(Sunday night’s last sailboat, photographed by Jim Borrow)
A few possibilities from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
ORCHARD MEETUP: Most Mondays bring a 5-7 pm meetup at Community Orchard of West Seattle on the northeast end of the South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) campus – a great way to spend some time out in the fresh air during our lengthening spring evenings. (6000 16th SW)
FAMILY STORY TIME: 6:30 pm, High Point Library – for kids of all ages, and their families! (35th SW/SW Raymond)
MYERS WAY HOMELESSNESS MEETING: The third “community conversation” convened by the city is tonight, 7 pm, at the Joint Training Facility in southeast West Seattle. As announced, this is intended to address issues/questions/concerns in addition to the city sanctioning of Camp Second Chance, which recently convened its Community Advisory Committee (WSB coverage here). And if you have a question about the new unsanctioned RV encampment east of Highland Park, we’re told the city will be ready to answer that too. (9401 Myers Way S.)
ALL-AGES QUIZ: Monday night quiz at The Skylark, 7:30 pm, prizes! (3803 Delridge Way SW)
MORE ON OUR CALENDAR … for today/tonight and beyond; check it out here.