West Seattle, Washington
09 Sunday
From Anna:
My car was stolen this morning around 5 am in West Seattle off 52nd Ave. It is a 2013 red VW Jetta SE. The license plate is OH GXZ6688.
If you see it, call 911.
When Don Brubeck from West Seattle Bike Connections stopped by the Summer Fest Info Booth to say hi today, we asked how this morning’s 5th annual Mini-STP bike ride had gone. He reported it was a success, and later sent photographic proof.
With the photos, Don sent this summary: “We had 34 participants, ages 2 into their 70’s, who made it from SW Seattle Street to SW Portland Street, and back to Summer Fest. Riders included a few on their first group ride, and onw for her first ride on city streets. Everybody finished in good spirits!”
Those streets are close to being bookends on the California Avenue SW straightaway. The ride’s name is a nod to the Seattle to Portland city-to-city ride that also happened this weekend.
ORIGINAL SUNDAY REPORT, 6:25 PM: Again this year, dozens of Northwest tribes are sending canoes on a regional journey to a gathering site, and Alki Beach is one of the stops along the way. Last year was the first time in four years that they stopped at Alki, where the Muckleshoots are the hosts; here’s our coverage of their arrival and their departure. Last year the canoe families were headed to the South Sound; this year, participants are taking separate routes to Campbell River, British Columbia, with arrival there on August 5th. The Alki stop is set for this Wednesday, July 19th, departing the next day; we don’t have specific times yet but will update when we do.
MONDAY MORNING UPDATE: We’re told the arrivals are expected around 3 pm.
(Today’s schedule is here … Bus reroutes: C Line here, Route 22 here, Route 37 here, Route 50 here, Route 55 here, Route 57 here, Route 128 here, Route 773 here … Previous coverage: Saturday report #3 here, report #2 here, and report #1 here; Friday report #2 here and report #1 here; Summer Fest Eve here)
(“Live” SDOT camera showing part of the festival zone, on California north of Alaska)
11:57 AM: Day 3 of West Seattle Summer Fest 2017 went from 0 to 60 very fast. Lots of people, lots of bubbles, lots of music. And – dancing!
Day 3 of #wssummerfest starting with Jennifer Cepeda and friends dancing! pic.twitter.com/afl6hIm5yw
— West Seattle Blog (@westseattleblog) July 16, 2017
Jennifer Cepeda and friends were at the main stage to get the morning moving as the festival’s final day began about an hour ago. As for the bubbles – the bubble-machine-equipped clown who’s been busking all weekend is on the KeyBank corner this morning and breezes are bringing bubbles right onto our keyboard! WSB’s Leda Costa photographed him toward the end of day 2:
In the Community Tent section of the Info Booth this morning are the Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association and Harbor School – you can check out community groups here as well as at Sustainable West Seattle‘s GreenLife expo over in Junction Plaza Park (42nd SW/SW Alaska). (At noon, SWS president Stu Hennessey of Alki Bike and Board will be talking about E-Bikes on the stage there.) And some organizations have booths amid the visiting vendors – you can buy a raffle ticket from the West Seattle Food Bank:
That’s Ben Viscon (winemaker of WSB sponsor Viscon Cellars) and Judi Yazzolino in the WSFB booth this morning. It’s a Summer Fest theme of sorts – look around every corner, inside every door, you never know what you’ll find (and we mean that in a good way). You also never know who you’re going to see. Seattle’s most famous busker Boe “Scarf Dancer” Oddisey just stopped by the Info Booth, and while we didn’t get him on camera, we did photograph two well-known West Seattleites who also visited about that same time:
If you’re new – that’s County Executive (and lifelong West Seattleite) Dow Constantine and daughter Sabrina. It’s been eight years since he introduced Mudhoney here at Summer Fest, by the way – somebody was sharing that festival memory on Twitter the other day. (See the video here.) As for today’s music, South Sound Tug and Barge is about to get going on the main stage. And we’ll say it yet again, since it’s the top question at the Info Booth so far – yes, the West Seattle Farmers’ Market IS still happening, just not in its usual spot – it’s in the lot behind KeyBank (if you’ve been here for a few years, you’ll remember that as “where the market used to be”):
Besides answering questions, we also have lots of info here about other upcoming summer events – the West Seattle Big Band Concert in the Park (Tuesday, 7 pm at Hiawatha), the Admiral Neighborhood Association‘s Summer Concerts @ Hiawatha series (starting Thursday, 6:30 pm), West Seattle Outdoor Movies (starting next Saturday, July 22nd, in the SW Snoqualmie/36th SW “festival street” by the West Seattle YMCA [WSB sponsor]), the summer-quarter West Seattle Art Walk (second Thursdays), and the West Seattle Car Show (August 26th at South Seattle College [WSB sponsor]). Stop by the booth (California/Alaska), get flyers/cards you can take home and put up on the fridge.
12:57 PM: Some video from South Sound Tug and Barge on the main stage an hour ago:
… video: pic.twitter.com/A469f3vb5W
— West Seattle Blog (@westseattleblog) July 16, 2017
Mega Bog is starting shortly; Swedish Finnish is up at 2 – full lineup here. The festival continues until 5 – but today, unlike the first two days, everything closes at once … and then it’s breakdown time … so c’mon down soon and join the rest of your neighbors and friends.
2:02 PM: We’ve reunited a dog and a wallet with their respective owners here in the past half hour or so. We’ve also got new arrivals at the Info Booth – the Junction Neighborhood Organization on the west side, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention on the south side. West Seattle Chamber of Commerce CEO Lynn Dennis is volunteering on the east side. Yes, Summer Fest can be educational. Especially in GreenLife at Junction Plaza Park, where you can check out some bees, talk with a beekeeper from the Puget Sound Beekeepers Association, and buy raw honey:
Three hours left – lots of time to shop, nosh, play. This is the afternoon that feels most like a West Seattle-wide family reunion. And it’s also a chance to find out more about local businesses – like longtime WSB sponsor Fitness Together:
Get here this afternoon to get in on their festival special: “10 sessions for $50 each, this weekend only!” They’re on the northeast corner of California/Alaska, outside the city-landmark Campbell Building.
A few other WSB sponsors who are here that we haven’t mentioned yet in earlier coverage – Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Northwest Real Estate; Westside School; HomeStreet Bank; Dream Dinners; Emerald Water Anglers; GoodMed Direct Primary Care (which is providing first aid for the festival); The Whittaker.
Meantime, at the main stage (California north of Oregon):
Swedish Finnish playing right now @ #wssummerfest ! pic.twitter.com/1UODbju0oH
— West Seattle Blog (@westseattleblog) July 16, 2017
That’s Swedish Finnish! Two more performances ahead – Carrie Akre and Danny Newcomb at 3 pm, The Dusty 45s closing out the festival at 4 pm.
2:53 PM: Got little ones? Haven’t been to the Kid Zone yet? Behind the Hamm Building (Easy Street, Virago Gallery, etc.), under the Wells Fargo drive-thru overhang, lots of activities:
And our area’s most famous facepainter, Lashanna, is working her magic:
4:06 PM: Last hour. The Dusty 45s are playing on the main stage now – (added) here’s some video:
Dusty 45s closing out #wssummerfest music. Festival wraps at 5. Thanks for a fun weekend! pic.twitter.com/J8Nw8QTdmA
— West Seattle Blog (@westseattleblog) July 16, 2017
And dancing!
Still lots of people in line for food and rides, and wandering the booths. Even though the festival officially ends at 5 and breakdown begins, you of course can still stay in The Junction and have dinner and/or drinks at the year-round restaurants, some of which are new since last Summer Fest – including Great American Diner and Bar and Falafel Salam, both on the east side of California just north of Edmunds, and Alchemy, on 42nd south of Alaska.
We should also note – if you lost your car keys, we have two sets here at the Info Booth. For lost-found info after the festival’s over, contact the Junction Association (wsjunction.org).
4:36 PM: Last chance this year for a cheeseburger on a Krispy Kreme … really!
Perhaps just as well that’s across the street from the mentioned-earlier Fitness Together booth. Unless you are from the “street fair calories don’t count” faction. Meantime, signs of cleanup are erupting early. And if you wondered what happens to keep this going behind the scenes, frequent trash pickup is part of it – here’s a Recology worker we noticed about an hour ago:
It’s getting serious now. The QFC booth across from us, which has offered $3 coconuts and $1 water all weekend, is folding up. The balloon-and-bubbles-busking-with-boombox clown has switched to “California Love.” But summertime is all West Seattle love. Later this evening, we’ll move on to looking ahead to the big stuff happening this week and next weekend.
Breakdown time. 5 pm and #wssummerfest is a wrap. Balloons-n-bubbles busker still going, though pic.twitter.com/sxVQtCH1Vb
— West Seattle Blog (@westseattleblog) July 17, 2017
5:04 PM: We’re done – but several hours of hard work are ahead for festival producer Oliver Little of Monumental Undertakings and his crew, among others. The Junction streets will stay closed to traffic until everything’s all packed up. We’ll update when we get word. And Lora Swift of the West Seattle Junction Association, which organizes and presents Summer Fest, says you can look for a survey soon to gather festival feedback – we’ll have that link when it’s available, too. Thanks to everyone who was part of the festival, whether visiting or vending or volunteering or presenting or … and to everyone who stopped by to say hi.
12:50 AM: The Junction streets are open to vehicle traffic again – just verified via the live video feed on the city’s info map.
After an 8-day tournament in Vancouver, Washington, the West Seattle Little League 10-11 All-Stars are coming home with the state championship! Thanks to everyone who sent the exciting news. This is from Darrell Glover:
The West Seattle Little League 10/11 All Star Team beat Kirkland 6-4 on Saturday to bring home the first State Championship for West Seattle Little League.
The team went undefeated (9- 0) through the District 7 and Washington State Championship Tournaments. There were close games and nailbiters throughout the run, but the team always found a way to win. There was “no bottom of the order” on the team – every player was clutch !!
Manager – Mike Fahey, Coaches – Sean Eley and Brian Sherrick. Players are alphabetically – Tristan Buehring, Parker Eley, Caden Fahey, Robbie Foisey, Wyatt Glover, Miles Gosztola, Mathew Hazlegrove, Mathew Henning-Dierickx, Joe Sherrick, Blake Taft, Bobby Trigg, Simon Vance
(West Seattle Summer Fest Saturday photo by Leda Costa for WSB)
The summer’s biggest party goes so fast – it’s already day 3 of West Seattle Summer Fest 2017. So that starts our highlights list one more time:
Official festival hours – 11 am to 5 pm – here’s the vendor/merchant list
Ride hours – 10 am to 5 pm (prices here)
Kids Zone activity schedule – see the schedule here
Food hours – 11 am to 5 pm
Music – Starts with South Sound Tug & Barge at noon, final performance The Dusty 45s at 4 pm (here’s the schedule)
GreenLife presentations – see the schedule here
Community Tent organizations – see the list here
Even if you’ve already been – come see what you missed! And if you’re looking for anything or anyone in particular, come see us in the Information Booth at California/Alaska.
YES, THE FARMERS’ MARKET IS STILL ON: You’ll find it in the lot behind KeyBank etc. on the south side of SW Alaska between California and 44th. 10 am-2 pm.
GET TO THE FESTIVAL VIA THE MINI-STP BIKE RIDE: 9:15 am departure from North Admiral, headed from Seattle (Street) to Portland (Street, in Gatewood), and then to Summer Fest. All ages! Details here.
And outside The Junction:
WADING POOLS AND SPRAYPARK: Highland Park spraypark and Lincoln Park wading pool are open 11 am-5 pm; Delridge wading pool is open noon-6:30 pm. (Find addresses here)
MEDITERRANEAN FANTASY FESTIVAL, LAST DAY EVER: 11 am-5 pm, one last day full of dancing, as the region’s biggest belly-dance celebration concludes its 30-year run. Find dancing inside and outside Hiawatha Community Center; here’s the lineup. And here are our photos from Saturday. (2700 California SW)
ALKI LIGHTHOUSE TOURS: 1-4 pm, visit the historic lighthouse at Alki Point – get there by 3:40 pm to be part of the last group in. (3201 Alki SW)
BLUEGRASS AND OLD-TIME MUSIC … with Jamtime at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 1-4 pm. (5612 California SW)
SHAKESPEARE IN THE PARK: “Comedy of Errors,” free, 3 pm, High Point Commons Park, presented by GreenStage. (6400 Sylvan Way SW)
SEATTLE GREEN SPACES COALITION: You’re invited to the SGSC meeting at 3 pm, High Point Library. (35th SW/SW Raymond)
SEE WHAT ELSE IS UP … by checking our complete-calendar page!
It was a Summer Fest spectacle last night on the main stage – lasers and smoke as West Seattle’s own Brent Amaker and The Rodeo wrapped up Saturday night.
(At left, dancer Ruby Mimosa, who’s often performed with the band)
They’ve toured nationally and internationally but hadn’t previously headlined here in Amaker’s hometown, which he hailed from the stage as “best Seattle,” drawing whoops and cheers. Their music’s been described as “psychedelic New Wave country” or some combination thereof. Listen for yourself:
(And here too – maybe the only band that can get a Saturday night crowd moving and grooving to a song with the hook “Death Is Always Near.”) If you want more Rodeo in your life, they’re at Jazzbones in Tacoma next Saturday night. As for Summer Fest, today’s the last of three days; music starts at noon with South Sound Tug and Barge and concludes with The Dusty 45s at 4.
Today (Sunday) is your last chance to enjoy the region’s biggest belly-dancing festival without leaving West Seattle.
As we reported last weekend, the Mediterranean Fantasy Festival will be history after this final two-day run.
WSB contributing photographer Leda Costa stopped by Hiawatha Community Center (2700 California SW) toward the end of the festival finale’s first day.
She also found a shirt in tribute to festival coordinator Saroya Poirier, who founded it with other members of her Babylonian Ensemble – “da Babs” – 30 years ago.
And the dancing went on into the evening:
You can watch dancers and browse vendors 11 am-5 pm Sunday.
Here are the dancer lineups for the indoor and outdoor stages.
Admission is free.
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