity available!

(4515 41st SW)

SANTA PAWS: At Windermere West Seattle, 10 am-1 pm: “Santa will be posing with your pets, kids, friends, for free photos by a professional photographer. Free, although donations to West Seattle Food Bank are accepted – canned, non-perishables.” (4526 California SW)

WEST SEATTLE ARTISTS’ STUDIO TOUR: This free holiday-season tour is in its second day, 10 am-5 pm, and multiple West Seattle studios are participating – map and info here.

SCHOOL BAZAAR: Noon-4 pm, holiday bazaar at Community School of West Seattle. (22nd/Roxbury)

WEST SEATTLE JUNCTION NIGHT MARKET AND LIVE HOLIDAY MUSIC: Hometown Holidays Night Market in The Junction, 3-7 pm. Here’s the list of vendors. Here’s who’s performing – including The Not-Its at 4:30 pm! Santa pics from 4-7 pm, too. (SW Alaska between California and 42nd)

WEST SEATTLE TREE LIGHTING: 6 pm, Jack and Linda Menashe join Santa onstage to light the West Seattle Junction Hometown Holidays tree at Junction Plaza Park. Here’s the schedule! (42nd/Alaska)

BOOK SIGNING: At Emerald Water Anglers (WSB sponsor) in The Junction. Dec Hogan at 6 pm. (4502 42nd SW)

DECORATE A GINGERBREAD HOUSE: What will yours look like? Build it tonight, 6-8 pm, at West Seattle Christian Church. (42nd SW & SW Genesee)

HOLIDAY MUSIC: Gary Benson’s Christmas Show, “a warm and cozy holiday performance.” At C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 7-9 pm. (5612 California SW)

And from our year-round West Seattle Event Calendar:

ADMIRAL ADOPT-A-STREET: 9 am-noon, join the Admiral Neighborhood Association in the quarterly cleanup – coffee, treats and more provided by Metropolitan Market (WSB sponsor), where you’ll meet up. Tools and bags provided. (41st/42nd/Admiral)

SEATTLE JAM: Two days of wheelchair basketball with teams from around the region, starting 9 am-3:30 pm today at the West Seattle High School gym. From the announcement: “The Seattle Sonics Division 1 and Division 3, Seattle Storm women, and the Seattle Jr Sonics will be playing multiple games over the weekend to qualify the NWBA National Championships. Joining us are teams from Atlanta, Houston, Denver, Canada, Spokane, and Tacoma.” (3000 California SW)

WELCOME THE ORCAS: The Southern Resident Killer Whales have returned to Puget Sound – with a spectacular sighting just yesterday – and today you can celebrate their return at Alki Bathhouse with a free event presented by The Whale Trail and Seal Sitters – 10 am-2 pm – see the schedule here – even an “orca parade.” (60th SW/Alki SW)

(added) WRESTLING TOURNAMENT: Thanks to Laura for sending word of this! ~30 schools’ wrestling teams are at Chief Sealth International High School for a tournament today, starting at 10 am and continuing into the evening. (2600 SW Thistle)

WORK PARTY: 10 am-2 pm at Thistle Street Greenspace, you’re invited to the Native Plant ID and Invasive Plant Removal Along Longfellow Creek Legacy Trail event. Details here. (Map here)

WEST SEATTLE MEANINGFUL MOVIES: “Heather Booth – Changing the World” is this month’s movie. Doors open at Neighborhood House High Point at 6:30 pm; film and discussion at 7 pm. No admission, but donations welcome. More info here. (6400 Sylvan Way SW)

‘JANE EYRE’: The musical’s next performance is at 7:30 tonight at ArtsWest (WSB sponsor). Check here for tickets. (4711 California SW)

See even more for today/tonight/beyond on our calendar and in our holiday guide!

3 Replies to "Junction Tree Lighting & Night Market, pancakes, whale welcome, much more for your West Seattle Saturday"

  • flimflam December 1, 2018 (9:14 am)

    great picture!

  • Toni Reineke December 1, 2018 (9:53 am)

    Bravo to Trileigh for another great photo!

  • ArborA December 2, 2018 (7:22 am)

    Amazing picture of the orca!

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