If you are – or know someone who is – between ages 11 and 25, this week brings your/their chance to help make a big decision – voting on how to spend almost three-quarters of a million dollars in the city budget.
It’s voting time in the city’s first-ever Participatory Budgeting process, dubbed “Youth Voice, Youth Choice.” While online voting has just gone live, a special feature of this is the chance to vote in person – and it’s happening in places where the participants are likely to be found.
North Delridge resident Nancy Folsom e-mailed to say she will have ballots with her on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, starting at 3:30 pm, at Delridge Skatepark (Delridge/Genesee).
Then, from the city, youth-engagement strategic adviser Jenny Frankl sent this message:
As you might recall, there were a series of Idea Assemblies held in February, where Youth Voice, Youth Choice collected 530+ ideas for projects. Since that time, a group of youth budget delegates have been culling that list and have now narrowed that list down to 19 project proposals. Youth ages 11 – 25 are being asked to select their top 7 projects out of this list of 19 during Vote Week (which is currently underway!). There are two ways to vote: Youth can vote online @ bit.ly/youthvoicevote or via a paper ballot. In West Seattle, some in-person polling stations have been set up in various locations:
· Chief Sealth IHS, through their Social Studies classes
· Southwest Youth & Family Services (contact Fernanda Hernandez, fhernandez@swyfs.org, for exact times)
· Delridge Skatepark [see above]
· High Point Youth Program
· High Point Youth Tutoring Program
· West Seattle branches of the Seattle Public Library
Anyone who needs a paper ballot or is interested in participation by youth with whom they work – contact Jenny at jenny.frankl@seattle.gov or 206-396-0200.
P.S. If you’re not eligible to vote but interested in what projects are on the ballot – go here and choose the “preview” (non-voting) option.