month : 05/2017 330 results

UPDATE: Fire response in 9200 block Delridge Way SW

May 16, 2017 11:54 am
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 |   Delridge | West Seattle fires | West Seattle news

11:54 AM: Seattle Fire has sent a “full response” to a possible house fire in the 9200 block of Delridge Way SW. More to come.

11:57 AM: The first arrivals in the area have downgraded the call, canceling most of the dispatched units. Scanner discussion indicates steam from shingles might have been mistaken for smoke.

5 possibilities for your West Seattle Tuesday night

(Western Tanager, photographed at T-107 Park on the Duwamish River by Mark Wangerin)

Before afternoon arrives – here are tonight’s highlights from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

FIND IT, FIX IT WALK PLANNING MEETING: As noted here last night, the next community planning meeting for Highland Park’s May 25th city-presented Find It, Fix It Walk is tonight at HP Elementary, 6:30 pm. (1012 SW Trenton)

SEATTLE READS ‘THE TURNER HOUSE’: High Point Library convenes a book group tonight at 6:30 to talk about this year’s “Seattle Reads” book, Angela Flournoy’s “The Turner House.” (35th SW/SW Raymond)

WEST SEATTLE CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL: 7 pm at the Southwest Precinct, community crime concerns/trends plus scheduled special guest Capt. Eric Sano, commander of the SPD Traffic Unit. (2300 SW Webster)

‘THE LION KING’: 7 pm, Our Lady of Guadalupe (WSB sponsor) 8th graders perform their annual musical in the Walmesley Center. (35th SW/SW Myrtle)

‘UNPLUGGED, A MUSICAL GATHERING’: Acoustic musicians of all types are invited to C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor) for this monthly gathering, 7-9 pm. (5612 California SW)

SOUTH SOUND TUG AND BARGE: 8 pm, local band playing bluegrass, folk, and Irish music, live at Parliament Tavern. No cover. 21+. (4210 SW Admiral Way)

AND EVEN MORE … just check our complete calendar!

ELECTION 2017: The West Seattleite who says she’s NOT running for mayor

Filing week continues – and one West Seattleite has just announced that she’s NOT running for mayor. Persistent rumor had it that Councilmember Lorena González, a Junction resident, would jump in, after Mayor Murray bowed out, but she just sent this statement to media organizations including us:

After speaking with my family and much consideration, I have decided to not enter the Seattle Mayor’s race in 2017. While being the Mayor of Seattle would be an incredible honor, I remain focused on the work we have yet to accomplish on the Seattle City Council. Over the next four years, I am uniquely positioned to continue protecting our immigrant and refugee families and championing paid family and medical leave, police reform and housing affordability. I am humbled by the incredible outpouring of support and encouragement to consider this opportunity but I instead will redouble my efforts on the Seattle City Council as a citywide representative in Position 9.

The countywide list of “who’s filed so far” shows she’s officially filed for re-election to that role. No one else has filed for Position 9 yet, but the deadline’s not until Friday; six others have campaigns registered with the city.

JUNCTION SPRING CLEAN: Help tidy up the heart of West Seattle on Saturday!

Spring is really and truly finally arriving. and on Saturday, you can be out enjoying the weather and enjoying the satisfaction of doing a good deed. Start the day by being part of the team for Spring Clean in The Junction. You’ll get coffee, breakfast, and a limited-edition tote bag, as well as a fun time with West Seattle neighbors. Here’s all you have to do:

*Sign up here

*Show up at Junction Plaza Park (42nd/Alaska) at 9 am Saturday (May 20th)

If you want to preview what needs to be done before you sign up – see the list here – you have many options! You don’t have to bring anything – it’s all provided.


May 16, 2017 6:30 am
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle traffic alerts

(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)

6:30 AM: Good morning! Off to a damp start. No incidents reported in or from West Seattle.

7:42 AM: SDOT says there’s a crash at 47th/Lander. No SFD dispatch so apparently no serious injuries.

8:08 AM: SFD has since been dospatched.

Not too late to help plan next week’s Find It, Fix It Walk in Highland Park!

May 15, 2017 10:53 pm
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 |   Highland Park | West Seattle news

Highland Park’s Find It, Fix It Walk is now a week and a half away – the evening of Thursday, May 25th – but there’s a lot left to plan, and Tuesday’s your chance to help do that. Just be at Highland Park Elementary (1012 SW Trenton), 6:30 pm (May 16th). The walk’s start time and route still have to be set, and while there’s already a long list of potential topics, it’s not too late to add your idea, and help shape which stops/topics are chosen. The proposed starting spots for the FIFI Walk, for example, are either Riverview Playfield or Highland Park Improvement Club, and this post on the Highland Park Action Committee website lists the potential stops/topics discussed so far.

VIDEO: First mayoral candidate to announce in West Seattle – Greg Hamilton

Almost directly across the street from where Mayor Murray announced last week that he would not run for re-election, a new candidate announced tonight that he’s in the race. Greg Hamilton is an entrepreneur and military veteran who served in the Special Forces (his biography is here) and says he wants to “save Seattle.” He is the first candidate to make his announcement in West Seattle – it happened at Pegasus Pizza, where we talked with him for a few minutes:

P.S. This is official “filing week” for mayor of Seattle and many other offices around King County, through Friday; you can check here to see who has filed so far; 14 mayoral candidates had registered campaigns with the city through today (not yet including Hamilton), and they are listed here.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Student reports being followed, grabbed

An incident this morning led to the principals of Chief Sealth International High School and Denny International Middle School sending this letter to families a short time ago. It was sent to us too:

We want to share with you information regarding an incident that was reported today involving one of our scholars as she exited a Metro bus on her way to school. At approximately 8:50 AM, a 9th grade female scholar reported that she was followed off the bus by a man when she disembarked at the corner of Delridge and Thistle. She stated that the man grabbed her wrist and asked her if she wanted to go with him. She was able to free herself from his hold and then she ran to school. She reported the incident to Chief Sealth staff, who notified the police. The Seattle Police Department is investigating the incident.

The safety of our scholars is our top priority. We will continue to collaborate with the Seattle Police Department and Seattle Public Schools Safety and Security to help monitor the surrounding area before and after school.

You can help your children stay safe by talking to them about personal safety. Tips to discuss are:
• Walking in pairs or groups and being aware of their surroundings at all times.
• Leaving for school at times where there are high levels of pedestrian traffic.
• Immediately reporting anything suspicious to trusted adults (school staff and family members).
• Keep earbuds off and expensive phones out of sight.

WATER SAFETY: State, county experts visit Alki Beach to remind you about seasonal testing/warning program

May 15, 2017 6:39 pm
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 |   Environment | Health | Safety | West Seattle news

Cathy Phillips from King County Public Health and Julianne Ruffner from the state Ecology Department (below) visited Alki Beach this morning, to sample the water while providing a quick media briefing on the BEACH program, which monitors the water at “high-use saltwater beaches” between Memorial Day and Labor Day. (Here’s the draft list for this year.)

Whether you’re going to Alki or one of the other beaches on the list, their message is to “surf the web before you surf the beach” – check online before you go into the water – look at this map to see if there’s an advisory where you’re going. The BEACH program samples water at its designated beaches every week; Phillips explained that the water is shipped to the lab the same day it’s gathered, and they find out within about 24 hours whether there’s a problem. Be careful after a storm, she warned, because rain can change the water quality even from whatever a previous day’s tests showed. You can help keep the water safe, the program advises – “pick up after your pets, have toddlers wear swim diapers, make sure young children get frequent bathroom breaks, and pick up your trash. Avoid feeding the wildlife.”

UPDATE: Bicyclist to hospital after Delridge/Willow collision

4:46 PM: Thanks for the text – a traffic incident at Delridge and Willow (map) is detouring vehicles. We’re on our way to find out more.

5:11 PM: By the time we got there, SFD was leaving and the scene was completely clear. We’re told by witnesses that it was a collision between a bicyclist and driver, and the bicyclist was transported by private ambulance.

5:28 PM: Via e-mail, SFD spokesperson Kristin Tinsley confirms this was a bicyclist/driver collision, and the rider, a woman about 30 years old, was transported to a hospital via AMR, in stable condition.

FOLLOWUP: Roxbury sidewalk-and-more project starting soon, King County says

(WSB photo from March 2016, looking east from west of 30th SW)

Back in February, we brought you first word of King County’s plan to build a sidewalk and replace road panels along the south side of SW Roxbury between 28th and 30th SW (right side of our file photo above). Today, the county is saying the work will start in “late May,” and will go like this:

·Work scheduled from late May-July, if weather cooperates

·Area is SW Roxbury Street between 28th Avenue SW and 30th Avenue SW

·One lane of road will be closed from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., each day

·Flaggers will direct two-way vehicle traffic

·Pedestrians will be detoured

·Roxhill Elementary bus loading areas will be moved to west edge of the school property

·Businesses along this section of SW Roxbury Street will remain open and access provided at all times. Access points will be provided for the gas station, the auto parts store/latte stand and auto repair shop.

Our February report has more details on that; the county also has sent out this mailer:

Our Lady of Guadalupe School: Welcoming a new West Seattle Blog sponsor

May 15, 2017 3:33 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle schools

Today we welcome Our Lady of Guadalupe School as a new WSB sponsor. Here’s what OLG would like you to know about what they do:

From its perch on top of the highest point in Seattle, Our Lady of Guadalupe has been a West Seattle treasure since 1962. The school provides a strong academic and faith-filled learning community in which students are nurtured and challenged to reach their full potential. OLG graduates are: confident, engaged learners; service-oriented leaders committed to making a positive impact; and students who excel academically, while demonstrating reflectivity and critical thinking skills.

OLG is a place in which each child is known and cared about, and passionate educators make learning relevant, effective, and exciting. Students learn to take ownership of their learning process and grow as students within a rigorous academic program. Creativity and problem solving flourish through a curriculum infused with STEM, the arts, and technology. Students develop confidence and proficiency in research, presentation skills, and collaboration. Opportunities for student-initiated projects foster curiosity, initiative, and strong project-management skills. The school’s extracurricular programs provide enrichment beyond the school day as well.

Our Lady of Guadalupe students thrive in a community that believes wholeheartedly in education that develops the whole child. Alongside a strong academic program, a hallmark of an OLG education is service. By the time students reach eighth grade, they design and implement their own yearlong service focus through the Juan Diego Graduation Project, a hallmark of the school.

OLG is a special place to learn and grow – and a welcoming community for the whole family! Contact the school to schedule a tour and see for yourself what makes OLG school so special! Please email, call 206-935-0651, or visit our website at for more information.

We thank Our Lady of Guadalupe School for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news via WSB; find our current sponsor team listed in directory format here, and find info on joining the team by going here.

YOU CAN HELP: Local schools collecting books for children and teens at Mary’s Place shelter

May 15, 2017 1:42 pm
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 |   How to help | West Seattle news | White Center

Two local schools are inviting you to help them help homeless children and teens whose families are at the new Mary’s Place-operated shelter in White Center:

Lafayette and Genesee Hill Elementary Schools are doing a book drive this month to collect books for children and teens who are guests at Mary’s Place in White Center. We have collected over 1200 books already!

We are still on the lookout for books that are in languages other than English and ones that feature characters and themes that are historically underrepresented in children’s books and reflect the population Mary’s Place serves (diverse ethnic and socioeconomic narrative settings, immigrants, nontraditional family units, etc.). If people have books of this sort that are new or gently used, they are welcome to drop them off at Lafayette from today through Friday May 19th.

There will be a box outside of the school’s front doors where books can be dropped off.

Lafayette is at 2645 California SW in The Admiral District.

FOLLOWUP: 9029 16th SW demolition finally begins

In the ongoing saga of 9029 16th SW, site of three house-fire calls in five years, demolition is finally under way right now – a week and a half after the heavy equipment arrived. We first went by around 9 this morning; workers were at the site for the first time we’d seen since the backhoe’s arrival two Fridays ago, so we made a note to go back at noon, and that’s when we recorded the short clip above, as work had finally begun.

(WSB photo from February 25th fire)

After the big fire back in February, the city had ordered the owners to do something about what was left of the house; the detached building behind it is boarded up but otherwise untouched as of noon, so we’ll check on it later. The owners have a redevelopment plan in the permit pipeline, for what’s described only as a “mixed-use building.”

4 options for your West Seattle Monday evening

(Sunday night’s last sailboat, photographed by Jim Borrow)

A few possibilities from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

ORCHARD MEETUP: Most Mondays bring a 5-7 pm meetup at Community Orchard of West Seattle on the northeast end of the South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) campus – a great way to spend some time out in the fresh air during our lengthening spring evenings. (6000 16th SW)

FAMILY STORY TIME: 6:30 pm, High Point Library – for kids of all ages, and their families! (35th SW/SW Raymond)

MYERS WAY HOMELESSNESS MEETING: The third “community conversation” convened by the city is tonight, 7 pm, at the Joint Training Facility in southeast West Seattle. As announced, this is intended to address issues/questions/concerns in addition to the city sanctioning of Camp Second Chance, which recently convened its Community Advisory Committee (WSB coverage here). And if you have a question about the new unsanctioned RV encampment east of Highland Park, we’re told the city will be ready to answer that too. (9401 Myers Way S.)

ALL-AGES QUIZ: Monday night quiz at The Skylark, 7:30 pm, prizes! (3803 Delridge Way SW)

MORE ON OUR CALENDAR … for today/tonight and beyond; check it out here.

TUESDAY: High School Nation music/arts festival to visit Chief Sealth IHS

May 15, 2017 10:32 am
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle schools | WS culture/arts

Before we get to what’s happening for the rest of today – Chief Sealth International High School principal Aida Fraser-Hammer explains why you might hear music in the Westwood area tomorrow morning:

Tomorrow (Tuesday, May 16th) from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM, the students at Chief Sealth International High School will be rocking out to the music of platinum-selling rock band Plain White T’s (who are famous for the songs “Hey There Delilah” and “Rhythm of Love”) as well as other rising young musicians. This concert will be part of a festival organized by High School Nation, a non-profit traveling Music & Arts Festival that visits public high schools all across the country introducing students to opportunities in the arts. It is the largest secondary school touring music festival, and their services are provided to public schools free of charge.

High School Nation selected Chief Sealth as one of only 60 high schools from across the entire country to benefit from the Festival, which supports and showcases journalism, film, fine and performing arts, fashion, photography, and stage production. High School Nation will also donate and establish a professional recording studio at Chief Sealth with gear and components from high-end equipment manufacturers. Their total donations to Chief Sealth will top over $30,000 as they continue to achieve their goal to promote and support the arts and music programs within public schools.

During the Festival, High School Nation will take over the SW Athletic Complex for the morning. Students will have the opportunity to visit hands-on zones where they will interact directly with products and educational programs such as tie-dyeing and printing shirts, painting records, recording music, and playing various instruments, arts and crafts booths, and other attractions. They will also participate in other events geared at celebrating the arts.

Find out more about High School Nation here.

WEST SEATTLE DEVELOPMENT: Special community-requested meeting set for 2 microhousing projects in 1 block

It’s been a while since the last city meeting scheduled by community request for a project that otherwise wouldn’t get one. Today’s Land Use Information Bulletin brings the official notice of one meeting May 25th for these two microhousing (what the city calls Small Efficiency Dwelling Units) projects:

In response to requests from community members, the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections (SDCI) will hold a public meeting to gather comments on two projects located at 5952 California Avenue SW (Project No. 3024606) and 6016 California Avenue SW (Project No. 3025264). This meeting is being held jointly due to the close proximity of both projects to one another. The two separate proposals under review are described as follows:

Project No. 3024606, 5952 California Avenue SW [design packet here]
Land Use Application to allow a 4-story apartment building with 29 small efficiency dwelling units and 6 apartment units (35 units total). Surface parking for 5 vehicles to be provided. Existing structures to be demolished.

Project No. 3025264, 6016 California Avenue SW [design packet here]
Land Use application to allow a 3-story structure containing 36 small efficiency dwelling units and 2 live-work units. Existing structures to be demolished.

Both projects need approval through the Administrative Design Review (one of two types that don’t go to the Design Review Board) and State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) processes. We first wrote about the 5952 California SW project one year ago, and first wrote about the 6016 California SW proposal last August. Both have changed their proposed number of units since then (fewer for 5952, more for 6016); both have the same architect, Hybrid. They’re in the same block as the greater Morgan Junction area’s first microhousing building, 5949 California SW.

The May 25th meeting will start at 6 pm at the Senior Center of West Seattle (4217 SW Oregon)


May 15, 2017 6:56 am
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle traffic alerts

(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)

6:56 AM: Good morning and welcome to the brand-new week. No incidents reported in or from West Seattle so far.

FAUNTLEROY FERRY TERMINAL TOLLBOOTH TEST: Today is the first of four days that Washington State Ferries will test tollbooth-procedure changes to see if they help ease backups at Fauntleroy, as announced here.

8:10 AM: Still incident-free.

8:22 AM: That just changed. SFD and SPD have just been dispatched to a crash reported at 16th and Barton.

8:53 AM: The SFD call for that crash has closed.

WEST SEATTLE REPAVING: Open houses set for Roxbury, Avalon/35th projects

SDOT is having open-house events in the next week and a half for both the Roxbury and Avalon/35th repaving projects (announced three weeks ago). If you live or work nearby, you might have received a mailer. In case you didn’t, here are the dates and times for these drop-in events:

ROXBURY REPAVING PROJECT OPEN HOUSE: Next Wednesday (May 17th), 5:30 pm-7 pm, Southwest Library (35th SW/SW Henderson). See the mailer here.

AVALON/35TH REPAVING PROJECT OPEN HOUSE: Tuesday, May 23rd, 5:30 pm-7 pm, Delridge Community Center (4501 Delridge Way SW). See the mailer here.

SDOT announced both of these as happening “as soon as 2019” depending on various factors (as explored in our followup).

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Church youth group hit by car prowler(s)

May 14, 2017 7:40 pm
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 |   Crime | West Seattle news

While a church youth group was having lunch in The Junction, somebody broke into their van. The report is from Emily, who says this happened around 3:30 pm Saturday afternoon. The group’s van was parked in the Junction lot off 42nd SW, south of Oregon, while they had lunch. Emily says, “The kids (high school) were coming back from a hike and left some of the gear, backpacks, camera in the van and someone (or many) broke in while they were eating in Lee’s Asian, and took most of their stuff. So sad and unnecessary. Not sure there’s any way to get the kids’ things back but would love to catch the thieves.” She says a screwdriver was used to break the van’s lock, and the stolen items included two gray backpacks, Swiss Army pocket knife, Sony A5100 camera, white hoodie, North Face rain jacket, iPod touch. We don’t have the incident number, but will add it if we get it.

Bicyclist to hospital after collision on SW Bradford

The last Seattle Fire unit has just left the scene of a collision between a bicyclist and driver on SW Bradford east of California SW (map). We’re told the bicyclist, about 18 years old, did not have life-threatening injuries and was taken to the hospital by private ambulance; the collision happened as he was emerging onto Bradford from an alley.

‘SENIOR BUDDIES’: West Seattle neighbors spending time together, spanning generations

(Resident Betty Busby with Ariana Trevino and Olivia Furman)

On this day when we celebrate families … here’s a reminder that “family” doesn’t always require blood ties. In The Admiral District, students from Lafayette Elementary School have been spending time with residents at Brookdale Admiral Heights, which is less than a block north, in a program called “Senior Buddies.”

(Resident Ginny Bullock with Jack Colenso and Finn Litton)

Nancy Cossette, resident-programs coordinator at Brookdale AH, shared the photos and explained, “Residents at our senior community have paired up with third-grade students from Lafayette in a 6-week curriculum project, and the results have been truly magical.”

(Resident Ken Lowthian with Kaden Malmberg)

Nancy continues, “There’s at least a 60-year age difference between them, but you wouldn’t know it. They became pals at their first meeting, so we dubbed them ‘Senior Buddies.’ Since then, they’ve been busy getting to know each other and working together on writing (with pencil and paper; no technology here!), presenting, interviewing and perhaps most importantly, conversation. Plus, songs, games and art projects.”

(Anna LeBaron and Thea Harnish holding Muriel Bullock’s acrostic name poem)

And: “Research has shown that intergenerational programs can benefit both age groups immeasurably. As you can see on our residents’ faces, they’ve gained friendships and enjoyed teaching moments with their 8- and 9-year-old students.” She says the project will wrap up this month, “with a final sendoff in June before school’s out. Several have already asked if they can come visit during the summer break. We’ll start again in the fall with new classes of third-graders and more eager residents.”

West Seattle man seeking ‘the kindness of strangers’ to help fiancée recover

A West Seattle man who was looking forward to his wedding is instead engrossed in helping his fiancée recover from a crash, thousands of miles away, and raising money to cover her medical bills. We received first word of this from several people who said that Matthias Bakken, a South Delridge resident and small-business owner, is one of the best neighbors they’ve ever had, and they wanted to get wider word out to the community. Stephanie, for one, explained, “He is a great guy always willing to help others and is now in a terrible time of need.” Eventually, we connected directly with Matthias. So here’s the summary:

He and his fiancée Goi, who is from Udon Thani in northeastern Thailand, had just spoken by phone to set the date for their wedding when less than an hour later she was in a motorcycle crash that left her with major injuries. He traveled to Thailand, frantic to find out what had happened and where she was being cared for. She had suffered life-threatening injuries and along with being treated for those will require reconstructive surgery for her teeth and face. He says that at first he “was sleeping out in front of the hospital because I didn’t want to waste money that I knew I would need to use” for her bills. She is close to stable, he says, but her surgeries will cost more than her insurance covers, and she is from an impoverished farming family. “I need to make my soon to be wife whole again and I need the kindness of strangers to make this happen,” he told us.

We mentioned that Matthias is an entrepreneur; he says his business, Leaf Natural Products, donates all its profits to charity. Matthias’s medical-costs fundraiser for Goi is on the crowdfunding site GoFundMe.