day : 05/09/2018 9 results

FOLLOWUP: West Seattle Little League state champs’ unforgettable night at Safeco Field

Last weekend, we noted that the state-champion West Seattle Little League 12-year-old All-Stars were to be honored before tonight’s Mariners game. #13 Miles Gosztola‘s mom Brooke Gosztola sent the photo and tells us how it went:

West Seattle’s 12-year-old Little League back-to-back state champs were recognized at tonight’s Mariners’ game. The boys were honored by gathering several M’s players’ autographs during batting practice and were named individually on the field prior to the game alongside the state and regional championship 12’s girls from Kirkland! Thanks to the M’s for hosting a night the boys won’t forget!

The M’s, by the way, won tonight’s game, 5-2 over Baltimore.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Car break-in; purse thief on video; bicycle found

September 5, 2018 9:44 pm
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 |   Crime | West Seattle news

Three reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch:

CAR BREAK-IN: Mike reports, “My Chevy Equinox was broken into (Monday) night right in front of my house on 51st Ave. They took a box of cleaning supplies, and my old Samsung tablet.”

PURSE THIEF ON VIDEO: This is a followup to Lynette‘s report of a car prowler taking her purse and keys. She has the thief on video making off with the purse. It’s not embeddable so you’ll have to click here to see it.

BICYCLE DUMPED/LIKELY STOLEN: The photo was texted along with the report:

Spotted in alley around the corner from Central Park Condos at California/Alaska.

UPDATE: Sound Transit goes public with its evaluation of potential light-rail routes and station sites for West Seattle & beyond

(ADDED 6:52 PM: Full presentation with evaluation information on all 4 segments, West Seattle at end)

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

5:30 PM: Just past the halfway point in the process of coming up with a “preferred alternative” for the West Seattle and Ballard light-rail extension, Sound Transit has just gone public with an avalanche of evaluation information about the options on the table.

The information is being presented to the project’s Stakeholder Advisory Group at the ST board room downtown. We were invited to an advance media briefing this afternoon, with the details embargoed until the SAG briefing began for this meeting.

Three of the five potential routes that are in the second of three phases of review involve tunnels – and the newly released evaluation information makes it clear that tunneling will cost extra money and time.

The document’s not online yet but we have a paper copy and are starting with a few highlights:

The documents are densely packed, evaluating the alternatives on hundreds of points. Cost-wise, ST says the Pigeon Ridge/West Seattle Tunnel alternative would be $1.2 billion more than the originally drafted “representative” project; the Golf Course/Alaska Junction Tunnel alternative would be $700 million more; the Oregon Street/Alaska Junction Tunnel alternative would be $500 million more. Those all would require “third-party funding” to cover the tab, ST says. And while specific time wasn’t cited, the agency says adding tunneling would “affect the schedule” – meaning it would take longer than the 2030 opening goal.

Also from the document, while we wait for a digital version in its entirety (we’ll add it when it’s available added above at 6:52 pm), here are the ST-provided overviews of what differentiates the alternatives:

The above “Duwamish Crossing” differentiating factors refer to the alternatives for getting the light-rail route across the Duwamish River on a new bridge. Also of note above – when you see “low guideway,” that means no higher than 60′ tall; “high guideway” could be up to 160′ tall.

Next, the overview on differentiating factors between possible locations for the three West Seattle stations:

Again, the Stakeholder Advisory Group is being briefed on all this – plus the fine points – for the West Seattle segment, SODO segment, Downtown segment, and Ballard segment of the light-rail extension project. Its members are not being asked to make their resulting recommendations today on what will advance to the next level, but will be asked to do that at their next meeting on September 26th. In the meantime, the next public touchstone in the process is Saturday (September 8th) at the West Seattle neighborhood forum, 9-11:30 am at the Seattle Lutheran High School gym (4100 SW Genesee).

The briefing here at the meeting has started with the Ballard segment and is working its way south; we’ll add to this story when the discussion gets to the West Seattle segment.

6:52 PM: They’re not at West Seattle yet – but it’s coming up after 7:15. Meantime, we’ve received the full PDF with all the evaluation points on all four segments, 113 pages, and you can see it above, or here (10 MB PDF). It’s not yet on the ST website.

7:15 PM: And now, the West Seattle briefing. ST’s Stephen Mak is leading it. It begins on page 87 of the full presentation (now added atop this story, with a PDF link in the paragraph above this one). Note that when it gets to the grids, red means an alternative performs “low” on that datapoint; beige, “medium”; green, “high” performing.

Among the many datapoints are environmental effects; ST singles out the Pigeon RidgeWest Seattle Tunnel option as having a major effect on the (West) Duwamish Greenbelt forest, essentially bisecting it at one spot, they say. The Junction alternatives’ datapoints include concerns about potential for future extension of the light-rail line – where exactly it ends will make a difference in that. (The Golf Course/Alaska Junction/Tunnel alternative is described as best accommodating future light-rail extension beyond West Seattle.) Mak’s briefing is moving quickly now that the meeting is approaching its final half-hour, so by reading the pages above, you’re in essence getting the same thing. The summary page is 106, mentioning all of the key points – cost differences, schedule, differentiators.

7:31 PM: Sloan Dawson, who works on station-related planning, is discussing the results of the charrettes that discussed station possibilities. The Delridge group, he said, preferred the “Genesee Elevated” option. The “West Side Delridge” option might have overwhelming height and bulk, he noted; the 25th SW Elevated option would put the station in the middle of a current single-family-house neighborhood. One group member asked if the cost estimates included more than just building the route and station – did it include other potential features? The answer to that: No.

The Avalon options, which were coupled in a daylong charrette with Junction options, didn’t have a clear favorite. And on to Junction station options: Putting one at Fauntleroy was seen as too distant from the business district; the one with the most potential, at 42nd/41st, especially as a connection in a network that could run between California and Fauntleroy.

We’re listening in on one group which among other things is wondering about effects on the port if the crossing of the Duwamish is routed north of the West Seattle Bridge. It would affect T-5 and T-18, says a port rep, who also noted that they’re hoping to announce a new T-5 tenant by the end of the year. The group also wondered about mixing and matching parts of existing alternatives – ST has said previously that

“This next three weeks is going to be critical for reviewing” all the new information, the Stakeholder Advisory Group was told in summation. And apparently there’s even more information beyond what’s in the presentation we posted above, so we’ll be checking into that too – they include new ST-produced visualizations and those will be available online, ST just said (though they weren’t shown at this meeting). Again, September 26 is the next meeting for this group, at which they’ll recommend what they want to see move forward; that recommendation then goes to the Elected Leadership Group on October 5th.

But before then – if you care about where this is going (and if you read this far, you probably do), don’t miss Saturday morning’s West Seattle “forum.”

If you see what looks like a tank, headed for West Seattle’s Terminal 5 …

(Terminal 5 photo from

Thanks for the tips. The Port of Seattle confirms it has been notifying community members about a military resupply operation that’ll be happening at West Seattle’s Terminal 5 in the next few weeks. Port spokesperson Peter McGraw explains:

Foss Maritime, through its lease with the Northwest Seaport Alliance, is mustering U.S. Army equipment, supplies, and provisions at Terminal 5, as part of a scheduled unit rotation of U.S. Forces to Korea. The military equipment is arriving via train and truck at Terminal 5 and is expected to ship in the next couple of weeks. There will be approximately 800 pieces of equipment, none of it munitions, including oversized cargo such as tanks as part of the vehicles.

Utilizing Terminal 5 allows all parties to gain operational experience and training in the event we must use the terminal because of a regional emergency, like a major earthquake. Moves such as this occur with regular frequency though NWSA South Harbor (Port of Tacoma) facilities.

McGraw adds that a “non-military vessel” related to this operation is due in next week. If you have a question, the port says you can take it to Nick Demerice, Director of Public Affairs for the Northwest Seaport Alliance, at 253-428-8624 or T-5, meantime, remains slated for future modernization, once a new tenant is found; the next public update on that is likely to be at the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce‘s “State of the Port” lunch (11:30 am September 13th at Jack Block Park – here’s how to register).

Highway 99 closure this weekend? Maybe

If you read SDOT’s “What’s Moving Seattle” roundup of events and road work, you might have noticed a SB Highway 99 closure mentioned for this weekend. That’s not listed on the WSDOT websites anywhere, so we checked with 99 spokesperson Laura Newborn. She says the final call on whether the closure is on or off will be made tomorrow.

Orca updates and harbor-porpoise secrets @ The Whale Trail

September 5, 2018 11:59 am
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 |   Seen at sea | West Seattle news | Wildlife

(Southern Resident orca, photographed in 2015 by Gary Jones @ Alki Point)

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

The plight of the dwindling Southern Resident Killer Whale population is in a brighter spotlight than ever, as action to save them is debated.

Local advocate Donna Sandstrom, executive director of The Whale Trail, will provide an update at tonight’s Southwest District Council meeting (6:30 pm at the Senior Center of West Seattle, 4217 SW Oregon).

Last night, her organization started a new season of Orca Talks – opening with an update from Sandstrom, who is also a member of the orca task force set up by Governor Inslee, and moving on to a featured guest’s presentation about a more-abundant, and mysterious, cetacean – the harbor porpoise.

Read More

West Seattle Wednesday: Light rail, Southwest District Council, walk in the park, music, more!

September 5, 2018 10:50 am
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(Glaucous-winged Gull with a snack, photographed by Mark Ahlness, shared via the WSB Flickr group)

Highlights of what’s ahead this afternoon/evening:

HOT TOPICS FOR SENIORS: Be at Southwest Library, noon, to talk about issues in the 2018 elections, as explained in our calendar listing. (9010 35th SW)

WALK IN ROXHILL PARK: Join Sound Steps at 3 pm: “Join your neighbors for a walk on the Longfellow Creek Trail, through Roxhill Park on a .5 mile loop – stop there or continue on for another loop for 1 mile total. Meet at the trail entrance on Barton.”

HIGH POINT MARKET GARDEN FARMSTAND: 4-7 pm, buy fresh-grown organic produce right next to the mini-farm in High Point. (32nd SW/SW Juneau)

WEST SEATTLE LIGHT RAIL: 5-8 pm at the Sound Transit board room downtown, it’s the next meeting of the Stakeholder Advisory Group for the West Seattle and Ballard light-rail extensions. Public welcome to observe, but be aware that there’s no open-microphone comment period. Today’s highlight: The SAG is expected to get technical-evaluation information about the potential routes/station locations under consideration. (401 S. Jackson)

AVALON PROJECT, WHALE TRAIL @ SW DISTRICT COUNCIL: 6:30 pm at the Senior Center of West Seattle, all are welcome to join the Southwest District Council – reps from groups and organizations around western West Seattle – for this month’s meeting. The agenda includes an SDOT update on the Avalon repaving/rechannelization project plus Donna Sandstrom from The Whale Trail. (4217 SW Oregon)

TRIANGULAR JAZZTET: Live music at Whisky West (WSB sponsor), 7 pm. No cover. 21+. (6451 California SW)

JIM PAGE: Singer-songwriter at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 7 pm. (5612 California SW)

OF COURSE, THERE’S MORE … see our complete calendar to find out what else is up.

PHOTOS: West Seattle Elementary students welcomed back to school with third annual ‘Be There Rally’

September 5, 2018 9:49 am
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 |   High Point | West Seattle news | West Seattle schools

(WSB photos by Patrick Sand)

Today marked the third year of a unique welcome for West Seattle Elementary students on their first day back to school – community members greeting them with a “Be There Rally.”

It’s a tradition in many places around the U.S., where the call goes out for community members to “be there” for the students as they start a new year of studying.

The students get high-fives and cheers as they enter the school on a red carpet.

West Seattle Elementary continues to grow, with a projected enrollment of more than 450 this year. And principal Pamela McCowan-Conyers says its students’ successes continue growing too:

That’s Mayor Jenny Durkan standing next to her – also there in support of the students, School Board president Leslie Harris:

But this was an event where the real VIPs were the students and everyone there to show them the community cares:

Side note: While Wednesdays are usually early-release days at Seattle Public Schools, today is a full day around the district.

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Back-to-school Wednesday watch

September 5, 2018 6:58 am
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(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)

6:58 AM: Good morning! So far, no incidents reported in/from West Seattle.

BACK TO SCHOOL: Almost everyone who isn’t back already goes back today, including Seattle Public Schools.

STADIUM ZONE: The Mariners host Baltimore again tonight, 7:10 pm.