year : 2016 3703 results

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Wednesday watch & updates

(Six WS-relevant views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
6:39 AM: Good morning! No incidents so far today in or from West Seattle and vicinity. If you listen to/watch regional traffic reports, you’ll hear about some areas outside Seattle with icy roads, but no trouble here – the morning temperature is warmer than it’s been in a while, in the 40s.

8:57 AM: Earlier this week, we mentioned Washington State Ferries‘ announcement that work was about to start to replace two pilings at the Fauntleroy dock. Paul Brannan sent this photo of a crane barge that’s arrived at the dock:

Our West Seattle Traffic page includes the webcam that should show whether/how this is affecting traffic on the dock as the day goes by.

9:13 AM: Crash reported on the Alaskan Way Viaduct at Western (just before the Battery St. Tunnel).

10:08 AM: Our note above about icelessness on local roads turns out to have been wrong. Melissa sends word that in Highland Park, 7th/8th/Trenton has black ice that led her and others to spin out. Be careful!

3:07 PM: Friday, if you’re in the Capitol Hill vicinity at noontime, note that former President Bill Clinton will be visiting to campaign for wife Hillary Clinton. Not sure yet how this might affect traffic but thought you’d want to know.

UPDATE: More than 30 gunshots confirmed in Delridge

1:23 AM: We’ve heard from several people about possible gunshots in North Delridge a short time ago. We haven’t (yet) heard any confirmation of gunfire – police need to find casings and/or property damage for that – and definitely no victim(s) reported anywhere. Though a few people mentioned hearing a helicopter, the area’s one law-enforcement helicopter, Guardian One, is nowhere nearby, according to the last transmission we heard. We’re still checking – please let us know if/where you see police activity.

1:35 AM: One person who heard it says the 911 dispatcher confirmed police are looking into this. We’re off to see if we can find where they’re focusing.

ADDED 9:39 AM: While the full incident report isn’t available yet, we were able to get a few details from SPD media-relations Officer Lauren Lovanhill: She says “multiple bullet holes were found in a residence in the 5600 block of Delridge (Way SW),” and 32 casings were found in the front yard and driveway. Four people were seen running from the area and getting into a car. And she confirms that, as we believed to be the case at the time, no one was hit.

ADDED 8:27 PM: As noted in comments, the precinct’s second-in-command, Operations Lt. Ron Smith, was at tonight’s Southwest District Council meeting. This didn’t happen in that district and so wasn’t on the agenda but we talked to him briefly as soon as we saw him pre-meeting – he said so far there’s no indication any of the recent incidents are connected, and that this is being investigated by the department’s Real-Time Crime Unit and “intel” unit. The written report still wasn’t available by day’s end so we’ll renew our request for it tomorrow. The meeting’s guest speaker was newly inaugurated Councilmember Lisa Herbold; she was asked one question about public-safety issues in general, and said one that’s on her radar for starters is 911 response times, and she is working to get documentation on that from SPD.

Stolen and dumped, or lost ? Floor safe found south of Alki Point

In West Seattle Crime Watch, we’ve been featuring an increasing number of “found” items that are suspected to have been stolen – from bicycles to bags – and helpful readers have gotten some of those items back to their owners. Here’s the latest discovery: Rico found that safe during his morning walk today: “At about 11:00 a.m., I saw a floor safe lying on the concrete sidewalk just south of Alki Point, opposite the old sewage treatment plant. It had been broken open. There were empty coin rolls on it and near it. The instructions to the safe were nearby.” Lose a safe? Had one stolen? Know somebody who has?

Prospective West Seattle charter-school operator moves to ‘home-based instruction’ for its first two Washington schools

Summit Public Schools, the California-based organization that wants to open a charter school in a former church/supermarket building in Arbor Heights, has announced what it calls a “stopgap measure” for the two schools it opened this fall in the International District and Tacoma: “Home-based instruction.” Regional director Jen Wickens e-mailed this announcement:

Summit Public Charter Schools Offers Free, Personalized, High Quality Home-Based Instruction to Enrolled Families
This is a stop gap measure as the legislature works to find a permanent fix to keep public charter schools open across state

Summit Public School’s mission is to prepare a diverse student population for success in a four-year college, and to be thoughtful, contributing members of society. Everyone at Summit has been working hard to continue to provide the personalized, high quality education promised to our families despite the court’s decision this fall ruling our state’s public charter school law unconstitutional.

After exploring all possible options, we believe the best way for us to be able to offer the same high quality academic experience to our students is to transition to Home-based Instruction (also known as homeschooling).

We are able to do this because Washington law allows parents the right to choose to homeschool their children and parents can also choose to have their children attend academic programming, tutoring and classes offered by certificated teachers.

Summit Olympus and Summit Sierra will officially become “tutoring centers” and our students will be enrolled in Home-based Instruction. Despite the shift in educational program category, we will continue to offer the exact same Summit experience to each of our families – a free, personalized program with our outstanding and dedicated faculty.

We will also continue to work toward a long-term legislative fix to keep public charter schools open across the state. Students and families are entitled to a high-quality education, and they should have a choice of where they attend school. Students and parents deserve this choice and the voters supported them.

Summit originally intended to open a middle/high school called Summit Atlas next fall in the former Freedom Church/Safeway building at 35th and Roxbury that Washington Charter School Development purchased for $4.75 million last summer to redevelop. After the state Supreme Court ruled the 2012 charter law unconstitutional in September, Summit announced last month that it would postpone its hoped-for opening until fall 2017. The building is currently vacant; Freedom Church had leased it back for a while but has now moved to a new site it bought in Skyway. We first discovered the 35th/Roxbury school plan almost exactly a year ago, after documents were filed with city planners.

Miss the Polar Bear Swim? Tech group plans one Saturday at Alki

January 5, 2016 5:53 pm
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 |   Fun stuff to do | West Seattle news

Just received an announcement about this – a second organized “Polar Plunge” at Alki Beach this year, this time presented by the Washington Technology Industry Association. They’re planning to take the plunge on Saturday (January 9th) at 9:30 am. They’re inviting “WTIA members, non-members, friends, and family 18 and up.” We’re checking to see where on Alki they’re planning to gather, since the announcement just mentions the beach’s general official address. In the meantime, if you’re interested, RSVP via the link toward the bottom of this page.

UPDATE: Motorcycle rider hurt at 35th and Barton

4:58 PM: Thanks to everyone who called/messaged to ask about an incident at 35th and Barton this past hour. Seattle Fire Engine 37 had already closed out of the call before we could get there, but SFD spokesperson Corey Orvold says it was dispatched as a motorcycle crash. The rider was hurt, but not badly enough to require an SFD medic unit. We are checking to see if the aftermath of the crash is affecting traffic.

5:01 PM: Our crew says the scene is already completely clear.

ELECTION 2016: Brendan Kolding running again for State House

West Seattleite Brendan Kolding, who challenged 34th District Position 2 State Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon in 2014, says he’s running for the State House again. This time, he says he’s seeking the Position 1 seat long held by Rep. Eileen Cody. Kolding, a 33-year-old Democrat and father of three, says education is his top priority. From his announcement:

It is unacceptable that the State continues to be in violation of its Constitutional obligation to fully fund public K-12 education. The Supreme Court has made it clear that education funding is priority number one within the operating budget, and there is more than enough money to meet the additional four to five billion dollars that is needed. Once education is fully funded, then tough decisions will have to be made regarding cuts to other entities that fall within the operating budget. If the citizens of Washington are willing to accept more taxes to augment the budget, then funding can be restored to the non-education entities, but withholding resources from education until new funding sources can be identified is completely untenable.”

Kolding is a member of the Holy Rosary School Commission and says he sees private schools as complementary to public schools:

“Private schools save the taxpayers over $800 million annually. If we can make these schools more accessible to the families who are interested in enrolling their children in them, the funding and class size requirements of McCleary will be easier to attain. It’s a win-win. For that reason, I am proposing legislation that will incentivize donations that support private schools.”

Kolding is a former substitute teacher who is now a sergeant in the Seattle Police Policy Unit. He also volunteers as a youth-basketball coach. The position he’s running for will be on the August 2nd ballot.

West Seattle schools: Holy Rosary celebrates Chromebooks’ arrival

A “Star Wars”-style introduction this morning for a big event at West Seattle’s Holy Rosary School – the arrival of Chromebook computers for each of its fifth, sixth, and seventh graders. This is the first year for the school’s “STEM PLUS” focus and the new arrivals help move it toward a 1:1 ratio for students and devices.

At the assembly to distribute the new computers, Holy Rosary’s new pastor Fr. Matthew Oakland blessed them – after reminiscing about “technology” from his childhood:

The funding is from Holy Rosary’s ongoing Centennial Campaign, which started in 2013 – HR’s centennial year – and is currently focused on technology, with “tremendous support from parents, grandparents, parishioners, and alumni,” the school explains, along with a $25,000 grant from the Elizabeth A. Lynn Foundation. The campaign already has funded roof and window improvements and a security-surveillance system.

Are you West Seattle’s best chili cook? You’ll want to enter this

January 5, 2016 12:49 pm
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 |   Fauntleroy | West Seattle news | West Seattle people

(Photo by Ben Ackers, from last year’s cookoff, as Pam Goldfine‘s chili got checked out)

The annual Fauntleroy Chili Cookoff is next month and the call for chefs is out now, peninsula-wide. From Judy Pickens:

The fifth annual Fauntleroy Chili Cookoff invites area residents to apply for the competition. If you think your vegetarian or meat chili recipe is award-winning, email Adam Moomey ( for details. The Saturday, February 13, cook-off will heat up at 6 pm in Fellowship Hall at Fauntleroy Church.

(That’s the Saturday after the Super Bowl, so you can practice on your party guests if you enter!)

Previewing the rest of your West Seattle Tuesday

January 5, 2016 11:32 am
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 |   West Seattle news | WS miscellaneous

(California Sea Lion, photographed by Mark Wangerin)

Before the morning ends – quick look at some of what’s up for the rest of today/tonight:

WESTSIDE BABY REOPENS: Donating? The holiday closure is over and WestSide Baby‘s back open to accept donations of diapers and other items needed by thousands of local families. (10002 14th SW)

LIVE MUSIC: 5 pm at Salty’s on Alki (WSB sponsor), Justin Kausal-Hayes performs (1936 Harbor SW); 9 pm at Shadowland in The Junction, it’s the weekly singer-songwriter showcase (California/Oregon).

WEST SEATTLE BIKE CONNECTIONS: First meeting of the year – 6:30 pm, HomeStreet Bank (WSB sponsor) in The Junction. Details on the WSBC website. (41st SW & SW Alaska)

SEEKING SERENITY IN 2016? Join the West Seattle Shambhala Meditation Group tonight, 6:30 pm at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center. Details in our calendar listing. (4408 Delridge Way SW)

WWRHAH SKIPPING JANUARY: No Westwood-Roxhill-Arbor Heights Community Council meeting tonight – WWRHAH will be back for the first Tuesdays of February, March, and beyond.

LOOK AHEAD … via our complete calendar.

Advance helicopter alert: National Guard Black Hawk at JTF tomorrow

(2013 photo of Black Hawk over West Seattle, courtesy Jameson)
We have an advance alert from the Seattle Fire Department about a helicopter you might notice in the area tomorrow: SFD spokesperson Corey Orvold says a National Guard Black Hawk helicopter is expected to land at SFD’s Joint Training Facility on the southeast edge of West Seattle [map] sometime Wednesday. Orvold says the crew’s planning to land in order “to familiarize themselves with the JTF.” Firefighting is one of the roles Black Hawk helicopters have with the Guard.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Stolen SUV; robbery; vandalism; ‘ransacked’ bag found

Four West Seattle Crime Watch notes:

STOLEN CAR: Katie’s car was stolen from outside her home on Genesee Hill early today, near 49th SW/SW Dakota [map]. She describes it as “a metallic tan 1999 Chevy Tahoe, license plate AKZ1671.” Call 911 if you see it.

ROBBERY: We’re requesting the police report on what’s logged as an “armed robbery” in the 4000 block of 20th SW [map] overnight. Will add details here if/when we get them. (Early Wednesday update: Commenter said it involved a taxi passenger running out on a fare. While the report wasn’t in by day’s end, so we still don’t have the narrative, SPD did confirm that, adding that no one was hurt, but a suspect was arrested. … SECOND UPDATE Wed. am – the report is in, including:

On 1-5-15 at 0234 hours, officers responded to 40XX 20 AVE SW to investigate a theft of services. When officers arrived they located the yellow cab a block to the north. The cab driver, V/XXXXX explained that he had given S/ a ride from the Capitol Hill area to this location. When he arrived, S/ reached into the front seat area and grabbed his Garmin GPS unit and smashed it on the ground. S/ tried to grab V/’s cell phone away from him as well. V/ exited his cab as S/ exited the cab. S/ then chased V/ around the cab trying to hit him. V/ is a smaller man, S/ is a very large man. S/ stopped chasing him and went inside 40XX 20 AV SW. When V/ did not immediately leave, S/ came back outside and began chasing him around again trying to hit him again. V/ was able to avoid him and get into his cab and drive to the location where police contacted him.

Police went to the house in the 4000 block of 20th SW, where the owner invited them in, and they found the suspect in a bedroom. He went outside with the officers and was identified as the suspect, and arrested. Turns out he had a warrant for domestic-violence assault too.

REPEAT VANDALISM: From New Year’s weekend, a report of someone smashing a car’s rear windshield with a rock in the 6700 block of 47th Place SW [map], “second time that this has occurred in three months.”

‘LOOT IN THE FRONT YARD’: Also over the weekend, Cara discovered what looked like “loot” dumped in her yard south of the Charlestown water tower, sometime overnight Friday into Saturday – “a duffle-type bag (that) looks like it was ransacked and left … it still has some clothes and shoes in it. The bag itself looks homemade.” Please comment if this sounds familiar.

We hope you’ll never have anything to report in Crime Watch – but if you do, once you’ve reported it to police, let the rest of your West Seattle neighbors know what happened, by e-mailing the basics to – thank you.

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Updates for 2016’s first Tuesday

(Six WS-relevant views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
6:16 AM: Good morning! No incidents to report as the second non-holiday weekday of the year revs up.

FERRY DOCK ALERT: As mentioned Monday, work to replace two pilings at the Fauntleroy ferry dock is expected to start with contractor mobilization today. We’ll check later to see when crews/equipment arrive.

6:52 AM: If you’re using California SW south of Morgan Junction, note there’s a four-unit response to check out an automatic fire alarm at California/Willow.

7:04 AM: The fire-alarm call has closed, so that means the units have left the area.

8:07 AM: Kerry notes in a comment that the bridge is backed up to 35th. The lower-right camera above will show you if that subsides.

8:20 AM: Via scanner, just heard police dispatched for a vehicle reported to be stalled with mechanical trouble “midspan” on the eastbound bridge, flashers apparently not working.

8:41 AM: Here’s what SDOT said about that incident, via Twitter:

9:09 AM: That situation is all cleared up now.

2016 ELECTIONS: County Councilmember Joe McDermott considering running to succeed Jim McDermott in Congress

(January 2012 photo of Rep. Jim McDermott and Councilmember Joe McDermott, by Dina Lydia)
You’ve probably heard by now that Seattle’s U.S. Rep. Jim McDermott has decided not to run for re-election, after almost 30 years. Might his successor be from West Seattle? King County Councilmember Joe McDermott (no relation) confirms he is thinking about it. In response to inquiries including ours, he e-mailed this:

“I have enormous respect for Jim McDermott, Whether it was tackling the HIV/AIDS crisis or Congressman McDermott’s long-term advocacy for health care reform, he has been a true champion for progressive causes. I was honored to receive a call from him yesterday so I could express my appreciation personally.

“Since his announcement, I have received dozens of calls from constituents and local and national leaders encouraging me to seek this office. I will not take this decision lightly and will be discussing it with my husband and family over the next few days.

“Seattle is the greatest city in the world. My regional experience, progressive values and proven ability to work across the aisle position me to advance the issues important to our city and tackle the obstructionism and dysfunction that have sadly become the hallmarks of Congress.

“My focus will remain tackling homelessness, ensuring an efficient transit system, and addressing the growing income inequality that threatens our middle class.”

Joe McDermott is a 48-year-old third-generation resident of West Seattle, where he lives with husband Michael. He spent 10 years in the State House and Senate before moving in 2010 to the King County Council, to which he was re-elected last November, unopposed.

IN THE RACE SO FAR: North Seattle State Rep. Brady Walkinshaw is already running, having announced four weeks before Jim McDermott went public with his decision.

Emergency repairs under way for water break in Fauntleroy

Seattle Public Utilities crews are at 47th SW and Brace Point Drive right now, making emergency repairs after a water-line break. We contacted SPU and went to the scene for a look after two nearby residents contacted us wondering about a sudden drop in water pressure. The crew at the scene told us they hope to be done in half an hour or so. This could be affecting water pressure as far north as Willow and Fauntleroy, SPU says.

P.S. If you get discolored water because of, or after, this – here’s the SPU advice on that.

PROGRESS REPORT: Another six feet for Highway 99 tunnel machine

Six and a half feet and one more ring for the Highway 99 tunnel machine, WSDOT announced late today. That puts its cutterhead close to the north side of the access pit, where it will have to go through a 15-foot concrete wall: “Once beyond the wall, crews will begin tunneling through native soils that will serve as the next stage of STP’s testing process. This section of the tunnel route includes an underground wall that was built to protect the Alaskan Way Viaduct while crews continue to test the machine.” Read the rest of the update here, including details of how the removal of excavated material has resumed.

UPDATE: Crash blocks Bonair south of Alki Avenue; no one hurt

(WSB photos by Christopher Boffoli)
4:35 PM: A stretch of Bonair Drive SW is blocked just uphill from Alki right now because of a crash – a car that ended up on its side. Everyone got out OK, so what originally was a sizable “rescue” response was downsized, and only police are on the scene right now; Bonair is closed at Alki on the north end, for about 300 yards south/uphill.

4:51 PM: The car’s been righted, as you can see in the photo we just added atop the story. Also note the ice that’s still visible alongside the road.

5:48 PM: WSB’s Christopher Boffoli says police told him they didn’t think the ice had anything to do with the crash; they believe the driver lost control, over-corrected, and hit the embankment on the left side of the street’; her car stopped against a parked Corolla, which was damaged:

Police told Christopher they’d made contact with that car’s owner, who was headed to the scene.

UPDATE: West Seattle coyote sightings in Admiral neighborhoods

(Added: Coyote photographed by Heidi near 37th/Hinds on Saturday)

4:25 PM: In recent days, we’ve published reports of coyote sightings in the greater Admiral area. Two more today, and they mention a coyote attacking a cat and possibly a chicken. One report is from 42nd/Bradford/Charlestown area, another from 44th and Spokane, no pictures with either so we don’t know if it’s the same one. One chicken is missing, possibly fleeing from the coyote – we’ll add the chicken’s photo shortly, as well as a photo of a coyote seen in the 37th/Hinds area on Saturday.

4:39 PM: Before we could even add the photo of “Big Mama” the chicken, we got another text saying she’s back and all the chickens are OK after all. Our coyote-sighting reports are archived here, newest-to-oldest.)

6:36 PM: A neighbor texted to say the coyote’s still in the area and headed toward California SW on Spokane at last report. If you still haven’t read this despite all the times we’ve linked it – scroll to the “Coyotes Too Close For Comfort?” advice. Trying to scare it away remains the best thing you can do for it as well as for potential prey in the area.

VIDEO: West Seattle and South Park’s new City Councilmember Lisa Herbold promises to ensure people aren’t ‘left behind’

(UPDATED TUESDAY AFTERNOON with text of Councilmember Herbold’s speech)

3:43 PM: We’re at Seattle City Hall, where a hour and a half of oaths of office and speeches by the nine members of the City Council and their subsequent short business meeting have just concluded. Above, District 1 Councilmember Lisa Herbold was the first to take the oath, administered by former City Councilmember Nick Licata, for whom she worked for more than a decade and a half; her daughter, grandchildren, and husband joined her for the occasion, as shown in our video above; below, her subsequent four-minute speech, in which she vowed to ensure no one is “left behind”:

We’ll replace our phone video with better-quality versions of the clips, and more details, including key points of what was said by her new colleagues – including Councilmember Lorena González, a West Seattleite elected to citywide Position 9 – when we’re back at HQ a bit later.

5:01 PM: Here’s the archived Seattle Channel video of the entire event, all nine councilmembers (by district/position number, so Herbold was first, González last):

ADDED 7:38 PM: Photos – Councilmember Herbold’s mom Donna fastening the official city pin on her daughter:

Her grandchildren Jamaya and Jamil and husband Bob with her at the post-ceremony photo op:

And outside the post-meeting reception at the Bertha Knight Landes Room at City Hall, her entire group, also including daughter Megan at right:

In her speech, Councilmember Herbold spoke of income inequality, and the stark effect of housing unaffordability – the declining percentage of Seattle workers who are able to live in the city. Those who help make our region’s prosperity happen should have the chance to prosper too, she declared. She vowed “to pass laws to ensure that those who benefit most from the prosperity also invest in a fair deal for our city.” That includes impact fees and protection for renters “from some of the excesses of a very hot housing market,” she said. And on another money-related note, she thanked volunteers for helping her win “despite being outspent three to one.”

ADDED 8:05 PM: Councilmember González had been sworn in back in November, since her position was to succeed temporary appointee John Okamoto, so this was a second ceremony. City Clerk Monica Martinez Simmons led her through the oath, and partner Cameron was at her side:

You can see her speech at 1 hour, 10 minutes into the Seattle Channel clip above. “It’s my most sincere wish, hope, and resolution that this group of determined people will … put our heads together to solve Seattle’s most pressing issues” – gender and income inequality, homelessness, lack of affordable housing, “much more. … We must make this city a better place to live, work, and play. … We must be a voice for those so often forced into the shadows, only to be silenced. We must make this city the progressive beacon of our nation – where unfettered opportunity and shared prosperity for the working class, communities of color, immigrants, and refugees is the rule, not the exception.” 2015 was a year of change, she noted, but 2016 must be “a year of action.”

Councilmembers González and Herbold are two of the five women who make this a female-majority Seattle City Council for the first time in almost two decades. That, and the new makeup of the council – seven district representatives, two at-large, when all members had previously been at large for a century – are part of what the official news release trumpets. That and key points of other councilmembers’ speeches, ahead:

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VIDEO: One last try to solve West Seattle’s ‘coldest cold case’

Dateline West Seattle: The coldest Cold Case from JaroslawMedia on Vimeo.

Before Seattle Police “cold case” Detective Michael Ciesynski retires soon, he’s making one more pitch to solve what’s believed to be our area’s coldest case of all: The September 1959 murder of 62-year-old widow Pearl Kongsle, outside her home near Lincoln Park. This is a bizarre case for many reasons. West Seattle videographer Mark Jaroslaw tells the story in five minutes, above, including interviews with Det. Ciesynski and writer Daryl McClary, who wrote about the case for (We suggest, if you’re not familiar with the case, watch the video, then read the story – and read more about the detective here.)

Fauntleroy ferry dock pile-replacement work starts tomorrow

January 4, 2016 11:43 am
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 |   Fauntleroy | Transportation | West Seattle news

Our coverage of November’s Fauntleroy Community Association meeting included a mention of upcoming work to replace “rotten pilings” at the state-ferry dock. FCA just got word today that the work will start tomorrow, with contractor mobilization and site preparation. Two piles will be driven through the deck on Wednesday; “deck repairs and other maintenance needs on the wingwalls and dolphins as required” would happen on Thursday; and it would all wrap up on Friday. We’re checking on any specific anticipated traffic effects, and will update this item as needed, as well as including the plan in our daily traffic/transit reports as the week continues.

COUNTDOWN: Highway 99 lane closures approaching, warns WSDOT

(Click image for larger view)

Long before we get to that potential closure of the Alaskan Way Viaduct when the tunneling machine travels under it, Highway 99 has long-running lane closures coming up north of downtown – to build “four large sign foundations for the future tunnel” – and WSDOT really, really, really wants to make sure you know those closures are set to start two weeks from today, on Monday, January 18th. WSDOT spokesperson Laura Newborn emphasizes, “What’s most important for drivers and commuters to know is that while two lanes in each direction of SR 99 between Highland Drive and the Aurora Bridge will remain OPEN during peak commute hours, buses and vehicles will share the bus-only lane.” Read on for the full reminder from WSDOT:

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West Seattle Monday: What’s up today/tonight as 2016 settles in

(Thanks to Jim Spraker for the view of The Brothers on Sunday morning, just before the clouds moved in)

From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar – where you can look days, weeks, months into the future any time – the highlights for today/tonight:

CITY COUNCIL INAUGURATION: The 2 pm City Council meeting today begins with the inauguration ceremonies for councilmembers, including District 1’s Lisa Herbold (as previewed here New Year’s Day). Public’s invited, though the chambers are expected to fill, so last-minute arrival is not recommended. Second floor of City Hall downtown. (4th/5th/James)

COUNCILMEMBER HERBOLD’S VICTORY PARTY: After the big meeting, the new D-1 councilmember is having a belated victory party at the Chelan Café, 5 pm, since the election wasn’t settled until more than a month after the voting ended. (3527 Chelan SW)

FAMILY STORY TIME: High Point Library invites you to this year’s first evening story time for families, 6:30 pm. No charge, ever. (35th SW & SW Raymond)

WEST SEATTLE HI-YU: The heart of winter is the time to plan for summer. The first meeting of the year is when West Seattle Hi-Yu members and participants listen to ideas for the year’s theme, which leads to development of the next version of the last West Seattle neighborhood-rooted float. All welcome, 7 pm, Admiral Congregational Church. (California SW & SW Hill)

NIGHTLIFE: Trivia and more – see the listings/venues on the calendar!

P.S. – BUSINESS BREAKS: Two local businesses are on post-holiday breaks today and a ways beyond (any others? please let us know).