West Seattle, Washington
16 Sunday
In tonight’s West Seattle Crime Watch roundup:
PELLET-GUN SHOOTING IN LINCOLN PARK: The victim e-mailed us tonight with this report:
As I was jogging in Lincoln Park on Friday, September 30th, around 5:15 pm, I was heading downhill on the the trail directly above Colman Pool. I felt a sharp stinging pain in my chest, and realized I had just been shot with something! I saw two Caucasian boys, in their early teens, hiding in the brush above the trail. As I went towards them, they tried to hide themselves with their shirts and ran off! When I got home, I found the pellet in my shirt and the pellet had broken the skin. Just wanted to get the word out! Be aware!
CAR STOLEN IN GATEWOOD: From Melissa: “We had our white 2000 Honda CR-V, WA plate ASK3577, stolen from the front of our home. It did have a club attached to the wheel; officer said thieves come with their own wheel and swap it out. If anyone sees the vehicle, please call the police.”
PLEA BARGAIN FOR REPEAT OFFENDER: In July, we reported on Taylor Church, a 26-year-old repeat property-crime offender arrested for prowling in Highland Park/South Delridge and then charged with burglary. Checking online records, we found that Church had reached a plea bargain and was sentenced on Friday afternoon. She pleaded guilty to residential burglary for a July break-in in the 9000 block of 17th SW. And she pleaded guilty to a drug violation from a May incident in which court documents say she was found in a community-center bathroom in Tukwila trying to inject heroin. Superior Court Judge William Downing sentenced her to time served – almost three months – plus the residential version of the Drug Offender Sentencing Alternative, which she is expected to begin on Monday – three to six months of residential treatment. It will be followed by two years of “community custody” (probation).
That’s Seattle Lutheran High School #88, senior Josh Meyer, celebrating with his teammates after the pass that won their game against Rainier Christian in overtime this afternoon at West Seattle Stadium, 64-56. With a flawless first half, Rainier Christian looked in danger of running away with the game, but failed to keep the momentum going, and Seattle Lutheran scored the comeback win.
The Saints tied the game with 35 seconds to go in the fourth as senior Isaiah Dowding-Albrecht (above) ran the ball in for the touchdown (one of two he scored today) and senior Roberto Duenaz (below) made the two-point conversion. Read More
Just this morning, we were asked via e-mail if The Admiral District would have its customary merchant trick-or-treating this year. The answer: Yes!
We checked in with Parris Sadow at Atomic Boys and she just happened to have the flyer (which is the official “we’re participating” sign for Admiral businesses) ready to send out. As you can see, trick-or-treating is set for 3-6 pm on the Friday before Halloween, October 28th. So we’ve just added it to the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar. There, it joins the West Seattle Junction Harvest Festival (co-sponsored by WSB), which includes trick-or-treating, already announced for 10 am-2 pm Sunday, October 30th.
If you also have a public Halloween/harvest/autumn/etc. event to announce, please send us info ASAP so it can be in our calendar and on our special seasonal page – editor@westseattleblog.com – thanks!
1:23 PM: Be careful out there – several problems so far today on area roads, and right now the biggest one is on the Olson Place hill [map], where police are on the scene of a multiple-vehicle crash and it’s affecting traffic to/from Highway 509 and up the hill toward Myers Way. We’ll be heading over for an update.
1:59 PM UPDATE: If you get off 509 at Myers/Cloverdale, once you get up the hill you’ll be diverted southbound onto Myers. You won’t be able to get down from Roxbury to 509. SPD is directing traffic. Just added a texted photo – thank you!
3 PM: Olson Place has just reopened. The white powder currently on the road surface was applied by SDOT.
P.S. We don’t have any details about the crash itself but no medic unit was ever dispatched, which usually means no serious injuries.
By the south entrance at West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor), you can do two good deeds in the span of a few feet. Above, David Knittel, Jeralee Knittel, and Alice Kuder are three of the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Northwest Real Estate (WSB sponsor) reps who are collecting food and money for the West Seattle Food Bank until 2:30 pm. Below, Michele and Sophia are at the grill for Thriftway’s final benefit barbecue of the year, until about 3:45 pm – $5 gets you a fresh-grilled bratwurst, with all proceeds going to Team Seattle, raising money for Children’s Hospital.
Michele tells us the Team Seattle race car will be at Thriftway soon – watch for info on that.
A package thief hit Tiah near 39th and Manning on Friday. USPS says it delivered her package, containing “a high waisted black Victorian bustle skirt from ebay (Retroscope is the brand), at 10:58 am. When I arrived home, no package was to be found. Junk mail was still present in the mail box, so I’m not sure if they took any bills or any other sensitive mail. … (The skirt, worth $110) was for Halloween and as a teacher, I don’t have the funds to get another.”
After her first note, she sent this update: “1990 gray Honda Civic, older model. Larger, overweight man, black hair comb-over. A couple on 36th Ave saw the man rifle through the box, take out the skirt, and throw the packaging and box away in the trash bin of 3715 36th Ave SW.”
Morning rainbow! Thanks to James Bratsanos (above) and Lynn Hall (below) for the views.
(Lynn suggests it’s a tribute to the Huskies and Mariners, who both won last night – M’s play again at home tonight, 6:10 pm, still in wild-card contention.) Now on to what’s up for your Saturday:
PARKING-LOT SALE: Second and final day for Shorewood Christian School‘s parking-lot sale, 8:30 am-4 pm. (10300 28th SW)
(added) MILES FOR MIDWIVES: Didn’t have an announcement about this but we just saw the signs! This year’s Miles for Midwives fun(draising) run/walk starts at 10 am on the south end of Lincoln Park. (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW)
YOU CAN HELP! DONATE FOOD: 10:30 am-2:30 pm, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Northwest Real Estate (WSB sponsor) will be at West Seattle Thriftway (also a WSB sponsor) to collect donations for the West Seattle Food Bank, both nonperishable food items and $. (4201 SW Morgan)
BENEFIT BARBECUE: While you’re at Thriftway donating food, buy a fresh-grilled brat for $5 from the store’s last benefit barbecue of the year. Charities are Team Seattle and Seattle Children’s Hospital. 11ish am-3ish pm. (4201 SW Morgan)
OPEN HOUSE #1: Children’s Academy of Seattle is having a 10 am-noon open house for its Spanish-immersion program, ages 2 months to 5 years. (9635 17th SW)
WHITE CENTER ‘BIKE PLAYGROUND’ OPENS: 11 am-1 pm, it’s the grand opening of the first “bike playground” of its kind, in White Center’s Dick Thurnau Memorial Park. (11050 10th SW)
COOKBOOK SIGNING: Noon-2 pm at Metropolitan Market (WSB sponsor) in Admiral, meet cookbook author Kim O’Donnel and talk with her about “The Meat Lover’s Meatless Celebrations.” (41st/42nd/Admiral)
HIGH-SCHOOL FOOTBALL: 1 pm at West Seattle Stadium, the Seattle Lutheran High School Saints are scheduled to play Rainier Christian. (4432 35th SW)
OPEN HOUSE #2: 1-4 pm, White Crane Wellness welcomes you to an open house to find out about its alternative-health-care services, now that it’s under new ownership. (3435 California SW)
CAMP COLMAN BEAN FEED IN WEST SEATTLE: 5:30 pm dinner and more, celebrating and supporting the Y’s Camp Colman, at West 5 in The Junction. Details in our calendar listing; pre-registration is closed but tickets will be available at the door. (4525 California SW)
WEST SEATTLE MEANINGFUL MOVIES … presents Michael Moore‘s “Where to Invade Next” – details in our calendar listing. Doors open 6:30 pm, movie at 7, “no charge, but donations gratefully received.) At Neighborhood House’s High Point Center. (6400 Sylvan Way)
DANCE MS: West Seattle Big Band headlines this benefit dance, raising money to fight multiple sclerosis. 7 pm at Senior Center of West Seattle; suggested $15 donation includes hors d’oeuvres and soft drinks. (SW Oregon/California SW)
‘THE LADIES WITH A SONG’: At Kenyon Hall tonight, 7:30 pm, Laurie Clothier in “The Ladies With a Song,” described as “a salute to the female entertainers of the 1940s and 1950s, starring Kenyon Hall favorite Laurie Clothier in a new one-woman show celebrating sixteen legendary performers, including Rosemary Clooney, Ella Fitzgerald, Peggy Lee, Ethel Merman, and Ginger Rogers. She’ll be accompanied at the Steinway by David Duvall.” (7904 35th SW)
‘GHOSTS’: ArtsWest‘s first production of the 2016-2017 season, curtain time 7:30 pm; info in our calendar listing. (4711 California SW)
PARLIAMENT’S FIRST ANNIVERSARY PARTY: 9 pm, help the Parliament Tavern celebrate its first anniversary! Live music with Gnarlene and The Frisky Pigs, The Black Chevys, Dynamite Nugget. 21+, no cover.
44TH STREET BLUES BAND: 9 pm at Poggie Tavern in The Junction – read more about them in our calendar listing. 21+, no cover. (4717 California SW)
3 BANDS AT SKYLARK: 9 pm, The Feral Folk, Tigers of Youth, and Finger Guns. 21+, $7 cover. (3803 Delridge Way SW)
AND THERE’S MORE ... on our complete calendar. (West Seattle/White Center event to list? See the info atop the calendar to find out how to send yours in.)
7:20 AM: Thanks to the Atlas Place residents who texted to share the news of a water break in the south Beach Drive SW area. They woke up to no water, contacted Seattle Public Utilities, and were told about the break. We’ll be checking with SPU to find out about the extent of it and how long it might take to fix.
9:18 AM: Went to check it out firsthand – the water is coming up in the street in the 6700 block of Beach Drive, not far north of Lincoln Park, and an SPU crew (as shown in our photo above) is on scene.
9:26 AM: Just talked to an SPU spokesperson who says that traffic will be blocked for the repairs, which will likely take “three or four hours.” The break is in an 8-inch water main, likely just a failure of old infrastructure, and they believe it’s affecting water service to 25-30 customers (households, since this is a residential area). We’ll check back later in the day so we can update when the crew’s finished.
2:43 PM: An area resident says the water’s back and the crew is wrapping up:
That’s the pipe problem behind the break, the resident was told.
A touchdown by Chief Sealth International High School‘s #8 Dontae McMillan (above) kept the Seahawks from another shutout in last night’s game against Ballard at Southwest Athletic Complex. It happened less than a minute into the second quarter, and brought the score to 22-6, but after that, it was all Ballard, and the final score was Beavers 53, Seahawks 6. Other scenes from the stadium – the Sealth cheer squad performed with the kids who had attended last weekend’s Mini Cheer Camp:
The Sealth band arrived at the game in style, marching down the field:
Next week, CSIHS has a Thursday night game, 7 pm vs. Cleveland at Southeast Athletic Complex in Rainier Beach.
1:06 AM: Just reminding you that the overnight closure of the west end of the West Seattle Bridge is under way, so jersey barriers damaged in recent crashes can be replaced. Detours are listed in the original announcement. SDOT says this could last until 9 am.
6:38 AM: We’re seeing eastbound traffic via the 35th/Fauntleroy webcam, so the closure is over in that direction. The westbound side is still closed (work crews are visible on the “bridge deck” camera).
6:56 AM: And the westbound side has just reopened – we’re seeing regular traffic via the webcam.