GONE 1 WEEK: Jackie Dupras, still missing

One week has now passed since West Seattleite Jackie Dupras was last seen by her loved ones. They are hopeful that someone somewhere has seen her or knows where she is and can help bring her home. One big way to help: Distribute this poster, online and offline, because she could be anywhere by now. She has been diagnosed with dementia.

Here is a printable PDF version of the poster. As noted, Jackie is 74 years old, 5’3″, 135 pounds, with red/gray hair. We’ve asked that family and friends let us know if there are any organized searches or other ways people could help – for now, the main thing you can do is to just be on the lookout anywhere and everywhere, and call 911 with any information.

49 Replies to "GONE 1 WEEK: Jackie Dupras, still missing"

  • WSB September 23, 2018 (8:43 pm)

    We don’t have a way to tie comment threads together but in case anyone is looking for the thread on the post before this:


  • Samuella Samaniego September 24, 2018 (2:38 pm)

    Hello. Warning, this is a long comment…….I have checked the Blog several times this past week looking for an update on Jackie Dupras. With a deep background in human services and legal advocacy as it relates to homeless victims of violent crimes, I have taken a strong interest over the past few years in how the system responds to “Missing Persons”. With a long history as provider and administrator for comprehensive service oriented  shelters and transitional housing, my crew and I had more than our share of experience with missing women and children. That said, after leaving messages with persons I could not reach by phone who are acquainted with Jackie Dupras, heres what I did today: After much consideration of the photo of Jackie wearing a 34th District tee shirt, I decided to contact both the media and the State Democrats via their website portal. I attached the PDF flyer made available by the WSB. The tee shirt becomes significant simply because it is an element that might lift someone’s interest (Democrat or Republican) who might not normally take the time to look for her. In my phone conversation with KOMO and KING I explained the situation briefly and offered the WSB updates as a source. I mentioned that if they gave this a little attention it might grab the attention of participants in  political contests going on county and statewide including the attention of party leaders. I know that others have also attempted to get media attention for Jackie Dupras’s missing status. The only thing I had to offer was the fact  that for as long as I have lived in Seattle, I have always been responsive to their requests when wanting comments or an interview with me for reasons not related to Jackie’s circumstances. At the conclusion of our phone discussion both stations asked for another email from me.In my general email to the Dems’ State headquarters  I asked if they might make the information and flyer available via smart phone and email to Democratic campaign staff and volunteers across the County and the State if possible. Volunteers working the townships, streets, neighborhoods and rural areas tend to have a heightened sense of their surroundings so they might be excellent support people in the efforts to locate Jackie Dupras. I gave the State Dems a phone call as a heads up for the email. I wrote another to Tina personally (the State Dem’s Chair) and asked that she strongly consider the stresses being suffered by the Dupras family and friends right now. Aside from the information on the flyer for Jackie Dupras, WSB’s email and phone, my contact info was the only other alternative I had to offer as a contact for media and Party leadership. I reserve hope that somehow WSB or SPD will put media in touch with family and loved ones of Jackie’s as they could more accurately put Jackie’s status into context. Anyone who can let them know that I put my two cents in with the campaigns and media today, I would so appreciate it! Media does not always give you notice so another word to them might be helpful. Thank you for that.I want to emphasize upfront  that a friend and I have an interest in rebounding off of State legislation passed earlier this year regarding missing persons and how the system responds and does not respond to their status. While I am a Democrat (and a Joe Nguyen supporter) our interests in missing persons were born well before the small steps I took today, though we will have a special focus on people without resources or are persons/children who have special needs. Lots of people say this,…… but please all, consider calling your political party’s leadership or your legislators and ask that they motivate staff and volunteers to take advantage of all the footwork happening out there on the streets for various campaigns county and statewide. It might be the one thing that makes a difference.Thanks again. Love, peace to the Dupras family and family of friends.Sam

  • Stanley September 24, 2018 (5:54 pm)

    I think I just saw this woman by QFC at Westwood.  I told the portable precinct that was there and he is checking on her.

    • aCG September 24, 2018 (9:17 pm)

      Oh, I hope your sighting was her!  Fingers crossed. 

    • Beth September 24, 2018 (9:28 pm)

      Can you update this thread? Did it turn out to be her?

      • WSB September 24, 2018 (9:36 pm)

        I would hope someone would have let us know by now – but we have not heard anything.

      • Sarah Dupras September 25, 2018 (12:09 pm)

        My brother checked and we aren’t sure, but it probably wasn’t her. The police at the Westwood mobile station didn’t know who she was or that she was missing, so we left a flyer with them. We also didn’t find her in the area and we had a few people looking. 

  • Noelle September 24, 2018 (9:14 pm)

    Any news from Stanley’s possible spotting?

    • teddy dupras September 24, 2018 (10:09 pm)

      still missing. cop i talk to didn’t know any thing at all. didn’t even know she was missing. i gave him a flyer. if you see her go talk to her or fallow her to cops getter there. 

      • Noelle September 25, 2018 (8:18 pm)

        Thank you for the update Teddy. When she comes home you’ll all deserve a nice relaxing vacation or a pizza party or something!

      • Jamila September 29, 2018 (6:59 am)

        Teddy, ya’ll have been in my thoughts all week and I’ve shared this widely.

      • Alice September 29, 2018 (6:22 pm)

        Teddy, Sarah, Ed,
        I’m watching for her, I’m pushing this as wide as I can.
        I’m thinking about your family whenever I drive or walk anywhere.


  • Lin September 25, 2018 (4:36 am)

    I saw a women who looked like Jackie at Lincoln park it was  afternoon her hair was short in a Bob and she was walking a dachshund. I needed to tell her to get out of the way of a park’s department car and then to get out of a puddle she was standing in she had on black Maryanne styled walking shoes. I assumed she was with a daystar group . Could that have been her because the hair was different from her current pictures? This was last week. 

    • Sarah Dupras September 25, 2018 (12:10 pm)

      Thanks for checking, her hair is the same as it is in her pictures. 

  • Kelly September 25, 2018 (9:06 am)

    Lin, I doubt – and, of course, I’m not sure – that that was Jackie.   Unless her hair’s been cut in the past week, she does not have a bob nor a Dachshund. However, anything’s possible.Knowing that there was a possible sighting of Jackie at a bus stop in West Seattle asking how to get to Pioneer Square,  I went down to the Union Gospel Mission in downtown Seattle on Monday afternoon.  I passed out the flyers regarding her going missing to some of the shelters and spoke with many homeless people down near Pioneer Square, sharing about Jackie.  The first two contacts I made were adamant that they had seen her.  The first couple I spoke with were out on the footpath in front of the Union Gospel Mission.  They seemed to be very clear-headed at the time, and the male told me he was certain that he had seen her.  He recognized her hair color being red with gray roots and a tinge of gray throughout.  I asked him what made her stand out to him, and he said he just notices people if they’re new in the area or stand out for some reason which may have been because of her hair color or, perhaps, that she was mumbling.  I left a flyer with them and told them to call 911 if they see her again and she matches the poster.  I then went into the Union Gospel Mission and spoke with three gentlemen who work behind the desk.  One of them was adamant that she’d been in there in the  past week, eating breakfast and lunch there.  He told me the hours he works and noticing my hesitancy to believe, he said something to the effect that went like this:  Look, I tell you, I’ve seen that woman.  I spoke with her, and she’s really nice.  He had not seen her that day, however.So, all of this could be nothing but at this point, I think we need to follow all leads.  A week is way too long to be missing.  I will be going downtown again and doing the same thing today and all of this week.

    • Sarah Dupras September 25, 2018 (12:13 pm)

      Thanks for this, Kelly. My husband will be going down to the area to look for her today. 

      • JEANNE September 25, 2018 (1:02 pm)

        This is her sister  and I  am heading down there too…also with some flyers. My sister Marcie is covering SODO.

        • Alice September 29, 2018 (6:24 pm)

          I was driving through SODO and the ID today, wondering if I should print flyers and walk door-to-door.

  • Stanley September 25, 2018 (1:59 pm)

    The woman Stanley saw had a rose/pink color zip sweatshirt on with navy blue pants and was about the size and stature of the description.  I had just looked at the photo that morning and when I noticed her, it just hit with me.    She didn’t seem to be carrying a purse or any other sort of backpack etc.  She had her hands stiff out to her side and seemed a bit confused as she almost walked into the wall.  The hair and glasses looked very familiar.   I would have pulled over and asked her name but was in traffic and then saw the precinct van so I thought they would check it out right away, which apparently they did not.  The officer in the van knew nothing about a missing person but took a picture of her off my phone.  He was going to run it and see if she was still missing.

  • Nichole September 25, 2018 (3:26 pm)

    Has a flyer been taken to the ER at Harborview yet ? If she is hanging out at the mission and something happens to her Harborview is more then likely where she will be transported . 

  • Beckyjo September 25, 2018 (7:57 pm)

    I’m just wondering why the police officer Stanley talked to knew nothing about Jackie? Are the police not looking for her? Also the media mentioned very little about her.. Why? This whole situation makes me sad for Jackie and her family.  I look at the blog several times a day hoping that she has been found, I pray that she IS found soon.

  • JEANNE September 25, 2018 (8:55 pm)

    I hit Pioneer Square and walked the streets checking the Union Gospel Mission as well. I stopped at the DESC office on 2nd avenue and left the flyer with someone from the office. They have 17 offices throughout Seattle so seemed like a good contact to make. They deal more with homelessness and needed resources but I figured a picture and information can’t hurt. I have to say it may just be my emotional state but talking downtown seemed harder though everyone was polite but somewhat dismissive since much of the population is marginalized and “lost or missing” is their normal.

  • JEANNE September 26, 2018 (8:28 am)

    Her picture now appears at the Washington State Patrol Missing Person website…

    • Celia September 26, 2018 (8:43 am)

      So sorry you are going through this, Jeanne.

    • Diane September 26, 2018 (10:30 am)

      thanks Jeanne; so sorry for what you and all of Jackie’s family is going through; thank you for the alert that Jackie is FINALLY listed on WA State Missing Persons (Missing Persons WSP)  http://www.wsp.wa.gov/crime/alerts-missing-persons/missing-persons

      • WSB September 26, 2018 (10:38 am)

        Whomever is the contact might consider alerting them to a small but potentially confusing error on the poster, which I’d like to feature when it’s fixed:

        Toward the bottom it says KIRKLAND Police, with the Seattle #. The phone # is correct but if these are used as reference by law enforcement and someone just saw the “Kirkland” mention, there could be some communication confusion along the line.

        • Diane September 26, 2018 (10:56 am)

          I had same concern; why did they list “submitting agency” as Kirkland?  we’ve already had to whack-a-mole squelch rampant false rumors “I hear she was found”; NOT true; STILL MISSING; and why did they use older photo? the photos in MISSING flyer created by Jackie’s family (posted at top of this story) far more accurate; sigh, at least there’s finally an alert

        • JackieS September 28, 2018 (9:11 pm)

          The birthdate also seems wrong, as mentioned by a poster below. I think they used the form from this disappearance and forgot to change a couple of the fields: http://www.wsp.wa.gov/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Bennett_Diana.pdf

          • Diane September 29, 2018 (12:25 am)

            good catch on the other missing person; what a mess, they used old photo that doesn’t look like her now, they put Kirkland as “submitting agency” and have the wrong birth-date; jeez

    • Diane September 26, 2018 (10:40 am)

      here is the PDF for WSP Missing Person alert about Jackie:

      • Carrie September 28, 2018 (4:58 pm)

        How strange this is posted by WSP and they didn’t notice her birthdate and age do not add up here…

        • Diane September 29, 2018 (12:23 am)

          yes, another friend pointed that out couple days ago; I hadn’t even noticed; thanks

  • Judy September 26, 2018 (11:38 am)

    That is a nice picture of Jackie( WSP ) one —–but it does not look like Jackie today.  Look for the women that was initially posted.  I saw and was with Jackie at the senior center 3 days before her disappearance.    I thought that the sighting and description at the union gospel mission was a very accurate.  She is nice,  kind,  friendly,  gentle and trusting.   Jackie has colored red hair with 3/4 inch grey and dark out growth.  Weight and height accurate.   Please find my friend Jackie

    • Diane September 26, 2018 (12:00 pm)

      thank you Judy; yes, I just had to renew my Drivers License and required to get new photo for 1 st time in 10+ years; so this Dr Lic photo of Jackie could be easily 10+ years old; look for the woman in the MISSING flyer at top of this story with longer hair described well by Judy above; I always see Jackie and Ed at 34th Dems meeting, the last one was 4 days before she went missing; yes, please find our friend Jackie; and to Jackie’s family, thinking about you every day; you have my contact info; please let me know if there’s anything else I can do to help

  • vanessa September 26, 2018 (12:27 pm)

    Please tell us how we can help. I know there are many of us who could go out walking and searching together. I can after work hours and the weekend? Is there anyone organizing this? How can we help?

  • JEANNE September 26, 2018 (1:57 pm)

    We really need organized help.I know people want to help and her family are so appreciative. We could sure use a “helmsman” or in this day and age I guess “helmsperson” is more appropriate –  who can map out the area, divide it into chunks and assign tasks. Or other suggestions…..anyone who has any ideas or thoughts on how to do this please put it out there…If that isn’t possible just make sure you post what you are doing daily so her family and other volunteers know what is being covered so they can take other areas.  This is beginning to look like a long haul…so the more organized we become as a team the less duplication, exhaustion and frustration for those who just want to find Jackie.

    • Mark September 27, 2018 (8:37 am)

      Jeanne, has anyone asked SPD about asking for help from King County Sheriff Search and Rescue? They do dementia searches, but this is SPD jurisdiction and they can’t really do anything without a request by SPD. There are definitely reasons it may not make sense to do so as they are not really geared to urban searches, but it may not hurt to ask.

  • ACG September 26, 2018 (9:35 pm)

    Have flyers been handed out at all the Westwood Village stores? Perhaps Stanley’s sighting was not her, but WWV is a main bus hub and if she gets on a bus she might end up there. Might even start asking businesses to post flyers in their windows. Can flyers be posted at bus stops? (I’m not are regular rider, so I don’t know) I’m near WWV and can take flyers to businesses if that hasn’t been done yet. Maybe a family member can respond if someone has a free moment. Jeanne, I agree, a leader should be appointed to keep track of what’s been done and what still needs to be done. You all must be exhausted.

    Flyers to area churches might be good. I don’t know if she would go to a church for help, but every member of each congregation could be alerted to her disappearance if each church is notified. Increasing exposure to more people is what is needed, for sure.

  • Janice Cramer September 27, 2018 (9:50 am)

    All of the Gig Harbor cousins & their families are just a phone call away for anything we can do to help.  Jackie is not just my cousin she was my best friend all threw grade school.  We are all praying for her safe return. 

  • Kelly September 27, 2018 (4:01 pm)

    Yesterday, Wednesday, I went back to some of the same places I went to on Monday and Tuesday.  They were all downtown and included the Union Gospel Mission, Pike Place park and all around Pike Place, Occidental Square, Mary’s Place (of which I’m about to send them an electronic copy of the flyer because I forgot to take them into town with me yesterday), Angeline’s (the women’s shelter on 3rd and Lenora), the YWCA nextdoor, Westlake Square, and the downtown Senior Center as well as I spoke with some cops on bikes.  I planned on just going into town for a bit but ended up going everywhere I could think of and stayed downtown all day. Then I went and had a couple of drinks.  I didn’t get back to the DESC, where I went on Monday so I think that should be checked again as well as I think Westwood Village is a place where someone could walk and check around, handing out flyers, along with the shelters and senior center in Burien.  In fact, check any senior centers and leave flyers with them to put up.  Those who are willing to help could be checking Alki, and Lincoln Park too.  Someone needs to go down to the  Lazarus center at 2329 Rainier Ave S and give them a flyer to post as they won’t take one over email.

  • Beckyjo September 27, 2018 (5:12 pm)

    How about hanging them in the grocery stores, shops and restaurants in the West Seattle area? Someone mentioned that Jackie use to go to the Bridge restaurant on Wednesdays. Do they have a flyer with her information on it?

  • Anne September 27, 2018 (7:35 pm)

    I was at the 50 bus stop at SW Alaska and 44th in the Junction on Tuesday evening and a man was tearing down the posters of Jackie. When I looked at him he said “she’s been found, she’s not missing” while tearing down the pictures. He was a thin blond man with dark cargo shorts and a sweatshirt.

    • Diane September 28, 2018 (12:50 am)

      oh my god; noooooooooo; thanks for the info; that’s infuriating; many volunteers worked hard to print and put up those flyers

  • JEANNE September 27, 2018 (7:50 pm)

    Unfortunately, I have had to focus on my job today.To answer a few queries I was at the Union Gospel Mission and the DESC on Wednesday. Also, Westwood Village did get flyers posted but it doesn’t hurt to post more…bring tape and stapler and plastic slip sheets for poster if you have them. As far as Search and Rescue and Seattle PD the immediate family are the ones with the contact with local police so if you are reading please bring that up with the assigned detective.

    Still working or thinking about organizing….but no plan and little time so still have to wing it. Just do what feels right even if we duplicate it can’t hurt. It feels like a crapshoot so being in the right place at the right time is almost impossible. Putting the little time and energy that I have out there is all I can offer…so true for all of us. Thank you.

    Most storefronts do not allow posters so please always ask for permission. We did post a flyer or two by The Bridge I think someone asked.

  • JEANNE September 27, 2018 (10:24 pm)

    P.S. The women’s shelter in Burien has a poster but we did not hit the senior center.

  • Carrie September 28, 2018 (4:53 pm)

    I’m frequently in White center/ Burien areas and I would suggest looking there. I had not seen this flyer previously and wish I had because she looks really familiar like someone I may have seen several times in the past few days. I hope she is safely reunited with family soon.

  • justme September 28, 2018 (7:34 pm)

    All of the local tent encampments between here and down town need to be searched. I hate to think like that, but my gut tells me so. If she were at a senior center or women’s shelter, phone calls would have been made by now to police stations. I pray for her safety every day.

  • Carlotta R Brooks September 29, 2018 (3:40 pm)

    Is this the same woman who was lost at Folklife this past year? Where was she found last time if it was her? Maybe she has a favorite place she remembers and is trying to return there. My dad does that

    • Alice September 29, 2018 (7:26 pm)

      Yes, same woman.

Sorry, comment time is over.