day : 11/10/2018 11 results

VIDEO: What new Seattle Public Schools Superintendent Denise Juneau heard at her West Seattle stop

October 11, 2018 9:31 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle schools

Seattle Public Schools‘ new superintendent, Denise Juneau, is on a “listening and learning” tour around the district. Last night, she held a town hall at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center in North Delridge. It was supposed to start with an opportunity for youth to talk with her, but there were no takers; the second part of the event was livelier, and she took questions for roughly half an hour. We recorded that part of the town hall on video:

Equity was a major topic of discussion, and Juneau says that refining the district’s definition will be a goal of her first multi-year strategic plan. That’s part of her “listening” on this tour – to get communiy opinions on a variety of issues. Among them, the challenges: simply getting to school is difficult for some, from lack of sidewalks to inconsistent bus service. Juneau said figuring out better ways to transport kids is one of her top priorities as she is “super frustrated” by how the system currently works. She added that in most of the meetings she’s held so far, parents’ frustrations about transportation have amplified the need to rethink how the district gets kids to school because – as she points out – we can ask kids to be in school and then fail them by not getting them to school in a
timely manner.

Other issues that surfaced included how much falls on the shoulders of PTAs/PTSAs, whose fundraising opportunities vary widely school to school, and differences in how much freedom principals have to run their schools as they see fit. Site-based control traced back ~20 years to the late Superintendent John Stanford, but the pendulum is likely swinging back to more district-centric involvement in running schools, she observed. Juneau also heard parents voice concern over language-learning programs and changes in advanced learning. She was introduced by School Board president Leslie Harris, who represents West Seattle and South Park:

The superintendent’s tour has one more stop in Harris’s district – one week from tonight, 6-8 pm Thursday, October 18th, at Concord International Elementary (723 S. Concord) in South Park, with the meeting to be in Spanish, with English interpretation.

West Seattle scene: Hiawatha hosts its first Coming Out Day celebration

Andrea Sisco is assistant coordinator at Hiawatha Community Center, and planner of a brand-new event tonight – a celebration for National Coming Out Day. NCOD isn’t new – today marked its 30th anniversary, in fact – but this was the first time Hiawatha has hosted a event. As Andrea explained in the announcement she sent us last month, “Whether it’s coming out as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ) or as an ally, we come together in celebration and advocacy of equality and living openly.” Activities and resources were there for everyone who dropped in. Among the latter – the Seattle Police “Safe Place” program, overseen by LGBTQ liaison Officer Jim Ritter:

To see what else is happening at Hiawatha (and other West Seattle city-run community centers) this fall, check out the brochure (PDF)!

Scenes from October’s West Seattle Art Walk

It’s a beautiful night to get out and see art … and artists! … from the fall West Seattle Art Walk list:

(Photo courtesy Click!)

FRANCES SMERSH AT CLICK! DESIGN THAT FITS: “With a Little Help from My Friends” is the painting exhibition featured tonight at Click!, created by the shop’s co-proprietor Frances Smersh, photographed with friend and fellow artist Michelle Ting. As noted this week on the shop’s blog, this is Frances’s fourth year living with younger-onset Alzheimer’s, and while she has to rely more on family and friends for everyday assistance, she continues to shine with creative expression, including this work. Stop by before 8 tonight at 4540 California SW.

Also, two stops toward the south end:

(WSB photos from here)

BONNIE KATZ SAILORS @ MITSUI GROUP: Did you know that Fitness Together-West Seattle proprietor Bonnie Katz Sailors is also a visual artist? She’s featured tonight at Mitsui Real Estate Group until 8 pm (6021 California SW). Bonnie’s show “Postcards from Washington” is centered on her oil-painting landscapes.

MEGAN SIMMONS @ VISCON CELLARS: Stop in for wine – tasting fees are waived for those out on the Art Walk – at Viscon Cellars (5910 California SW) before 9 pm and meet Megan while admiring her paintings.

3 businesses mentioned above – Viscon Cellars, Click! Design That Fits, Fitness Together-West Seattle – are WSB sponsors.

BIZNOTE: Wondering what’s up with Gyro Heroes?

Six months after we reported Gyro Heroes was coming to the ex-Baskin Robbins at 4111 SW Admiral Way, it’s not open yet, though signage has been up a while. After weeks of going by almost daily in hopes of finding someone to ask “what’s up?” we finally happened onto someone there today. They’re currently awaiting inspections, we’re told, and hope to finally open within a month.

FOLLOWUP: Waste Management pickups resuming – with delays

Waste Management says it’s getting back to normal after temporarily halting pickups because of the natural-gas-supply concerns raised from this week’s pipeline rupture in Canada. Here’s the WM update for Seattle customers:

Good news! All Waste Management trucks will be back on the road Friday; Puget Sound Energy has cleared us to fuel our clean air trucks. If we missed you Thursday due to PSE’s gas line problem, check below for our recovery plan. These plans are established in consultation with the cities we service and as required by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission.

City of Seattle

Residential – Thursday customers will receive service Friday, Oct. 12. Friday customers will receive service Saturday, Oct. 13.

Commercial – Thursday evening customers will receive service as usual. All other Thursday customers will receive service Friday, Oct. 12 or Saturday, Oct. 13.

Earlier, we published Puget Sound Energy‘s update that it’s getting back to normal.

See where Delridge Way will be repaved, where parking will change, where stops are planned in newest RapidRide H Line plan

Though Metro Route 120 isn’t scheduled to become the RapidRide H Line until 2021, key design and planning decisions are being made soon because it’s a lot more involved than swapping out buses. One big relatively new feature of the project – Delridge Way will be repaved, all along the north half-or-so that wasn’t part of the 2013 south half-or-so repaving project. As shown last night at the SDOT/Metro open house in White Center – the first major update since the one we showed you back in January – other changes big and small are in the works. If you weren’t there, you’ll want to take a look, whether your use of Delridge involves driving, walking, biking, and/or bus-riding. First, here’s what SDOT showed at the open house:

(If that version doesn’t work for you, here’s the PDF.) And here’s what Metro showed at the open house – our display starts with the routing but that’s the last four pages:

(Here’s the PDF version.)

Talking with Metro and SDOT reps at the open house, we learned that while things are currently in the 10 percent design stage,” they will soon be at 30 percent design, so most of the feedback they get now will be addressed in the phase after that – the 60 percent stage. That’s expected to be reached next spring. In the meantime, get your thoughts in now – including the station locations and whether you have any requests about making them easier to reach – here’s the “online open house” you can use to do that.

FOLLOWUP: Puget Sound Energy says it’s ‘beginning to return to normal operations’ post-BC pipeline problem

October 11, 2018 11:45 am
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 |   Utilities | West Seattle news

Just in from Puget Sound Energy – our area’s natural-gas utility – an update following Wednesday’s call for conservation:

Thanks to a combination of efforts from our customers and partnering with other Northwest utilities, the natural-gas system has stabilized and Puget Sound Energy is beginning to return to normal operations following the rupture of the Enbridge natural gas pipeline Tuesday evening in British Columbia, Canada.

We are now reaching out to business customers who curtailed their usage to let them know that they may resume normal gas use. While our calls for conservation are over for both business and residential customers, saving energy is encouraged. Tips can be found here.

Efforts made by our residential and business customers were critical in helping to stabilize the system. Although PSE is returning to normal operations, we will continue to monitor the natural gas system as Enbridge works on their supply pipeline.

While the natural gas supply was impacted due to this incident, there is no damage to the PSE gas system or safety hazard to our customers from the pipeline failure in Canada. There was no loss of electric or natural gas service as a result of this incident.

The pipeline that ruptured was part of a twin-pipeline system, and its undamaged twin has received the go-ahead to restart.

West Seattle Art Walk and more for your Thursday

October 11, 2018 11:02 am
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 |   West Seattle news | WS miscellaneous

(Wednesday night moon at dusk, photographed by James Tilley)

From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

FALL ART WALK: New quarter, new venue list:

Tonight’s Art Walk runs 5 pm to “late,” as usual. Be sure to note the venues that offer food/drink specials as well as those with artists. Special spotlight on Click! Design That Fits (4540 California SW; WSB sponsor) – our preview explains why. Also: Judith Rayl‘s photography show “Reconciliation: Exploring Beautiful Intersections Between Nature and the Human-Made” opens at Wallflower Custom Framing (4735 42nd SW; WSB sponsor). See more artist previews on the official WSAW website!

‘COMING OUT DAY’ CELEBRATION: First-ever celebration at Hiawatha Community Center, 5-7 pm, as previewed here. (2700 California SW)

WORDS, WRITERS, WEST SEATTLE: 6 pm at Southwest Library, this month’s event co-presented by the library and Southwest Seattle Historical Society offers you the opportunity to “hear Cherie Tucker read from her historical novel, ‘Hope Chest‘.” (9010 35th SW)

SECOND THURSDAY OUT! 6 pm, meet at the Senior Center of West Seattle to start this monthly night out for LGBTQ community members and friends. (4217 SW Oregon)

OPEN MICROPHONE: Singers and musicians of all genres are welcome at C & P Coffee (WSB sponsor), 7-9 pm. (5612 California SW)

‘SKELETON CREW’: 7:30 pm curtain time at ArtsWest. Tickets available online by going here. (4711 California SW)

AS ALWAYS, THERE’S MORE … see our complete calendar here.

UPDATE: Assault suspect arrested after police search in Arbor Heights

10:19 AM: If you’re wondering why police are currently searching in Arbor Heights: The search, including a K9 team, is in a wide area centered on 41st/100th but also stretching to the south and east. They’re looking for a woman suspected of assault in what’s described as a case of domestic violence. Partial description: 36-year-old white woman with dark hair, wearing a red shirt. If you have any information, call 911.

10:56 AM: No further updates; we’ll be checking later with police to see if they ever found the suspect, whose workplace was reportedly going to be checked too.

11:09 AM: SPD Det. Mark Jamieson tells WSB that the suspect was taken into custody and is being taken to King County Jail to be booked for investigation of assault.

BIZNOTE: Terjung’s Studio of Gifts announces closing date, final sale

(WSB photo from July 2018 story: Gregor Terjung with daughter Gail Spores)

Back in July, we brought you the story of the family that runs Terjung’s Studio of Gifts in The Junction deciding to close after half a century. They hadn’t set a final closing date at the time, but now they have. Here’s the announcement:

After 50 years in West Seattle, Monday, October 29th will be the last day of business for Terjung’s Studio of Gifts. Open hours are from 9:00a – 6:00p.

Starting October 15th through close of the store, remaining merchandise will be marked 50% off with an extra 10% for all holiday items. Come by to take advantage of the further discounts and say farewell to Gregor and Gail.

The store is at 4547 California SW.

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Thursday watch; weekend Highway 99 closure reminder

(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)

6:59 AM: Good morning! No incidents reported in/from West Seattle.

LOOKING AHEAD: No classes for Seattle Public Schools tomorrow (Friday, October 12th) … Friday night through early Monday. southbound 99 is scheduled for closure, and there are NB I-5 lane closures planned too.

8:22 AM: Jen reports in comments, “Stalled vehicle in left lane heading eastbound on bridge just after bridge entrance from Fauntleroy.”