West Seattle egg hunts 2016, report #1: Community-center crowds

10:18 AM: Huge morning for egg hunts. The community centers’ 10 am hunts are over in minutes, and we were at Hiawatha to catch what’s usually West Seattle’s biggest crowd. Our Instagram video above (mouse over the image to bring up the “play” button) shows you just part of it. More photos to come (plus separate coverage of the huge Thriftway event) – and if you were at a community-center hunt, we’d love to use your photo – editor@westseattleblog.com – thanks!

7:21 PM: Our photos from Hiawatha – where the kids are split into age groups, and then led off to different parts of the grounds, from the tennis courts to, in this case, the east lawn and wading pool areas:


Then, they line up until it’s time to dash for the eggs:


And they’re off!


Collection boxes were out in hopes of recycling as many of the plastic eggs as possible, once they were emptied:


With hundreds of people caucusing at West Seattle High School next door, and Lafayette Elementary nearby, the area was more congested than usual today – won’t be the case next year, of course.

1 Reply to "West Seattle egg hunts 2016, report #1: Community-center crowds"

  • Chris March 27, 2016 (9:14 am)

    It is sad to see adults teaching their children that Easter is about egg hunts and rabbits. It is a fallacy. If you do not believe in Jesus do not celebrate Easter by participating in corporate america invented games. It is sad that an adult who is informed can still do this without conscious. Especially on a very important day for our nation and the FUTURE of your children. You should be at the Caucus not disrespecting the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

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