COMMUNITY GIVING: Litter League’s August turnout

As mentioned in our daily preview, today was another Litter League cleanup in Morgan Junction – and organizer Jill Boone sent that photo of the turnout, neighbors who spent an hour and a half out cleaning up. Want to get on the e-mail list for future cleanups?

4 Replies to "COMMUNITY GIVING: Litter League's August turnout"

  • Me August 5, 2018 (3:32 pm)

    Very nice

  • NW August 5, 2018 (7:15 pm)

    Thank you for your service,  we have had no significant rain since May in the region and are in s drought. What does this have to do with litter pickup in the community? Plastics and other litter builds during the dry months on the ground and once we do have some heavy rains get washed into our storm drains and directly in some cases right into puget sound. If it’s on the ground it’s in the sound please consider picking up litter  when you see it. Also to note my observation is we in this region for the most part do not litter the trash you see along the street and curb line is that which is strewn out of the weekly routine of garbage and recycling collection, although there are those who litter cigarette butts you know who you are. Stop littering please!

  • Vanessa August 5, 2018 (7:44 pm)

    Thank you all so much. I saw you working out there today and we appreciate you a lot!

  • Junction Lady August 6, 2018 (6:26 am)

    Thank you! 

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