month : 08/2017 316 results

FOLLOWUP: West Seattle street vacation for self-storage facility gets City Council committee OK

August 15, 2017 9:26 pm
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 |   Development | West Seattle news | West Seattle politics

(Site plan showing where self-storage building would span what’s currently city right-of-way)

A full City Council vote in September is the next step to a street vacation for the West Coast Self-Storage project planned at 3252 Harbor SW. Today’s Sustainability and Transportation Committee hearing/vote – previewed here on Monday – was unanimously in favor of it (with two of the three committee members – chair Mike O’Brien and Rob Johnson – present) – first item in the Seattle Channel video, after open public comment:

SDOT’s point person on street (and alley) vacations, Beverly Barnett, explained that Nucor’s interest in an adjacent 25,175-square-foot section of unimproved 29th SW – added to the self-storage project’s request for 2,029 sf of unimproved SW City View – dated back to 20 years ago, when tracks were built there as part of a plan that ultimately fell apart. As noted in our preview, the self-storage company is promising a $300,000+ “public-benefit package” including improvements to the Alki Trail, such as moving utility poles. If the street vacation gets final approval, the land also would have to be purchased from the city at fair-market value.

Only one person spoke at today’s hearing, and his concerns involved the 850-storage-unit building’s projected 56-foot height (almost 30′ below what the site’s zoned for), not the street vacation itself. But if you have comments, you can still send them to the council before its September vote – find all councilmembers’ contact info here.

UPDATE: Seattle Fire ‘full response’ at Delridge/Holden

(Added: WSB photo)

8:06 PM: A “full response” is headed to a possible house fire at Delridge and Holden.

8:12 PM: First units on scene noted smoke. But it’s not a major fire – most of the units are being dismissed. We’ll find out more once our photographer is on scene.

8:21 PM: SFD tells us this started with trees/shrubbery catching fire – they’re not sure how, but it’s so dry, it doesn’t take much. @drewhamlet tweeted this photo:

The flames spread to a fence and the siding of a condo building but it’s all extinguished now, and no one was hurt.

FERRY ALERT: Two Fauntleroy/Vashon runs canceled Wednesday morning

August 15, 2017 6:12 pm
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 |   Fauntleroy | Transportation | West Seattle news

From Washington State Ferries:

On Wednesday, August 16, the Vashon 5:45 am to Fauntleroy and the Fauntleroy 6:10 am return to Vashon are cancelled due to overnight repairs to the propulsion system of M/V Issaquah, requiring sea trials in the morning. The Issaquah will return to service with the Vashon 6:40 am sailing to Fauntleroy upon successful completion of sea trials. We apologize for any inconvenience. Updates will occur as more information becomes available.

ELECTION 2017: It’s Durkan vs. Moon for Seattle Mayor, and other final primary results

4:50 PM: Just certified by King County, final results from the August 1st primary. See them all here. Advancing to the general election:

Jenny Durkan 51,529 27.9%
Cary Moon 32,536 17.62%

Teresa Mosqueda 53,676 31.59%
Jon Grant 45,652 26.87%

M. Lorena González* 108,602 64.17%
Pat Murakami 33,349 19.71%

Dow Constantine* 304,456 76.99%
Bill Hirt 49,687 12.57%

John Creighton* 124,884 32.74%
Ryan Calkins 121,177 31.77%

Stephanie Bowman* 191,203 51.29%
Ahmed Abdi 121,898 32.7%

Preeti Shridhar 94,679 24.82%
Peter Steinbrueck 91,227 23.92%

And these are final results for the lone local ballot measure:

Reject 211,113 50.9%
Approve 203,633 49.1%

Seattle voter turnout was 40.49%; countywide, 33.76%. The general election (aka voting deadline in our system) will be Tuesday, November 7th.

ADDED 6:28 PM: Both mayoral candidates have e-mailed statements to the media. Read them in their entirety below:

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FOLLOWUP: New rules for vacant buildings advance out of City Council committee

(WSB photo, February 2017)

Remember the saga of that house in South Delridge, which stood for months after the third fire in five years? It was a reminder of city rules that make it difficult for nuisance houses to be dealt with – by the city and/or by their owners. Rule changes have been making their way through City Hall, and today, they won approval from the City Council’s Planning, Land Use, and Zoning Committee, after an extensive discussion and some amendments. In the Seattle Channel video below, it was the first item after a half-hour plus of public comment on various agenda items:

This has been an issue for many years – in 2009, North Delridge neighbors led a tour of problem properties, with City Councilmembers and department heads in attendance, and there was talk of changing the rules. No major changes ensued; at least one of the vacant houses featured in that tour is still standing, still vacant. The current proposal is summarized as:

Summary of the Proposal

Vacant Building Maintenance (SMC 22.206.200)
 Strengthen the standards for securing the windows of vacant buildings to require slightly thicker
plywood and fastening with screws rather than nails, and add the option of using clear polycarbonate
panels or other approved materials instead of plywood.

 Establish an expedited process for removing garbage, junk, or other debris from a vacant property if the owner does not respond to a notice of violation.

Demolition of Unfit Buildings (SMC 22.208.020)
 Establish an expedited process for ordering the demolition of a vacant building that can be documented
as hazardous.

Demolition of Housing (SMC 23.40.006)
 In instances when a final redevelopment permit has not yet been issued, reduce the length of time that
rental housing must sit vacant before a demolition permit can be issued … and expand this provision to apply in commercial, industrial, and multifamily zones (in addition to single-family zones).

(That’s from the start of the Director’s Report document you’ll find, along with other documents related to the bill, by going here. Among the docs is the following map, showing vacant-building complaints around the city:)

One concern long voiced has been that making it too easy to tear down vacant houses will reduce available housing stock. West Seattle/South Park City Councilmember Lisa Herbold said it would be helpful to know more about the 200+ vacant buildings that are on the city’s radar, and which ones might be usable for housing. She also offered an amendment to try to toughen the scrutiny of demolition review for structures that might contain a “dwelling unit,” but it wasn’t approved.

Meantime, there was a compromise in a central provision of the new rules, reducing the waiting period required for demolition from 12 months after a building was last used for rental housing, to 6 months. (The original proposal was to cut it to four months; then there was a counterproposal for eight months; and six months was today’s compromise.)

After today’s committee approval, the rule changes move on to the full Council, likely in September, so if you have something to say about them before a final vote, there’s still time – you can start with Councilmember Herbold at, and/or contact all councilmembers via the info you’ll find here.

UPDATE: Fairmount Ravine tree concern

ORIGINAL REPORT, TUESDAY: Earlier today, we mentioned in the morning traffic/transit report that closure signs were up – then removed – for Fairmount Avenue, through the ravine between Alki and Admiral, and that a reader had called us last night asking how best to report a tree concern. The reader, who comments here as Drahcir61, has since sent the photo shown above, with this report/alert:

I called 911 last night to report a 200-foot dead tree that is collapsing & now resting on another massive live tree. I heard several small popping/cracking of tree branches giving way. The dead tree is now at a 45-degree angle; the live tree is now leaning itself from the weight of the dead tree.

The police & SDOT responded early evening last night & put up warning tape & flashing beacons to alert anyone moving past this area overnight. One of the SDOT guys told me he also heard branches starting to crack & pop. The police returned this morning & closed off Fairmount while SDOT surveyed the site (see attached photo). Due to the proximity of power lines it appears SDOT has deferred to Seattle City Light. By 10 am this morning the police, SDOT & all warning cones/beacons have been removed.

I advise extreme caution if you are in this area, especially if you are walking or riding a bike. These are massive trees & if/when they fall there will be little warning to get out of the way.

We’re checking with SDOT and City Light to see if anything is planned. By the way, if you see what seems to be an imminent or current hazard – whether it’s a tree, road debris, etc. – the first call to make is always to 911.

THURSDAY UPDATE: Drahcir61 confirms that City Light crews did the work promised in this Wednesday comment from SCL’s Scott Thomsen. And SDOT’s Sue Romero just sent this reply to our original Tuesday inquiry:

The tree was growing in the side of a creek bank which may have contributed to its failure. As the tree leaned, it got hung up on another tree and began to encroach on both the road and nearby high voltage powerlines. Though the tree initially appeared somewhat stable, the City determined the tree needed to be removed quickly. SDOT, SCL and Parks coordinated efforts and determined an SCL contractor was best suited for the job as they access to a 70’ aerial lift. The tree was on Parks property. The road was closed for about 2 hours while the work was completed.

Ferry Suquamish superstructure to pass West Seattle shores

August 15, 2017 12:51 pm
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 |   Seen at sea | West Seattle news

(Suquamish superstructure in Tacoma – photo courtesy Jesse Co.)

Like the superstructure of the state ferry Chimacum last year, the superstructure for the new ferry Suquamish will be passing West Seattle on its way to Vigor. This time, though, the superstructure is coming here from the south, not the north. From the news release announcing the move:

About a year before its scheduled official launch as the newest member of Washington State Ferries’ fleet, the superstructure of the 144-car ferry Suquamish will move by barge from Jesse Co.’s fabrication facility near the Port of Tacoma to Vigor’s Harbor Island Shipyard in Seattle.

The superstructure is expected to leave Tacoma on Wednesday afternoon, travel up Puget Sound and arrive at Harbor Island in Seattle on Thursday morning.

The movement of the superstructure, or top half, of the 362-foot vessel is not only a major milestone but also illustrative of the wide-ranging jobs and economic impact of building ferries in this state.

Jesse Co. is one of more than a dozen subcontractors working with Vigor on the Suquamish, the state’s fourth new Olympia Class ferry. Each 144-car ferry built in Washington generates up to 560 direct jobs at shipyards and subcontractors, and a total of 1,300 direct, indirect and induced jobs in the Puget Sound region.

“We take great pride in helping build quality ferries for the State of Washington,” Phil Jesse, General Manager of Jesse Co. said. “The work is important, the jobs are great, and our families and future generations are able to ride and watch the ferries travel on Puget Sound for many years to come.”

The movement of the Suquamish superstructure to Seattle is scheduled to begin Wednesday morning when it is loaded onto a barge at Jesse Co.’s facility in Tacoma. At the same time Vigor is scheduled to move the Suquamish hull, or bottom half, which is being built on Harbor Island, into its massive drydock. The superstructure is scheduled to arrive at Vigor early Thursday and will be joined to the hull on Friday.

Completing the construction of the vessel with all necessary engineering, propulsion, electrical, safety and other components prior to sea trials will take approximately 11 more months. The Suquamish is scheduled for delivery to Washington State Ferries in July of 2018.

The Suquamish will be the fourth and final currently authorized addition of new Olympic Class 144-car ferries to the WSF fleet, following the Tokitae in 2014, Samish in 2015 and Chimacum earlier this year. Construction cost of the Olympic Class 144-car ferries has been within one percent of the projected budget on each vessel.

“Building these ferries is extremely gratifying to our workers and helps strengthen our company and the maritime industry,” Vigor CEO Frank Foti said. “The skills and expertise required are essential to maritime, and the middle-income manufacturing jobs provide great opportunity for industrial artisans and help diversify the economy.”

“All of us at Vigor are honored to do this work for Washington State Ferries and for the people who will use these ferries for decades to come,” continued Foti.

Maritime is a $30 billion industry for the State of Washington and provides more than 148,000 jobs, according to a study by the Economic Development Council and Workforce Development Council of Seattle and King County.

Washington State ferries are built to serve for 60 years with appropriate maintenance. That’s the longest lifespan of virtually any vessel fleet. In comparison the U.S. Navy typically retires vessels after 35 years, the Coast Guard after 30 years, and BC Ferries at 40 years.

The schedule could change, but the current plan is for the superstructure to start its voyage from Tacoma to Seattle around 5 pm tomorrow, and arrive at Vigor on Harbor Island “early Thursday morning.” You’ll be able to track it by watching the progress of the transport tug, Pacific Knight, via

P.S. We covered the keel-laying for the Suquamish at Vigor last year.

TRAFFIC ALERT UPDATE: Crash cleared on EB West Seattle Bridge

August 15, 2017 12:30 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle traffic alerts

12:30 PM: If you have to head eastbound onto the West Seattle Bridge – you might want to wait a while:

That collision, reported to involve 2 vehicles and no serious injuries, is on the EB bridge near 4th Avenue South. We’ll update when it’s cleared.

12:40 PM: Fast work – SDOT says the scene is now clear.

West Seattle Tuesday: PTA Collaborative, plus bowling, planning, jamming…

(River otter – yes, the ones in Puget Sound are *river* otters, not sea otters! – photographed by Mark Wangerin)

Before the afternoon arrives, here are highlights for the rest of today/tonight, from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

WADING POOLS AND SPRAYPARK OPEN TODAY: Lincoln Park wading pool and Highland Park spraypark are both open 11 am-8 pm; Delridge wading pool is open noon-6:30 pm. (Find addresses here)

SUPPORT GROUP FOR PARENTS OF INFANTS: Newborn to 12-month-old in the family? 1-3 pm drop-in support group at Nurturing Expressions (WSB sponsor) – more info here. (4727 44th SW)

ONE-ON-ONE BUSINESS PLANNING: 2:30 pm-5:30 pm at Delridge Library – appointment required; here’s how to make one. (5423 Delridge Way SW)

WEST SEATTLE PTA COLLABORATIVE: As previewed here, this new collaboration of community members, including PTA members, is meant to lift up all local schools, and you can find out more at tonight’s 6:30 pm meet-and-greet at Southwest Library. (9010 35th SW)

UNPLUGGED – A MUSICAL GATHERING! Acoustic musicians and singers all invited to jam at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 7-9 pm. (5612 California SW)

BOWLING BENEFIT: Bowl with the “Bowlies” at Roxbury Lanes, 7 pm, and help Mary’s Place – more info in our calendar listing. (2823 SW Roxbury)


Advance tickets are still available for the first-ever West Seattle Junction Wine Walk on September 28th, but going fast. 14 wineries will be guests in Junction storefronts 6-9 pm that night. From West Seattle Junction Association executive director Lora Swift, here’s the list of wineries – including several where the merchants are now confirmed:

Coral Wines – Menashe Jewelers
Elephant Seven Winery
Masquerade Wine Co
Mercer Estates
Michael Florentino Cellars
Nine Hats
Patterson Cellars
Sky River Meadery
Three of Cups
Trevelen Farm
– Click! Design That Fits
Virtue Cellars
Viscon Cellars
– Capers
Waving Tree Vineyards & Winery
Welcome Road Winery
– Carmilia’s
Wilridge Winery

(Other merchant/winery matches will be announced soon.)

Your ticket, which includes tastings, is $25 in advance – get it online, right now! (that same page has more info on the Wine Walk) – or $30 on the event day, if any tickets are left.

P.S. – BENEFITS FOR VOLUNTEERS: Can you volunteer on Wine Walk night? You’ll get 10 tasting tickets and a Wine Walk glass. Here’s how to sign up.

P.P.S. Our standard disclosure – of the wineries/businesses mentioned above, Viscon Cellars, Welcome Road Winery, Menashe Jewelers, and Click! are WSB sponsors.

2 MORE HIAWATHA CONCERTS: The Disco Ballz this Thursday

Just two more free Summer Concerts at Hiawatha this season – and the next one is two nights away. The Disco Ballz are onstage this Thursday night (August 17th); here’s the preview from the Admiral Neighborhood Association:

Bring your boogie shoes and be prepared to dance the night away this Thursday! The Disco Ballz will be appearing at Hiawatha Park from 6:30 pm-8 pm.

The Disco Ballz have been playing for most of a decade, bringing their infectious groove to dance floors all over the Pacific Northwest. Playing a unique mix of classic disco hits with pop, rock, and soul music from the ’70s to current Top 40 chart toppers, The Disco Ballz bring the party to any dance floor or venue – playing all the popular dance tunes from an era when polyester pants and satin shirts ruled the dance floor!

If you’ve been meaning to check but haven’t quite made it, this is the 2nd to last Hiawatha concert of the summer (Caspar Babypants will play August 24th)! Bring a blanket, a picnic, some friends, and be ready for disco fun. All shows take place on the east lawn outside the community center [along Walnut, south of Lander].

The concert series is made possible through the generous donations of community businesses and volunteers. The Admiral Neighborhood Association would like to thank Metropolitan Market, Umpqua Bank, Seattle Parks, and the Associated Recreation Council for their continued support, as well as our Silver and Bronze sponsors.

WSB is proud to be one of those sponsors, as we have been every year since the first season of Summer Concerts at Hiawatha (2009).

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Tuesday watch; Admiral repaving set to begin

August 15, 2017 7:06 am
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle traffic alerts

(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)

7:06 AM: Good morning! So far, no incidents reported in/from West Seattle.

REPAVING REMINDER: Today through Friday, SDOT plans to repave SW Admiral Way between Lander and Stevens [map]. The official announcement says work is scheduled 9 am-4 pm daily.

8:59 AM: We also have a report that Fairmount Avenue is closed through the ravine between Alki and Admiral. We’re checking on that – we had a report last night about ongoing tree concerns, not the first time in that area, and had advised the caller to tell SDOT, so we’ll see if that’s what’s happening.

10:02 AM: Just went by – there are “road closed” signs at the top of the ravine but not at the bottom, and the road is open, no sign of a work crew.

SOLAR ECLIPSE 2017: What you need to know

EDITOR’S NOTE: With one week until the solar eclipse, West Seattle’s best-known sky-watcher is continuing to offer helpful info – in this report, the basics about the eclipse and safely watching it. Still to come, a list of where to eclipse-watch in West Seattle!

By Alice Enevoldsen
Special to West Seattle Blog

Are you ready for the big solar eclipse that’s now one week away, on August 21?


Don’t worry, I’ve got your back.


Monday, August 21, 2017

Start of partial eclipse: 9:08 am

Maximum eclipse: 10:20 am — Coverage of the Sun: 92%

End of partial eclipse: 11:56 am

Visible from West Seattle? Yes … but read on for caveats

Special Equipment Needed? Yes: safe observing glasses or a pinhole viewer. (Here’s where to look and, in the comment section, where WSB readers are finding them.) Read on!


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WESTWOOD TRANSIT HUB: Long-requested lighting, sidewalk work to start within weeks, Metro says

(WSB file photo: ‘Wall of buses’ along Roxhill Park, across from Westwood Village)

Another “years in the making” project is about to get going. Even before the south side of SW Barton across from Westwood Village became a major transit hub, there was talk of more lighting – it’s mentioned in this WSB story from 2009. Four years later, the lack of lighting was still an issue when the then-new Westwood-Roxhill-Arbor Heights Community Council led various government reps on a walking tour including the transit hub. In early 2015, Metro promised the lighting, and sidewalk improvements, would happen that year. Then the time-frame estimate shifted to mid-2016.

Now here we are in the second half of 2017 … and the work is apparently finally about to begin. Metro’s Paul Roybal responded to an inquiry from former WWRHAH leader Amanda Kay by saying, “Currently the construction work is scheduled to begin on August 28th, but subject to slight modifications (contractor is finishing up other work for Metro elsewhere, so the start date may be a few days later).” We subsequently checked with Metro spokesperson Scott Gutierrez about the planned scope of the work; he says it’s “to repair the sidewalk along the south side of SW Barton … and to add 4 pedestrian-scaled light fixtures to improve visibility and safety from the layover [area] to the existing RapidRide bus stop.”

FOLLOWUP: West Seattle’s new Fire Station 32 goes into service tomorrow

Exactly 16 months after demolition of the old Fire Station 32 began, the new three-story, four-bay station is about to open. Seattle Fire Department spokesperson Kristin Tinsley tells WSB that firefighters will be moving in tomorrow. The new station will house Engine 32 and Ladder 11, which she says will be out of service until about 4 pm for the move, and Battalion 7 and Medic 32, which “will be on radio watch throughout the day until they are settled in.” E32 and L11 have been operating from a temporary station at the future city park site on 40th SW between SW Edmunds and Alaska, while M32 has been temporarily based at Station 37 in Sunrise Heights. The addition of B7 makes this the lead fire station for our entire area.

The new Station 32, designed by Bohlin Cywinski Jackson and budgeted at $18+ million, is opening 10 years after the original projection of a 2007 opening when it was funded by the 2003 Fire Levy, as we reported in 2015. It’s on the same site as the old one – on SW Alaska in The Triangle, between 37th SW and 38th SW.

FOLLOWUP: Ryan Cox charged with second-degree assault in Gatewood stabbing

(August 8th WSB photo by Christopher Boffoli)

39-year-old Ryan Cox has just been charged with second-degree assault, with a deadly weapon, in last Tuesday night’s Gatewood stabbing attack. And Cox’s bail has been set at $150,000.

The 40-year-old victim remains in the hospital, according to a comment from a family friend, recovering from multiple stab wounds. Cox also was taken to Harborview after the attack last Tuesday night, with what police say was a self-inflicted stab wound.

According to charging documents, “the defendant is unemployed, homeless, and has been diagnosed with schizophrenia but does not take medication. He has been booked 28 times since 1997 and has had 26 warrants issued for his arrest.” The documents also include a more-detailed police-provided narrative that notes “Cox is a known transient, living in West Seattle, not only to the SPD officers that work in the Southwest Precinct, but to the citizens that live in the area.” That’s dated back to at least 2009, as we detailed in our Wednesday followup.

The narrative says that one witness saw Cox and Heeter arguing on August 2nd, and that they saw Cox pull a knife during that incident, though no one was injured. When Heeter was well enough to speak with police in the hospital last Thursday, the narrative says, he told them that he and his 3-year-old daughter were at a nearby gas station about a week earlier when Cox was there. Cox, he said, was yelling at everyone, including racial slurs. Heeter told police his daughter had become frightened and that Cox looked at them and said he better hold his daughter tight or he might get her. Hester said he told Cox to stop talking about his daughter and left. He told police he saw Cox again a few days later and tried to talk to him about frightening his daughter, but Cox started to yell. The night of the attack, Heeter said, he saw Cox walking near the Westside Unitarian Universalist Church and pulled into its lot, got out of his car, and yelled at Cox. That, he said, is when Cox lunged at him and started slashing.

The charging documents also include Cox’s side of the story, claiming he was being “stalked” by the victim, as well as detailing tirades at the hospital. (added) Here are the documents – please note that they contain the racial and homophobic slurs Cox is alleged to have used after his arrest. They do not include names of witnesses or any other third parties besides police and prosecutors, which is why we are uploading them directly rather than transcribing as we would otherwise do. Cox is scheduled to be arraigned – to enter an initial plea to the charge – on August 28th.

FOLLOWUP: Roxbury sidewalk work resumes

After a stopdown of about two weeks, the sidewalk construction on the south side of SW Roxbury between 28th and 30th has resumed, we noticed this morning. The work was running ahead of schedule when it paused in late July; King County Roads spokesperson Brent Champaco told us at the time that the roadway panels already had all been replaced “and more than half of the sidewalk poured.” But then utility-related work had to be done, and as of last week they were “working with Seattle City Light to adjust the traffic signal equipment before the concrete panel work can resume.” Now that crews are back at work, we’re checking to see if they expect to finish up before school starts across the street at Roxhill Elementary. (When we first reported on the project back in February, it was expected to begin before the school year ended.)

SELL THE STREET? ‘Vacation’ hearing Tuesday @ City Hall for Harbor Avenue self-storage project site

This morning’s City Council briefing meeting included a reminder of a major West Seattle item that’s on the calendar for the Sustainability and Transportation Committee tomorrow afternoon (as announced last month), including public comment if you have something to say about it – a “street vacation” sought in connection with the West Coast Self-Storage project proposed for 3252 Harbor Avenue SW. Above (or here), you can scroll through the slide deck that shows not only what’s proposed and where – one slide notes they expect the building to include ~850 units – but also what’s being offered in exchange for the “vacation.” It’s a request for the city to “vacate” what is currently publicly owned property, technically part of the street system but not being used as such. These requests have to include a “public benefit” package – the slide deck includes a list of what West Coast Self-Storage is offering, valued at more than $300,000, from moving a utility pole off the Alki Trail to including art panels in its building’s exterior. Eventually, the property that’s approved for vacation is sold at fair-market value. Also of note in this case: Nearby Nucor is a party to the vacation request for land that’s technically part of 29th SW and SW City View, seeking “to accommodate” railroad tracks. The proposed “vacation” area otherwise would be covered by the new 4-story self-storage building.

If you have something to say about the vacation request (see the full 81-page document here), be at City Council chambers at City Hall (600 4th Ave.) downtown at the start of Tuesday’s 2 pm committee meeting. If you can’t be there, you can e-mail comments to – Councilmember Mike O’Brien chairs the committee.

West Seattle Monday: Eclipse story time, paddleboarding, wading pools, and more…

(Hummingbird photographed in Lincoln Park area by Blair Wyman)

From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

WADING POOLS AND SPRAYPARK: Seattle Parks says they’ll be open today – in West Seattle, that means Highland Park spraypark and Lincoln Park wading pool, 11 am-8 pm; also, Delridge wading pool, noon-6:30 pm – note that it’s the last week for Delridge, closed after next Sunday. (Find addresses here)

MONDAY NIGHT PADDLEBOARDING: Every Monday night, 6-8 pm, Alki Kayak Tours offers a special round of paddleboarding, including a lesson. Details in our calendar listing. (1660 Harbor SW)

ECLIPSE STORY TIME: 6:30 pm at High Point Library: “Bring children of all ages to enjoy stories and activities that will teach us about the upcoming total solar eclipse” – which is now just one week away. (35th SW/SW Raymond)

EVENING BOOK GROUP AT SOUTHWEST LIBRARY: 6:45 pm at Southwest Library. This month’s title is “The Widower’s Tale” by Julia Glass. (9010 35th SW)

EVENING BOOK GROUP AT ADMIRAL LIBRARY: 6:45 pm at West Seattle (Admiral) Library. “Redeployment” by Phil Klay is this month’s book. (2306 42nd SW)

MORE OPTIONS … on our complete calendar!

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Monday watch, with Water Taxi and paving

August 14, 2017 6:52 am
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle traffic alerts

(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)

6:52 AM: Good morning! No incidents reported in/from West Seattle. This morning’s notes:

WATER TAXI BACK: The West Seattle and Vashon Water Taxis are both back in service today; WS resumed service on Saturday. The downtown dock is now north of Colman Dock, and the schedule has changed.

TRIANGLE ROUTE BACK TO 3 BOATS: After being down to 2 boats over the weekend, Washington State Ferries has the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth route back to 3 as of today.

4TH AVE. S. REPAVING: A six-month repaving project on 4th Avenue South between Spokane St. (the West Seattle Bridge) and Royal Brougham Way begins this morning. Details are here.

ADMIRAL WAY REPAVING: Tomorrow through Friday, SDOT plans to repave SW Admiral Way between Lander and Stevens. Details are here.

WEST SEATTLE WEEKEND SCENE: One more ‘group hug’ for Clay Eals

On an Alki-area patio Sunday night, one last “group hug” photo for the man who has orchestrated them outside local landmarks as part of the job he’s just left. The occasion, a gathering to wish Clay Eals good luck in his next round of adventures, after four and a half years as the Southwest Seattle Historical Society‘s first executive director. That’s Clay in the red shirt, with wife Meg, to the left of “It Takes a Village”; his successor Jeff McCord is second to the right of it. In a short speech not long before the photo, Clay recalled deciding to take a risk in jumping from a full-time job to what was potentially a very part-time, short-term role that became so much more. “Don’t be afraid to take a risk,” he urged all within earshot, voicing gratitude for everyone who helped make SWSHS a “happening organization.”

P.S. This is just our unofficial photo; Sunday night’s “official” group-hug photo – like the ones for the Log House Museum totem pole (2014), the Alki Homestead rescue (2015), the Admiral Theater renovations (2016), the Fauntleroy Schoolhouse and West Seattle High School centennials (both this year) – was taken by Jean Sherrard.

UPDATE: Ramp to 99 from EB West Seattle Bridge reopens after crash

11:38 PM: Just confirmed by driving the eastbound bridge – and SDOT finally tweeted it too – the ramp to NB 99 is closed for a crash investigation. No other details. The crash initially was reported as involving a vehicle “into the barricade.”

12:24 AM: The ramp has reopened.

WEST SEATTLE HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL: 3 weeks away, 3 ways to help

A new parents’ group, Wildcats Touchdown Club, is rallying community support for the West Seattle High School football team, under its new head coach, as the new season approaches. Here’s what they want you to know – and how they hope you can help:

Are you ready for some West Seattle High School football? The coaches, players, and parents at WSHS are. The student athletes and the community are excited for the reveal of the 2017 Wildcats … and there is a lot to be excited about.

The players have been working hard since June to get ready for this season under new head Coach Marcis Fennell. Coach Fennell is developing a culture within the WSHS Football program that prepares young people for the rigors of life through education, technically develops athletes to excel in the sport of football, instills values that will assist in producing men and women of character, gets the team involved with the West Seattle community and continues to cultivate the long tradition of Westside Pride!

As the new coaching staff enters its first season, one of their driving initiatives is to provide a positive and safe experience for all students. To facilitate this, we are asking our community, friends and families, to donate to our program. Please understand that all proceeds will directly benefit the student athletes and their experience in the Wildcats Football program.

Right now, the team is in immediate need of the following:

*Equipment (girdles, thigh pads, knee pads, etc.)  for student athletes

*Operational equipment (agility bags, hand shields, pop-up bags)

*Team meals (pre-game team meals, halftime snacks, and fall ball double day snacks)

*Giant Tents for team halftime at SWAC (there are no locker rooms for the team at half-time)

*Funds for transportation to and from games

The West Seattle Football team currently has three ways that you can help with our immediate and long-term goals:

Donate directly to the Football Booster club at our Booster Club for Cats Football GoFundMe page.

Our awesome 2017 WS Football Kick-off t-shirt (you can get one with a blank back as well) for $25 each.

Our cool Elite West Seattle Wildcat socks for $24 a pair.

**To pre-order your T-shirt and socks, contact with cash or checks payable to the WS Booster Club.

Thanks, all supporters of the Wildcats football program! Every cent donated will assist the coaches and staff in pouring love and education into our young people through the sport of football!

We look forward to seeing you on Friday nights in the Fall!

Don’t forget to put on your calendars that the first game is September 1, 2017 @ 7:00 pm at SWAC!

The full season schedule can be seen here; if you missed our interview with Coach Fennell after the March announcement that he was joining WSHS, see it here.