month : 10/2017 325 results

BIZNOTE: Westwood Village QFC ‘grand reopening’ Wednesday

Got word today from QFC that it’s planning an event Wednesday morning to celebrate the completion of its $2.8 million Westwood Village remodeling project. At 8 am, they will hand out gift bags to the first 200 customers, with “a coupon for a ‘free breakfast’ (a dozen eggs, package of bacon, muffins, and carton of orange juice) as well as a QFC gift card. The gift cards will be for $5, with one for $300 mixed in.” The celebration also will feature free cake and coffee, with a ribboncutting at 8:30 am.

TRAFFIC ALERTS: Eastbound West Seattle Bridge from Fauntleroy; Olson Place

(Added: Reader photo)

11:24 AM: Thanks for the texts. A crash on the eastbound West Seattle Bridge from Fauntleroy is near the curve, we’re told, blocking at least one lane, and a texter says the jersey barrier has again been displaced – which happened multiple times because of crashes earlier this week. So if you need to get to the eastbound bridge, you might consider using Avalon or Delridge instead, for a while.

11:33 AM: SFD has already closed out of the crash call, so, no major injuries.

11:54 AM: Still a trouble spot, though, according to SDOT’s Travelers Map as well as Twitter reports.

Meantime, a new crash – Olson Place SW, southbound per scanner, 9200 block, just before Myers Way [map]. Minor injuries but if you’re headed south/eastbound in the Roxbury corridor, take note.

BIZNOTE: Spud Fish & Chips on Alki closed until mid-November

9:25 AM: As noted in the WSB Forums, Spud Fish and Chips on Alki is closed for what its website describes as “maintenance/repairs,” so if you were planning on fish and chips for a weekend lunch, you won’t find it there until mid-November. Yes, there are other fish-and-chips options, including nearby Sunfish, but Spud has a long history – having celebrated its 75th anniversary back in 2010.

11:48 AM: Went down to check out the door sign (photo added above), which says Spud expects to reopen November 13th.

West Seattle Saturday: Duwamish Alive! & much more

(Photo by Patrick Wirth – who found this falcon hawk perched outside his window one recent morning)

Welcome to the weekend! Highlights of what’s happening in West Seattle, from our calendar:

DUWAMISH ALIVE! Work parties along the river and in the watershed, 10 am-2 pm; this twice-yearly event is usually rain or shine. At T-107 Park in West Seattle, it will start with speakers including West Seattle/South Park City Councilmember Lisa Herbold. (4700 W. Marginal Way SW). Other events include tree planting at Greg Davis Park on Longfellow Creek (at Juneau) and at Point Rediscovery (10040 Des Moines Memorial Dr.). Find other events via our preview.

22ND/HENDERSON FOLLOWUP: 10 am-4 pm, volunteer work party on the slope where goats cleared away the overgrowth a year ago. All welcome; service hours available for students. (22nd SW/SW Henderson)

DUWAMISH NATIVE ARTS AND CRAFTS MARKET: 10 am-6 pm at the Duwamish Tribe Longhouse in West Seattle, second day of this month’s market. Details in our calendar listing. (4705 W. Marginal Way SW)

OPEN HOUSE: At Holy Rosary School, 10 am-1 pm, preschool through 8th grade. (42nd SW/SW Genesee)

PANCAKE BREAKFAST SUPPORTING SAFEFUTURES YOUTH CENTER: Support an organization that’s working with vulnerable youth in our community. Come to the benefit breakfast 10:30 am-12:30 pm at Kenyon Hall – details here. (7904 35th SW)

EMBROIDERY AT THE LIBRARY: Part of Southwest Library‘s art-making series, embroidery for 7 and up, 10:30 am-12:30 pm. Free. (9010 35th SW)

(added) FALL MAKERS DAY: Under way until 4 pm at CAPERS in The Junction, which sent the photo:

“Featuring local artists and makers. Fine art, children’s art and clothing, jewelry and chocolate are featured in the Pop-Up shops today until 4 pm.” (4525 California SW)

OCTOBERFEST: 1-7 pm at Welcome Road Winery (WSB sponsor), all ages: “Enjoy Bavarian noshes and our new 2014 Roadtrip Red – the perfect fall wine. No dirndl or lederhosen required. Tastings are just $5 (waived with bottle purchase) and noshes are gratis.” (3804 California SW)

TALK WITH YOUR SCHOOL BOARD REP: West Seattle/South Park Seattle Public Schools Board of Directors rep Leslie Harris welcomes you to her community-conversation drop-in meeting, 3-5 pm at Delridge Library. (5423 Delridge Way SW)

TINKERLAB STEM CHALLENGE: 3-4:30 pm at Southwest Library; all ages welcome. Free. (9010 35th SW)

ROO FORREST AND FRIENDS: “Eclectic mix of originals and covers” at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 7-9 pm. (5612 California SW)

SCHOLARSHIP FUND BENEFIT: West Seattle Hall of Fame member Tom Collier performs at Kenyon Hall to raise money for the WSHS Scholarship Fund, 7:30 pm. (7904 35th SW)

WEST END GIRLS: A DRAG SPOOKTACULAR: Pre-Halloween edition of the drag showcase at The Skylark, doors at 8, show at 9, details here. 21+. (3803 Delridge Way SW)

DARWIN’S FINCHES, MANNEQUIN BBQ, BABY CROW FLIGHT SCHOOL: “Rock with stellar musicianship” and “songbird vocal harmonies” at Parliament Tavern, 9 pm-midnight. $5 cover. 21+. (4210 SW Admiral Way)

VIDEO/PHOTOS: Playoffs next for Chief Sealth after homecoming victory over Bainbridge

October 20, 2017 9:49 pm
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9:49 PM: That’s one of Chief Sealth International High School #8 Dontae McMillan‘s touchdowns tonight at Southwest Athletic Complex, where the Seahawks beat the Spartans of Bainbridge High School, 24-6. It was Sealth’s homecoming night and senior night, and we have lots of photos and details to come later tonight. This was also their last regular-season game of the year – ending with a 6-2 record – and it was announced that their first postseason game will be 5 pm next Friday at Memorial Stadium downtown vs. Seattle Prep. More to come!

ADDED EARLY SATURDAY: As announcer Eddie Snead (a 9th-grade social-studies teacher) put it, it was a fine defensive game. Both defenses dominated so much that the halftime score was only 6-6. And that was just two and a half minutes after Bainbridge got its only touchdown of the game. With seconds to go until halftime, they tried and failed to make a distant field goal – “way off,” Mr. Snead pronounced it. His announcing is a highlight of Sealth games but tonight he was really on a roll, so we stopped in for a photo:

During halftime, there was a pie-throwing contest – our video shows Ms. Parker from the independent living and hospitality program:

The cheerleaders of course performed – otherwise, it was a huddling-for-warmth kind of night, with a brisk wind in the stadium.

The band took the field:

We caught a bit of the “Munsters Theme” on video:

A few minutes into the third quarter, Mr. Snead observed that it had been a penalty-laden game, more than 80 yards worth for Sealth alone. “More flags than the United Nations!”

McMillan’s second TD (seen in the top video clip) broke the tie with 5:01 to go in the third quarter, giving Sealth a 12-6 lead.

#5 Diego Jackson got one with 10:18 left in the game – “no flags!” declared Mr. Snead jubilantly – and it was 18-6. Final Sealth TD was with just over a minute left, and that resulted in the final score, 24-6.

The game – which had started early, 5 pm, since it was homecoming night – was over, but not the festivities. Seniors were honored:

Head coach Ted Rodriguez read their names and their post-high-school plans. Then came the announcement of next week’s playoff game, and everyone headed out into the wind-chilled night.

SUNDAY: Where and when to join Fauntleroy Creek drumming to call the salmon home

October 20, 2017 9:30 pm
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 |   Environment

judyporch2-2(WSB photo, October 2016)

With rain in the forecast, Fauntleroy Creek steward Judy Pickens tells WSB that Sunday’s annual drumming and singing to call the salmon home will be on her porch as it was last year – just down the path from the northeast edge of the Fauntleroy Creek overlook at Fauntleroy/Director (across and upslope from the ferry terminal). “If more people than last year brave the weather, we’ll move into the back under cover of our boat shed.” Start time is still 5 pm. “In addition to drumming and singing (led again by Jamie Shilling), we’ll make welcome flags for the spawners, which I’ll hang at the viewpoint during a break in the rain.” Judy adds, “The watch officially starts Sunday. State Fish and Wildlife is predicting a strong but somewhat late return of coho to the Sound, so we expect to watch into mid-November.” Seven spawners were counted last year – which was seven more than the spawner-less previous year. By the way, all ages are welcome at Sunday’s drumming/singing event.

VIDEO: ‘2 miles of tunnel in 2 minutes’

In case you haven’t already seen it – with the planned opening of the Alaskan Way Viaduct-replacing tunnel getting closer all the time (still estimated for early 2019), WSDOT has put together a two-minute video featuring a drone’s-eye view of what it looks like inside right now. It’s been six and a half months since the tunneling machine finished its part of the job. A short WSDOT update accompanying the video says the tunnel’s upper deck is 85 percent complete. For a more-detailed progress report, go here. And if you’ve forgotten details such as “how do you get from West Seattle to downtown once the tunnel opens,” this might help.

WEST SEATTLE WEATHER: The sunset between the storms

October 20, 2017 6:56 pm
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Thanks to James Bratsanos for the view of tonight’s sunset – a peek of golden sunshine before another round of stormy weather moves in. The National Weather Service has the entire county under a Flood Watch alert for Saturday afternoon through Sunday night – so check those storm drains in the morning!

FOLLOWUP: 3 charged with murdering Derek Juarez-Lopez in Westcrest Park

The three suspects arrested in the September stabbing death of 15-year-old Derek Juarez-Lopez are all now charged with first-degree murder: 18-year-old Jonatan Islas-Martinez, 17-year-old Elizabeth Cabrera-Aparicio, and 16-year-old Diego S. Carballo-Oliveros, all three of whom live in West Seattle. (The latter two are charged as adults, so we are publishing their names.) The charging papers say that Carballo-Oliveros already was facing charges of robbery and attempted robbery in an unrelated case, and was due in court the day after the murder that led to these charges.

The narrative in the charging documents is largely the same as what we reported yesterday from the documents in Islas-Martinez’s probable-cause hearing, with a few additions: Prosecutors describe Cabrera-Aparicio as Carballo-Oliveros’s girlfriend, but also had written that she was the victim’s girlfriend. Also, the documents quote an unidentified witness as saying he went to Westcrest Park with Carballo-Oliveros with the expectation they were going to buy and smoke marijuana, and they awaited “the dealer.” The victim showed up with Cabrera-Aparicio and showed a glass jar that was in his backpack, “just enough of the jar that would clearly show that it was filled with marijuana, which, according to (the witness), is a common practice when purchasing an ounce of marijuana, which was the case in this transaction.” (The witness) said that as soon as Carballo-Oliveros saw the marijuana, “he demanded everything” from the victim, who resisted – and then, the documents say, was stabbed by Carballo-Oliveros, who had removed a “medium-sized knife” and flipped it open. The victim tried to run but was pushed down from behind. Islas-Martinez then grabbed the backpack and ran, the witness said, while the victim remained on the ground and Carballo-Oliveros allegedly said, “That wasn’t supposed to happen, I don’t want to have to kill you.” He then ran, said the witness,who did the same thing, saying he didn’t realize the victim was hurt.

Next steps in the case: All three defendants are scheduled for arraignment November 2nd. Bail for each is now set at $1 million.

Early-morning noise in northeast West Seattle: Mechanical problem at Nucor

First thing this morning, several people asked us about a loud noise heard from North Delridge to Pigeon Point in the 4 am hour, described as crashing-type sounds. Most thought it was coming from the Nucor steel mill, so we checked with them first. Environmental manager Pat Jablonski called us back this afternoon to confirm that the mill was the source of the noise, which he attributed to a “mechanical problem” in their processing. They shut the mill down to fix it, and it’s back in operation now. Nobody was hurt. He says Nucor is concerned about being a good neighbor and has done all it can to be sure this doesn’t happen again.

SCHOOL SAFETY: Sealth principal’s letter about homecoming night

Thanks to the parents who shared this letter sent to Chief Sealth International High School families:

Dear Chief Sealth families,

As you are probably aware, tonight is our Homecoming game and Dance. Homecoming is an exciting event for our students. There is increased activity around the school including more former and non-district students. We want to ensure that we have a safe and fun Homecoming celebration and have been developing plans to make this a wonderfully memorable occasion.

Yesterday after school a student alerted us to a rumors of a potential disruption at Homecoming. Although no specific threats were identified, we alerted the Seattle Police Department (SPD). Because of recent community violence, we wanted to make sure that the Southwest Precinct was aware of our student’s concerns, so that they could support our Homecoming. In an abundance of caution, SPD will be assigning additional officers to our event today. We appreciate their support.

Please know that we take safety on our campus very seriously, the well-being of our students is our top concern. We are committed to doing everything we can to keep our students safe during all school activities. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. I will be happy to speak with families and guardians directly. In the meantime, please join us for our wonderful Homecoming activities tonight.


Aida Fraser-Hammer
Principal, Chief Sealth International High School

This time of year, we’re at Southwest Athletic Complex every Friday night, covering whichever team is playing a home game, so we can tell you that police are almost always on hand at SWAC games, whether there’s an incident or not. We usually see them in local high-school gyms during varsity basketball games, too.

VIDEO: How mayoral, council candidates answered West Seattle Chamber, Transportation Coalition questions

Got your ballots yet? Ours just arrived. As voting begins, this fall’s candidates are still making the rounds to ask for your vote, and six citywide candidates were in West Seattle last night doing just that.

The West Seattle Chamber of Commerce and WS Transportation Coalition hosted the mayoral and council candidates at American Legion Post 160, with more than 50 people braving the blustery weather to see and hear the forum in person.

If you couldn’t be there, we recorded it all, and have text highlights too – not full transcription, but the best we could do at capturing key points the candidates made. First, video of each faceoff:

Pete Spalding from the Chamber board moderated the forum, after brief remarks from Keith Hughes of Post 160 – who noted that the venue is an old schoolhouse gymnasium – and Deb Barker of the WSTC, reminding all that West Seattle’s bridges are the city’s busiest roads, followed Chamber board president Paul Prentice, who gave an overview of West Seattle’s business community. The peninsula is facing “serious issues” that require “serious leadership to resolve,” Prentice noted.

Now, our text highlights. Both sets of council candidates were asked the same questions. First up: City Council Position 8, the citywide position for which now-Mayor Tim Burgess was not running for re-election.

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ROAD WORK UPDATE: 2nd weekend of SW Edmunds work rescheduled

October 20, 2017 11:02 am
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As mentioned in our morning traffic coverage, we were checking with SDOT to see if SW Edmunds was indeed going to be closed again this weekend at 40th SW for continuing repaving work. Just heard back from SDOT’s Sue Romero, who tells us it’s being rescheduled since more heavy rain is anticipated, and they’re now expecting to resume the work October 28-29.

FOOTBALL: Chief Sealth’s head coach Ted Rodriguez discovers post-retirement ‘adventure’ back on the field

(WSB photo: Coach Ted Rodriguez, last month)

By Tracy Record and Patrick Sand
West Seattle Blog co-publishers

Tonight, Chief Sealth International High School head football coach Ted Rodriguez leads his players onto the field at Southwest Athletic Complex for their last regularly scheduled game of an already very successful season.

They’re 5-2. They have the Huling Bowl trophy for the first time in three years. Those are just part of this season’s highlights.

All this after Coach Rodriguez quietly took over the team at the start of the year. Along with leading Sealth’s football team, he’s also athletic director and house administrator next door at Denny International Middle School.

And he’s working after having come out of retirement – twice.

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West Seattle Friday: Dancing, skating, shopping…

October 20, 2017 9:00 am
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 |   West Seattle news | WS miscellaneous

(Sanderling, photographed at Constellation Park this week by Mark Wangerin)

From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

DUWAMISH NATIVE ARTS AND CRAFTS MARKET: 10 am-6 pm at the Duwamish Tribe Longhouse in West Seattle – details in our calendar listing. (4705 W. Marginal Way SW)

THE STORY WITH NIKKITA OLIVER: 3:30 pm-5 pm at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, Totem Star presents a youth-led conversation with Nikkita Oliver. (Adults are welcome too, to observe.) Details in our calendar listing. (4408 Delridge Way SW)

FOOTBALL: Chief Sealth International High School‘s last regularly scheduled home game – also homecoming and Senior Night – is at Southwest Athletic Complex, 5 pm, vs. Bainbridge Island High SchoolWest Seattle High School is on the road vs. Bishop Blanchet (8400 Wallingford Ave. N.), 7 pm.

TASTING ROOMS: The Viscon Cellars (WSB sponsor) tasting room north of Morgan Junction is open 5-9 pm. (5910 California SW) … The Welcome Road Winery (WSB sponsor) tasting room south of Admiral is open 5-8 pm. (3804 California SW)

NATURAL WINE TASTING: 5-8 pm at Sound and Fog in The Junction. (4735 40th SW)

FRIDAY NIGHT SKATING: Skate at Alki Community Center, 5:45-7:45 pm! (5817 SW Stevens)

SQUARE DANCING & DINNER AT HIGHLAND PARK ELEMENTARY: 6 pm dinner, 7 pm dancing, free! at Highland Park Elementary (but if you can make a donation, it’s also a fundraiser for the HPE PTA). All welcome. (1012 SW Trenton)

HARVEST DANCE AT THE Y: 6:30-8 pm, fun hoedown at the West Seattle YMCA (WSB sponsor), free to members, $10/family for nonmembers. (36th SW/SW Snoqualmie)

BOBCAT BOB: Live music with the one and only “Bobcat Bob” (Bob Rice) at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 7-9 pm. (5612 California SW)

AT PARLIAMENT TAVERN: Johnny & The Moles and Pistil Whipped Project, 9 pm-midnight, rock/jazz. $7 cover. 21+. (4210 SW Admiral Way)

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Friday watch; weekend previews

October 20, 2017 6:12 am
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(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)

6:12 AM: Good morning! So far, no incidents in/from West Seattle.

WEEKEND PREVIEWS: The rain is forecast to get heavy again Saturday night … You might recall that SDOT originally announced paving at 40th/Edmunds would close Edmunds west of Fauntleroy again this weekend. We’re checking this morning to see if that’s still on … In the stadium zone, Sounders FC has a home match at 1 pm Sunday vs. the Colorado Rapids, as noted on SDOT‘s citywide weekend-event lineup.

7:14 AM: Still quiet!

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Updates on 3 court cases

From the online court files:

ABEL LINARES: The second suspect arrested in last month’s murder of Edixon Velasquez outside his Westwood home was arraigned today. Linares, 19, pleaded not guilty to the first-degree murder charge filed against him two weeks ago. Online court files also show his lawyer filed an objection to the fact that probable cause was found to hold Linares based mostly on two unidentified witnesses saying he told them he shot Velasquez. Linares remains jailed in lieu of $1 million, as does the first suspect arrested in the case, 21-year-old Anna Kasparova (who was supposed to have a case-setting hearing today,but it’s postponed until next Tuesday because her lawyer is sick). His next hearing is set for November 2nd.

RYAN COX: The repeat offender charged with second-degree assault in the stabbing of a man at California/Orchard in August remains in jail, insisting on going to trial, but the trial date was pushed back at his most recent hearing. If it doesn’t change again, Cox is scheduled for trial the week after Thanksgiving. His bail remains set at $150,000.

JESSICA DETRICK: This repeat offender has just pleaded guilty in the most recent case against her. It wasn’t in West Seattle, but court documents say an image published here from a West Seattle burglary was instrumental in identifying her. She has pleaded guilty to attempted burglary of a residence on Queen Anne back in March. She was recorded on video, accompanied by her dog, as she had been in West Seattle incidents. Documents say that when the victim posted about the attempted break-in online, someone pointed her to a previous report about Detrick on WSB. That led to the involvement of a West Seattle detective who identified her as the suspect. As part of her plea bargain, prosecutors will recommend two years in prison when she is sentenced on November 3rd.

POWER OUTAGE UPDATE: Why 43 customers on Charlestown Hill lost electricity for 14+ hours

9:55 PM: Thanks to those who just messaged to let us know about a power outage on Charlestown Hill. The Seattle City Light map shows 43 customers out as of just after 9 pm, no cause yet, restoration estimated by 3 am (but remember, it might be sooner … or later). Let us know if you see an SCL truck in the area – that’s usually the main clue about the outage’s origin.

10:07 PM: The SCL map has updated to blame this outage on unspecified “equipment failure.”

5:52 AM: Still out, the map says, now estimating restoration is still a few hours away.

12:01 PM: The power is finally back after 14+ hours. We asked City Light’s Scott Thomsen about the cause and why it took so long to fix. His reply:

The outage you asked about was caused by the failure of a piece of equipment called a limiter. A limiter limits the amount of current flow to protect equipment from power surges.

When it blew, the surge that was then allowed damaged an underground cable, which had to be repaired. Finding the exact damage spot on an underground cable can be challenging, sometimes involving digging up different spots to check its condition. This one did take a long time to find the damage and repair it.

FOLLOWUP: If you’ve been wondering about Olympia Coffee’s West Seattle shop …

When Olympia Coffee announced in May that it would open a West Seattle café, its proprietors hoped to open this month. It’s going to take a bit longer, co-proprietor Sam Schroeder tells WSB, because of a construction delay related to some logistics that are out of their hands, which he says involve the city and the developer of Rally, the townhouse/live-work complex where they plan to open at 3840 California SW. “We are so excited to open in West Seattle, I personally can’t wait to serve our delicious coffee to the community that I grew up in,” Schroeder told us via e-mail, while saying he’s frustrated that “things are moving comically slow. It is hard to make a firm estimate on an opening date, since this delay is out of our hands. I can say that we have already made a lot of progress doing some offsite work. Including having Windfall Lumber mill of all of the wood we will use in construction, as well as getting some custom equipment built, along with the construction of our cabinets, and some custom metal work for our furniture.” Again, this phase of the project is not entirely in their control, but Schroeder says, ” If I had to make a guess, I would say that we will be open by the end of the year.”

P.S. Once they do open, he says, their hours will be 6 am-6 pm daily.

ROADSIDE RAINGARDENS: Drop-in discussions next week for Longfellow Natural Drainage Systems Project

October 19, 2017 6:13 pm
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The rainy season is here, and Seattle Public Utilities is getting to the next phase of deciding where to install 7-10 blocks of natural drainage systems – such as roadside raingardens – for the Longfellow Natural Drainage Systems Project. It’s hosting drop-in discussions at two spots next Wednesday (October 25th). From SPU spokesperson Brian Mickelson:

For these drop-in sessions, SPU is most interested in hearing from folks that live along the blocks we’re considering installing natural drainage. That includes 30th Ave SW between SW Barton St down to just below SW Roxbury St, 29th Ave SW between SW Barton St and SW Roxbury St, 25th Ave SW between SW Barton St and SW Roxbury St, and the area immediately surrounding 24th Ave SW and SW Kenyon St (we sent the attached postcard to those neighbors specifically). That said, we are of course happy to chat with anyone that wants to stop by.

The drop-in discussions will be 4-6 pm Wednesday at 30th/Barton and 24th/Kenyon. For more backstory, see the project FAQ here. The city announced the project back in May, saying that construction is expected in 2019.

VIDEO: Quake-readiness lessons for students in Great Washington ShakeOut

October 19, 2017 4:27 pm
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 |   Genesee Hill | Preparedness | West Seattle news

Disaster preparedness is for all ages. Genesee Hill Elementary students provided an example of that during this morning’s Great Washington ShakeOut earthquake drill:

As you can see, they knew what to do – and got the all-clear to emerge after 60 seconds:

Genesee Hill – which, at just one year old, has plenty of upgraded seismic-safety features – was by no means the only school participating today, but Seattle Public Schools chose it as the school to host interested media, like us. It also became a teaching occasion:

Those students were showing classmates a map with a closer look at the Pacific Rim’s “Ring of Fire” quake-fault-and-volcano zone. Some learned about emergency supplies by tasting them:

(The review: A bit sweet. Turned out it contained some coconut water.) Students were also asked to tell their neighbors one thing they would do in case of an emergency:

P.S. One important extra lesson for West Seattleites – separate from today’s official event but something you need to know – your nearest Emergency Communication Hub!

Shiny, silver, stolen: Seen this Airstream, taken near Alki? – FOUND!

ORIGINAL OCTOBER 19TH REPORT: Last time we published a photo of a stolen trailer, a WSB reader found it. Maybe that’ll happen this time too – given how conspicuous this particular trailer would be. The photo is from Esther, and it’s her vintage 28-foot Airstream, stolen from her driveway in the Alki area sometime after midnight last night/early today, possibly around 12:30 am, when neighbors heard some noises. “It’s a 1972 Land Yacht, with a high $ and sentimental value.” Call 911 if you think you’ve seen it; refer to SPD incident # 17-388291.

UPDATE: Found, thanks to commenter Michael‘s photo!

UPDATE: Kitchen fire @ Lofts at The Junction, 1 treated for smoke inhalation

1:43 PM: Seattle Fire is sending a “full response” for a possible apartment fire at 44th/Oregon. The first unit on scene is seeing some “white smoke from a 5th floor window.”

1:50 PM: Our crew isn’t there yet but we’re hearing via the scanner that this is a kitchen fire. Just added photo above, courtesy of Eddie.

1:57 PM: Our crew on scene confirms that it’s indeed a kitchen fire. It’s now out. The photo above this line is from WSB’s Patrick Sand – we’ve also confirmed that it’s The Lofts at The Junction (4535 44th SW). No injuries reported.

2:15 PM: SFD says one person has been treated for smoke inhalation.