(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)
6:54 AM: Good morning! No incidents right now in West Seattle or on the outbound routes.
WEEKEND ALERTS: Changes this weekend on I-90 … and the NB Highway 509 paving starts Sunday.
7:30 AM: While tipster Susan reported no port-truck backup very early this morning, that’s since changed – just got a text from someone who biked to downtown and reports a big backup now.
8:49 AM: Texter reports Water Taxi trouble at Seacrest – possible mechanical issues. We’re checking with King County DOT.
8:57 AM: Haven’t heard back from them yet but we do see via Water Taxi Watch that Sally Fox (the Vashon vessel) is now at Seacrest.
9:20 AM: Brent Champaco of KCDOT confirms Doc Maynard is off to be checked out and Sally Fox is picking up its remaining morning commute runs. Update later.