(DIRECT INFOLINKS: Today’s lineups are here … Bus reroutes: C Line here, Route 22 here, Route 37 here, Route 50 here, Route 55 here, Route 57 here, Route 128 here, Route 773 here, )
A little video of Po'Brothers: pic.twitter.com/Y3baheeu9G
— West Seattle Blog (@westseattleblog) July 14, 2017
The mainstage music has begun at West Seattle Summer Fest! Above, a short clip from Po’Brothers’ performance, kicking off the schedule, which concludes with tonight’s headliner Thunderpussy at 10 pm. Wiscon is up next at 4:30 See the full music schedule here. And also note, there’s music tonight on the GreenLife stage in Junction Plaza Park, too – Teresa and the Wolves at 6:30, The Broadcast at 7:45, and Cellar Bells at 9.
Shopping and snacking continue throughout the festival. And art! Diane Venti, former proprietor of Alki Arts at the beach, has a pop-up booth outside CAPERS:
She’s selling work by Michael Birawer. Nearby, we figured out this mystery pretty fast:
That’s a promotion for the opening-this-fall Escape Artist (as explained in our story last month) “escape room” game venue coming to three spaces off the midblock breezeway. Also seen in the area, unique apparel outside the Antique Mall:

And further south, don’t miss the ultimate summer outdoor furniture at Click! Design That Fits (WSB sponsor):
It’s been a trouble-free day so far – the SPD Summer Fest patrol has been here all day, and verifies that:
5:13 PM: Dinner time! Remember the ~20 outdoor cafes. Food goes beyond what you see in the festival-specific booths – although they have unique treats (not just the ones we mentioned earlier) like the burger on a Krispy Kreme donut, Trinidad street food, $3 coconuts at the QFC stand (which is right across from us in the Info Booth – north side of Walk All Ways – $1 water bottles too, as well as bags of tortilla chips).
5:36 PM: Frequently asked question – “is the Farmers’ Market still happening on Sunday?” Yes, it is – but since the street is full of festival booths, you’ll find it in its old spot, the lot behind KeyBank/Bin 41/Pharmaca/etc., 10 am-2 pm Sunday. Another common question – where do you buy ride tickets? Look for the tent just past Pecos Pit and Fish Ice Cream on the south side of SW Alaska, west of California. But if you forget any of this, just ask any of us at the Information Booth in the heart of Walk All Ways – we’re here with reps from the West Seattle Junction Association (which presents Summer Fest) plus volunteers from local organizations like the Kiwanis Club of West Seattle, and the “community gathering tent” groups (see the list here). If you’re looking for a community group that’s not in the “tent,” you might find them at GreenLife, or even in a booth of their own along California.
6:05 PM: Lots of dogs seen today at Summer Fest. Among them, Olive:
The “Pet Junction” zone is on the west side of California north of Alaska, by Next-to-Nature. We’ve seen signs of pet-friendliness elsewhere, too, such as drinking bowls set out for dogs.
Lots of kids here, too, from babies in front-packs to tweens and teens. Rides are scheduled to run until 8 tonight:
And the music goes until 11 (headliner Thunderpussy is at 10). Getting lots of questions right now about the stage location – California, north of Oregon.
More to come! (Today’s first report is here.)
8:32 PM: From Junction Plaza Park, the first of three acts on the GreenLife evening music slate, Teresa and the Wolves, who started playing around 6:30 pm:
Teresa and the Wolves on the GreenLife stage at #wssummerfest – where we will face ~15 mayoral candidates tomorrow pic.twitter.com/D1rTxzdpml
— West Seattle Blog (@westseattleblog) July 15, 2017
ADDED EARLY SATURDAY: We went back for the start of Thunderpussy‘s headliner performance, closing the night on the mainstage:
The crowd filled the street:
And the band rocked the stage:
They were introduced by Troy Nelson, who with Ben Jenkins curated this year’s Summer Fest slate:
(Photo added – this great shot is by Keven Ruf:)
Saturday’s headliner is West Seattle’s own Brent Amaker and the Rodeo.