Photos by Leda Costa for West Seattle Blog
While putting together this year’s WSB West Seattle Halloween (etc.) Guide, we’ve noticed more community Dia de los Muertos events than previous years … and we were invited to visit Thursday night’s big party at Highland Park Elementary. And along with food, games, and crafts, participants got to learn about this way of honoring the dead – above, HPE dad Miguel Gudino explains the altar he set up. Traditionally, you put fresh flowers, candles, and your loved one’s favorite foods on an altar like this, and on November 1st, all of these items are taken to the grave.
It’s a celebratory time. And so the HPES event offered fun activities including facepainting – which drew a line:
That’s fourth-grader AJ. Ahead, 10 more photos:
Above, Alberto Medina, a former student at HPE, where his mother teachers, helped out at the arts and crafts table, assisting with DIY sombreros. Paper plates and cups went into the project:
There was a cake walk:
And of course there was candy:
There was also information about getting involved with the new playground!
If all goes well, the playground will be in use long before next Dia de los Muertos rolls around!
P.S. For more Dia de los Muertos events in the next week – along with Halloween events and other seasonal fun – check out our guide, here.