month : 05/2016 330 results

UPDATE: City Light says it’s restored power to downtown Seattle after big outage

11:51 AM: In case you are heading downtown sometime soon – you should know about a big power outage in the heart of downtown. It’s not even on the Seattle City Light map, but they’re definitely aware of it. SCL attributes it to “equipment failure at Massachusetts Street Substation” and says it might take “a couple hours” to fix. We know lots of West Seattleites work downtown – is this affecting you?

12:07 PM: Someone in comments asked if there are any West Seattle effects; not that we have heard. The substation mentioned by SCL is in SODO (shown on this map). Meantime, they’ve moved up the guesstimate for restoration to 12:40 pm.

12:17 PM: While this mega-outage is NOT shown on the Seattle City Light map, SDOT has come up with one based on the boundaries that have been announced:

12:20 PM: We’re listening to officers downtown via scanner, as they assist with traffic control downtown, and they’re saying some intersections have power back – a couple mentioned on 5th – but a few blocks away, they’re still out. Also, Councilmember Kshama Sawant – who chairs the council committee that oversees SCL – tweeted that City Hall (5th/Cherry/4th/James) has power back.

12:26 PM: More restoration – SPD channel indicates lights on 3rd are working.

12:34 PM: SCL has officially declared power back on (while saying they don’t know yet what caused it). West Seattleites in the city’s Municipal Tower and the county’s Chinook Building – not far apart – confirm they’re back on. But downtown will likely have lingering effects throughout the afternoon.

12:48 PM: City Light says it doesn’t know yet how many customers (businesses/homes, in this case apartments/condos) were affected, but “12,000 meters” were in the outage zone.

UTILITY WORK ALERT: Sewer repairs on 35th SW starting next Tuesday


Seattle Public Utilities says it will be repairing a sewer line along 35th SW between Juneau and Raymond starting next Tuesday (May 31st). The flyer it’s circulating in the area says, “The mainline at this location is damaged and requires replacement. Homes and businesses will continue to receive normal service during the repair.” They expect the work, at five spots on the line (shown above), to take about two weeks, with crews there 7 am-4 pm weekdays. While service will continue, there will be mobility effects, including parking restrictions, limited access to driveways during construction work hours, and the closure of “the center two lanes of 35th SW” while the work is under way.

West Seattle Wednesday: Myers Parcels @ HPAC; tea; dancing; wellness; more…


Today’s spotlight photo is courtesy of Don Brubeck, who explains, “Bike riders were detouring around some heavy traffic at Terminal 18 (Tuesday) afternoon. Did not hear any honking.” Whether you’re going by bike, bus, car, feet … or wings! … here are half a dozen highlights for the rest of today/tonight, from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

ENTREPRENEUR MEETUP: Got your own business, or working on an idea for one? Join today’s Entrepreneur Meetup, noon-1:15 pm, at West Seattle Office Junction (WSB sponsor). Just drop in, and bring your lunch if you want to. (6040 California SW)

VIETNAMESE COMMUNITY TEA TIME: 1-3 pm at Greenbridge Community Center. Host Tram Chung says, “Please come to meet with friends, exchange information, storytelling, entertainment, singing, and planning for the future meetings. We can help with language support (translation/interpreter) or settle the bills such as electricity, water, cable TV, internet.” (9800 8th SW)

IRISH SET DANCING: 6:30 pm instruction, 7 pm dancing, no partner necessary, all explained here! Happening at Kenyon Hall. (7904 35th SW)

COMMUNITY WELLNESS AND PREVENTION INITIATIVE COALITION: 7 pm at Neighborhood House’s High Point Center, be part of the first meeting of this new coalition meant to help prevent youth substance abuse, as explained in our calendar listing. (6400 Sylvan Way SW)

HIGHLAND PARK ACTION COMMITTEE: 7 pm at Highland Park Improvement Club, with the agenda including a discussion of what’s next in the process of determining the Myers Way Parcels’ future (recent WSB coverage here and here), and info on what the Department of Neighborhoods is all about. (12th SW/SW Holden)

POEMS AND STORIES: 7 pm at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), the monthly Poetrybridge event features readings by Georgie Bright Kunkel and Cheryl Latif, as well as a community microphone. (5612 California SW)

Crime Watch followup: West Seattleite’s plea bargain in shooting death

May 25, 2016 9:47 am
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During our periodic check of court files in cases we’re following, we just found out that a West Seattleite arrested and charged with murder in a shooting death near Sea-Tac has pleaded guilty to a reduced charge. We reported in December on the arrest of 39-year-old Aaron Parypa at his Junction-area home; he was subsequently charged with second-degree murder and first-degree assault for a deadly shooting in October that prosecutors said was preceded by an attempted marijuana sale. According to court documents, Parypa, who had no previous criminal history, pleaded guilty last Friday to the reduced charge of second-degree manslaughter. In a written statement accompanying his plea, he wrote, “Although I do not believe I am guilty of manslaughter because I acted in self-defense, I want to plead guilty to the charge to take advantage of the reduction of the charge and the prosecutor’s recommendation.” The same document lists the standard sentencing range as 21 to 27 months.

West Seattle Memorial Day: Junction flag help; Forest Lawn ceremony

In case you haven’t yet seen them in the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar, two Memorial Day notes:

(2015 WSB photo)

JUNCTION FLAG HELP: Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2713 welcomes community assistance in putting up and taking down the West Seattle Junction’s U.S. flags on Monday. Meet at California/Alaska, in front of Cupcake Royale, at 8:50 am for flag placement, 4:50 pm for flag removal.

FOREST LAWN CEREMONY: At 2 pm on Monday, American Legion Post 160 and community partners will present the traditional annual Memorial Day ceremony at Forest Lawn (WSB sponsor) in High Point (map); all welcome.

(2014 WSB photo)
Right afterward, you’re invited to a 3:30 pm reception at Post 160 HQ in The Triangle (3618 SW Alaska).

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Wednesday watch; bridge closures continue; Memorial Day notes

(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)

(Click any view for a close-up; more cameras on the WSB Traffic page)

6:33 AM: Good morning! Two reminders for your Wednesday:

FILMING ON THE VIADUCT: Two more days – today and tomorrow – of scheduled filming resulting in “rolling slowdowns” on the Alaskan Way Viaduct between 9 am and 3 pm.

BRIDGE CLOSURE TONIGHT: The second week of the Fauntleroy Expressway seismic-cushion-re-replacement work continues, with the west end of the bridge scheduled for closure 9 pm-5 am again tonight.

8:10 AM: Yes, we’ve been watching and listening; things are still quiet! Reminder that if you see something potentially of note for your fellow commuters – tips are appreciated – IF you are a passenger; otherwise, once you get to your destination. Text or call us 24/7 at 206-293-6302.

1:57 PM: Two Memorial Day notes have come in since the morning commute:

-NO bridge closures Sunday or Monday nights because of the holiday.

-The West Seattle Water Taxi will run on a Sunday schedule on Memorial Day (Monday).

3 updates @ West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network

Tonight’s monthly meeting of the West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network was low-key – more like a small-group conversation with police, and each other. Three updates of note:

GUNFIRE INCIDENTS: Southwest Precinct commander Capt. Pierre Davis reiterated that this is a big emphasis here right now. In terms of investigating, the focus is on data mining – he said the crime lab is examining fingerprints on recovered shells, and detectives are looking at the patterns. When that kind of information can be pulled together, gun use can be traced to certain offenders and certain incidents. In many cases, he said, those responsible can usually be tied to other activity such as gangs, drugs, or burglary rings, so they’re working with others around the city to try to ID who’s responsible.

CAR PROWLS: This too remains an emphasis, as mentioned at other recent meetings. One hotspot, Westcrest Park, now has warning signs about not leaving things in vehicles, an attendee mentioned.

RV CAMPERS: While the plan for a “safe lot” in West Seattle has long since been scrapped by the mayor’s office, as reported here, Capt. Davis said the precinct’s Community Police Team continues to monitor and deal with the RVs on West Seattle streets, including the group along Myers Way. Citywide, the trend is toward dispersal rather than clustering, he said, adding that West Seattle does not seem to be drawing a disproportionate number as the RVs scatter.

The West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network meets fourth Tuesdays most months, 6:30 pm at the SW Precinct – watch for updates between meetings.

UPDATE: Fire call in 2600 block SW Holden

May 24, 2016 9:14 pm
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 |   West Seattle fires | West Seattle news

9:14 PM: A full house-fire response is headed for the 2600 block of SW Holden. First units to arrive are seeing “light smoke.” More to come.

9:19 PM: The response is being reduced – it’s a kitchen fire, announced as “food on the stove.”

West Seattle schools: ‘Fox Hole Classic’ golf tournament to raise money for multiple PTA’s

May 24, 2016 8:52 pm
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While the school-funding shortage means PTA/PTSA fundraisers are not unusual, this one is: The Schmitz Park Elementary PTA is hosting the first Fox Hole Classic Golf Tournament – which, president Robert Kelly says, its purpose is “to provide financial grants for other West Seattle school PTA’s. This is an opportunity to help make the entire community the best place for our children to succeed as students and citizens.” Here’s the scoop on the tournament:

Join us at West Seattle Golf Course on Friday, June 10, 2016
2:30 pm Shotgun Start (1:15 Check-in)

There will be prizes for: Hole-In-One * Jackpot Hole * Tee & Door Prizes KP’s * Longest Drives * Putting Contest

Registration open now. Cost: $125 per golfer.
Early Bird Foursome Special: $400
Limit 144 total golfers. Deadline June 3rd.

Register and Pay Online or submit the attached form (PDF) with check.

Questions, please contact Robert Kelly:

Kelly says this is open to the public and they’re also seeking sponsors, via hole sponsorship, a one-time monetary donation, prize donations. As he notes, “Each year, school PTA’s help close the funding gaps by providing important resources that help our children learn and achieve every single day.”

TRAFFIC ALERT: More ‘rolling slowdowns’ for Viaduct filming next two days

(WSB photo from last week, by Christopher Boffoli)

Reminder if you’ll be heading eastbound/northbound in the late morning/early afternoon on either or both of the next two days – more “rolling slowdowns” are ahead on the northbound Alaskan Way Viaduct, as the movie crew (widely identified as from the “Fifty Shades” sequel) returns. That’s according to this SDOT alert featuring traffic-affecting events scheduled in the city for the next several days.

West Seattle scene: Rotary’s benefit breakfast features Cliff Mass

May 24, 2016 4:38 pm
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 |   Rotary Club of West Seattle | West Seattle news

(WSB photos)

The Rotary Club of West Seattle drew about 200 people to its annual fundraising breakfast this morning at Salty’s on Alki (WSB sponsor). This year’s keynote speaker is well-known to weather-watchers in particular: Cliff Mass, described on the program as “University of Washington Professor of Atmospheric Sciences and renowned Seattle weather prognosticator/personality.” We photographed him with incoming West Seattle Rotary president Dr. Susanne Gee:


Mass has often said he’s not a forecaster, but more of an analyst. And as those at today’s event heard, he’s outspoken on a variety of related topics, including no love lost for some news media’s tendency to engage in hyperbole related to weather events. He also talked about what he sees for the Pacific Northwest in terms of climate change – including more rain, less snow, between now and 2050, but no “dramatic” increase in temperature until later this century. You can find him online here.

P.S. Today’s fundraising will benefit Rotary projects including the Children’s Holiday Shopping Spree and Pencil Me In For Kids.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Police arrest 3 in stolen-bike sting

2:14 PM: Police say they arrested three people at Westwood Village last night in connection with a bicycle stolen downtown and listed for sale online. Here’s what Jonah Spangenthal-Lee posted on SPD Blotter this afternoon:

Officers arrested a trio of suspects at a West Seattle shopping center Monday after they tried to sell police a pricey bike stolen days earlier from REI’s flagship store.

On May 21st, a masked suspect made their way into a fenced, gated area at REI’s flagship store in the 200 block of Yale Avenue and made off with a $2,700 black and neon green Ghost Kato bike.

A few days later, REI staff found an ad for a Ghost Kato bike on Craigslist. The ad listed the bike at $1,500, describing it as “brand new” and “ready to be picked up.” “Serious inquiries only!!!,” the seller wrote.

REI staff sent the ad to police, and Southwest Precinct Anti-Crime Team Officer Ernie Debella got in touch with the seller and set up a Monday night meeting.

Around 6 PM, police were waiting at the Westwood Village shopping center when the suspects – a 29-year-old woman and two men, 28 and 40 years old – arrived in a cab. The trio pulled the bike out of the cab’s trunk and began scouring the lot, as if they were looking for police.

Officers contacted the group, confirmed the bike was the same one stolen days earlier, and booked the men and woman into the King County Jail for trafficking stolen property.

We’re checking to see if we can find out more about the suspects’ status.

ADDED 4 PM: According to the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, the three were released from today’s bail-hearing calendar – the 28-year-old man is getting out of jail, but the other two suspects are still being held on unrelated warrants, the 40-year-old man for failure to appear in a theft case – a $10,000 warrant – and the 29-year-old woman, for a $2,500 warrant related to failing to appear in a “false reporting” case.

UPDATE: Police at Denny/Sealth campus as ‘precaution’ after ‘fraudulent’ social-media threat


12:14 PM: Several parents have e-mailed to ask why Denny International Middle School is in shelter-in-place mode. We first checked with Seattle Police, and were told there is NOT an emergency situation, though police are on “directed patrol” at the campus. We’re now at the school and should know more shortly – will update when we do.

12:17 PM: Patrol officers are at the school on bicycles as well as in cars, and the Southwest Precinct’s Mobile Precinct van is too.


We expect to talk to police soon but in the meantime, school security tells us that this is the result of “a rumor on social media.”

12:28 PM: Just talked with Southwest Precinct commander Capt. Pierre Davis. He confirms this relates to a threat posted on social media but says they have spent some time investigating this and confirming it does not appear to be a credible threat. According to Capt. Davis, the student account where this threat appeared had been “hacked into” – they verified that it was not posted by the account owner. Meantime, one parent tells us Chief Sealth next door also is sheltering in place – we haven’t confirmed that yet, but since the two schools are adjacent, that wouldn’t seem unlikely.

ADDED 1:21 PM: Denny principal Jeff Clark has shared the message sent to families of Denny and Sealth students:

Dear Denny and Sealth Families,

This morning a few scholars shared information with school staff about some social media messaging that included mention of a potential weapon being brought to school. We immediately began consultation with the Seattle Police Department. As an extra precaution, as the credibility and details were investigated, we began a shelter-in-place, which means we lock the exterior doors and keep school operating normally inside the building. After investigating, the Seattle Police Department has determined that the messaging came from a fraudulent Facebook account.

Simply as an extra precaution, SPD suggested that we keep the shelter-in-place status until the near the end of the school day at 2:15, which we will do. We have been cleared to have normal dismissal from school and have our scholars go home as they do normally. We will continue to have afterschool activities.

We would like to thank our scholars for sharing this information with us right away. Additionally, we would like to thank our partners at the Seattle Police Department who responded right away with an extra presence at school and in the community and for helping us to determine that the situation was safe. As always, safety is our top priority. Thank you for your support.

Denny and Sealth Administration

HELICOPTER ALERT: Emergency drill in the air and on the water off West Seattle tomorrow

(WSB photo from November 2015, helicopters at Terminal 5 during drill)

If you see unusual helicopter and vessel activity off northeast West Seattle, and further into the bay, tomorrow afternoon/evening (Wednesday, May 25th) – it’s likely to be related to a drill. Here’s the King County Sheriff’s Office announcement:

The King County Sheriff’s Office Special Operations Section is hosting a multi-agency training drill Wednesday afternoon in Puget Sound between Harbor Island and Discovery Park. Drill participants will include the Seattle Police Department, Washington State Patrol, U.S. Coast Guard, F.B.I., U.S. Customs and Border Protections and King County Medic One.

This drill will test and solidify the capabilities of the Regional Maritime Tactical Action Group in response to an active shooter or hostage type event aboard a vessel in the Puget Sound. As the only agency in the Puget Sound with both air and water assets capable of delivering law enforcement to an underway ferry, cruise ship or pleasure craft, this training is critical for the King County Sheriffs Office to be prepared to protect our citizens.

Numerous law enforcement boats will be involved in the exercise, along with a King County Water Taxi boat. The main landing zone for the King County Sheriff’s helicopter will be Terminal 5. During the exercise there will be NO public access to the pier.

Terminal 5 itself isn’t a public-access area anyway so we’re checking to see if neighboring Jack Block Park will be affected.

DEMOLITION: Building coming down as West Seattle YMCA expansion revs up

May 24, 2016 10:45 am
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(WSB photo)

10:45 AM: A little more than one week before the groundbreaking celebration for the West Seattle YMCA (WSB sponsor) expansion, early work related to the project is under way: It’s demolition day for the old Youth Programs building. The Y will stay open throughout the project; construction updates are being posted here, including more about today’s teardown and the building’s history as well as construction-related recycling. The groundbreaking celebration, meantime, is set for 4:30 pm Thursday, June 2nd.

ADDED 3:32 PM: Thanks to the Y for this photo from later in the day:


West Seattleite on ‘Wheel of Fortune’ tonight


Game-show alert: Contestants on “Wheel of Fortune” tonight (7 pm, Channel 4) include a West Seattle resident, Peter Murray. Peter’s spouse Kelly Murray sent the photo and tells WSB: “This is his second game show appearance; he was on ‘Jeopardy’ in April 2009! He’s had a long career in non-profit work (United Way of King County, JDRF, now Red Cross), but his training as an actor and his love of the New York Times crossword puzzle make him a pretty great game-show contestant.” So, how’d he do? No spoilers here; you’ll just have to watch.

West Seattle Tuesday: 8923 Fauntleroy Way’s future; Block Watch Captains’ Network; 2 types of voting; more …

2016-5-22-1500*-Rufous and Anna's in battle

Today’s photo is from Trileigh Tucker, who notes, “The Anna’s Hummingbird (top) is a year-around denizen of Seattle, so when the Rufous Hummingbird (bottom) shows up for summer residency, there’s much debate around territory!” As for what’s going on in your territory around the peninsula today/tonight – from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar and inbox:

LOW TIDE, WITH BEACH NATURALISTS: Today’s low tide – -1.5 feet at 1:15 pm – is a little lower than Monday, and Seattle Aquarium volunteer beach naturalists will again be out at Constellation Park and Lincoln Park, 10:30 am-1:30 pm.

BALLOT DROPOFF VANS: As reported here last night, tonight is the deadline to get your ballot in for the state’s presidential primary, and you can do that without a stamp by using a King County Elections dropoff van, 10 am-8 pm, West Seattle Stadium (4432 35th SW) or Greenbridge (9720 8th SW).

YOUTH VOICE, YOUTH CHOICE: As reported here on Monday, the city’s “participatory budgeting” experiment offers 11- to 25-year-olds the chance this week to vote on which projects they think should get a share of $700,000 in the next city budget. Today’s voting locations include Delridge Skatepark, where you’ll find community volunteer Nancy Folsom with ballots from about 3:30-5 pm. (Delridge/Genesee)

8923 FAUNTLEROY WAY’S FUTURE: 6:30 pm at The Hall at Fauntleroy, come hear about, and comment on, the proposal for a sort of swap involving a house and 35 feet of beachfront property north of Cove Park by the Fauntleroy Ferry Terminal. Neighbors say they’ve been told the proposal has changed regarding which city department might own it if the “swap” is made. Our previous reports are here, here, here, and here. (9131 California SW)

WEST SEATTLE BLOCK WATCH CAPTAINS NETWORK: WSBWCN meets at 6:30 pm at the Southwest Precinct:

What are your top-of-mind, Block Watch-related issues? Bring them to our meeting! It’s been a while since we’ve had open discussion as opposed to a full agenda at our monthly meeting. So this is your chance to discuss what happening in your neighborhood, ask for advice, share your advice, and get to know your fellow BW captains. Let’s take advantage of this! Two topics that have been raised so far both involve youth: One is how to engage youth to be involved in your Block Watch? And two, how to build awareness of summer safety issues without alarming them?

(2300 SW Webster)

FAMILY STORY TIME: 7 pm at Delridge Library. (5423 Delridge Way SW)

UNINCORPORATED AREA OPEN HOUSE: If you live in White Center or elsewhere in unincorporated North Highline, you’re invited to King County’s annual open house, 7-9 pm at Seola Gardens’ Providence Building – here’s the flyer. (11215 5th SW)

NIGHTLIFE! Music and karaoke are some of what you’ll find in these listings, on our complete calendar.

Remembering Carla de Vrieze, 1972-2016

Family and friends are remembering Carla de Vrieze, who died last week at 43, and sharing this announcement with the community:

Carla Y. de Vrieze passed away May 16, 2016, surrounded by her family.

Carla was born October 6, 1972, in the Netherlands. Moving to the US as a young child, she lived with her family in Arlington and Winchester, Massachusetts, attending Winchester High School and High Mowing School in Wilton, NH. After earning her Associate’s Degree from Johnson and Wales University College of Culinary Arts, Carla moved and spent a few years in Chevy Chase, Maryland, before settling in West Seattle, near her brother’s family, in 1999.

Carla’s creativity and passion for the culinary arts were an important part of her personal and professional life; in cooking for others, she found joy. Carla was preceded in death by her father, Theo de Vrieze. She is survived by her mother, Joan de Vrieze, her brother Martin de Vrieze (Heather), and nephew Jake de Vrieze, all of West Seattle. She is also survived by countless aunts, uncles, cousins around the country and the world.

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to SANCA, the School of Acrobatics and New Circus Arts, an organization which brings joy and inclusion to so many children of all abilities (674 S. Orcas Street, Seattle 98108 or

(WSB publishes West Seattle obituaries by request, free of charge. Please e-mail the text, and a photo if available, to

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Tuesday updates; bridge closures continue

May 24, 2016 6:34 am
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(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)

(Click any view for a close-up; more cameras on the WSB Traffic page)

6:34 AM: Good morning! No incidents so far in West Seattle or on the outbound routes from here. Reminders:

BRIDGE CLOSURES CONTINUE: 9 pm-5 am again tonight, the west end of the West Seattle Bridge will be closed as the Fauntleroy Expressway seismic-cushion project continues.

ANOTHER OVERNIGHT CLOSURE TONIGHT: If you expect to be headed this way from the Eastside, be aware that the westbound I-90 ramp to southbound I-5 will be closed tonight, 9 pm-5 am.

FAUNTLEROY FERRY DOCK CHANGES CONTINUE: The new procedures meant to speed up loading led to some delays on Monday.

7:30 AM: Still quiet – around most of the metro area, too – aside from the usual bridge/99 slowness as we get to the heart of the commute.

ELECTION 2016: Presidential primary Tuesday; who filed for state primary in August

Two election notes tonight:

PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY TOMORROW: If you’re voting in our state’s presidential primary, tomorrow’s the voting deadline. While the state Republican Party will use its votes to allocate delegates for the national convention, the state Democratic Party is only using the caucus process, so the primary votes are just for show. You can mail your ballot as long as it gets postmarked with tomorrow’s date, or you can drop it off – no postage needed – at one of the county’s dropoff spots, including the dropoff van making its last appearance at West Seattle Stadium:


Joseph and Third, who said they’d received 175 ballots by our 3 pm visit, reminded us that by the August election, West Seattle’s new permanent ballot dropbox will be in place at High Point Library. In the meantime, the ballot van will be at the stadium (4432 35th SW) 10 am-8 pm tomorrow, in the northwest corner of the parking lot. If you’re in south West Seattle or White Center, your closest dropoff van is on 8th SW in Greenbridge, about a block south of Roxbury; that too will be a thing of the past after tomorrow, as White Center also gets a permanent dropbox, at the new library (1409 SW 107th) that opened last Saturday.

AUGUST PRIMARY: Filing for the August primary is over, and here’s the list of who’ll be on ballots for state and federal offices in our state. Both 34th District State House Representatives have challengers this time (names are linked to the campaign sites/pages we found):

State Rep. Position 1
Eileen Cody (incumbent Democrat)
Brendan Kolding (Democrat)
Matthew Benson (Republican)

State Rep. Position 2
Joe Fitzgibbon (incumbent Democrat)
Andrew Pilloud (Republican)

Benson and Pilloud are the first Republicans to run in the 34th District since 2010, when Ray Carter challenged Cody while declaring his party preference “Reluctantly Republican”; in 2014, Cody was unopposed, while Kolding ran against Fitzgibbon; in 2012, Cody had a Democratic opponent, while Fitzgibbon was unopposed.

Also of local note, West Seattleite KumRoon “Mr. Mak” Maksirisombat (his ballot listing includes the nickname), a teacher at Chief Sealth International High School, is one of the nine candidates in the running for state Superintendent of Public Instruction.

The state primary election is August 2nd.

West Seattle High School musicians, marchers in Victoria Day celebrations

WSHS band in Victoria Days parade

Thanks to Laura Martin for the photos and video from the West Seattle High School Band, Orchestra, and Flag Squad trip to Victoria, B.C., for Victoria Day celebrations. The Band and Flag Squad marched today in the 118th Victoria Day Parade, where she says the mid-parade dance routine delighted the crowd:

mid parade dance routine by WSHS band - Victoria Day Parade

And on Saturday and Sunday, Laura (a parent chaperone) reports, they performed “in various venues in downtown Victoria (including) in front of the Parliament Building as part of the ‘Parade of Bands” event, showcasing high school bands from Washington and British Columbia.” Here’s a collage:

WSHS band in Victoria BC (1)

Victoria Day is a Canadian holiday in honor of Queen Victoria, always on the last Monday before May 25th; she was born on May 24, 1819.

P.S. You can also see a short video clip from today’s parade here.

Terminal 5 modernization? Read, and react to, the draft Environmental Impact Statement

(January 2015 photo of Terminal 5 by Long Bach Nguyen)
Two years ago, the Port of Seattle took a major step in its plan to “modernize” West Seattle’s Terminal 5, weeks before shutting it down as a cargo terminal. And now, it’s time for the next step: The draft Environmental Impact Statement is ready for your review and comments. This is the report that wouldn’t have happened without a group of T-5 neighbors pushing for it; at first, the port didn’t think an EIS would be needed, but the neighbors begged to differ, and launched a petition drive. The port subsequently announced last fall that discussions with potential tenants revealed the scope of operations would require an EIS after all – and now, a one-month comment period has opened, as previewed at recent community meetings we covered. Here’s the port’s official announcement:

The Port of Seattle and the Northwest Seaport Alliance are proposing modifications to marine cargo facilities at Terminal 5.

The Port of Seattle, as lead agency under the State Environmental Protection Act (SEPA), is preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on the project, which includes berth deepening, dock strengthening, and power upgrades to handle larger cranes.

The Northwest Seaport Alliance (NWSA) is a marine cargo operating partnership of the ports of Seattle and Tacoma governed jointly by the commissions of the two ports.

“The Northwest Seaport Alliance needs to make Terminal 5 ‘Big Ship Ready’ to remain competitive in today’s global economy,” said NWSA co-chair and Port of Tacoma Commission President Connie Bacon.

“Modernizing Terminal 5 will allow us to keep good paying middle class jobs in our region. We encourage the public to weigh in over the next 30 days with their comments about the proposed improvements—either online at your convenience or by attending one of our public hearings,” said NWSA co-chair and Port of Seattle Commission President John Creighton.

The environmental review will evaluate potential impacts to earth, air, water, plants, animals, energy and natural resources, environmental health, noise, aesthetics (including light and glare), historic and cultural resources, transportation and public services.

Public comments on the Draft EIS will be accepted from May 23 to June 21, will be included in the SEPA record and may result in corrections, additions or clarification to the Draft EIS.

For tips on commenting, visit the Washington State Department of Ecology’s Citizen’s Guide to SEPA Review and Commenting.

The Draft EIS is available online at three locations:

Printed copies of the DEIS will be available at the Seattle Central Library, Delridge Library, South Park Branch Library and the West Seattle Library.

Printed copies also will be available at Port of Seattle offices, 2711 Alaskan Way, Seattle, from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday – Friday, through June 21.

If you would like to receive a copy of the DEIS please contact Brenda Thomas at 206-787-3382, or email:

For more information on the proposed improvements and to comment online, visit

Comments can also be emailed to: – please include your mailing address for a response. The other primary ways to comment are listed below:

The Port of Seattle is also hosting two public hearings for people to share comments on the Draft EIS:

Tuesday, June 7
5:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Georgetown Campus, South Seattle College
6737 Corson Ave. So.

Thursday, June 9
5:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Alki Masonic Center
4736 40th Ave. SW

If you need the assistance of an interpreter at one of the public hearing events, or want to receive a response to a question in your native language, please call the port’s language help line:

Para español, llame al (206) 787-3797 y marque 1.

Để sử dụng tiếng Việt, gọi số (206) 787-3797 và nhấn phím 2

Soomaali, wac (206) 787-3797, kadib riix 3.

សម្រាប់ភាសាខ្មែរ សូមហៅទូរសព្ទមកលេខ (206) 787-3797 ហើយចុចលេខ 4។

For other languages, call (206) 787-3797 and press 5.

We’ll be reading the draft EIS tonight; followups to come.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Saturday night gunfire & shooting followups

A few more details this afternoon about two incidents mentioned here late Saturday/early Sunday, after we asked Southwest Precinct Operations Lt. Ron Smith about both:

DELRIDGE SHOOTING: As reported here early Sunday, a man showed up at Harborview Medical Center saying he had been shot near his residence in the 4700 block of Delridge Way SW. Lt. Smith says the victim drives a “party bus” and reported parking it near his residence, then being approached by someone while walking home, and getting into an argument. During the clash, he told police, the other man pulled out a gun and shot him in the left thigh. No arrest so far.

HIGH POINT GUNFIRE: We originally reported on this late Saturday night. Multiple 911 callers reported hearing gunshots; police quickly traced it to the 6500 block of Sylvan Way SW, and linked it to an earlier 911 call in which someone said their neighbor had threatened to shoot them. Near the residence where that happened, Lt. Smith says, they found 14 shell casings from what might have been two different 9mm guns. No injuries; no arrests so far.