VIDEO: Salmon still showing up in Longfellow Creek, and one way you can help them

(Video by Tom Trulin)

Thanks for sending the video and photos! Though the Fauntleroy Creek salmon-spawning season was short and sweet, salmon are still showing up in Longfellow Creek.

(Photo by Manuel Valdes)

Puget SoundKeeper Alliance is keeping watch on the Longfellow Creek salmon through their Pre-Spawn Mortality Survey, watching to see how many fish die in the polluted creek before they get a chance to spawn, like this one.

Anna Bachmann shared the Thursday report with WSB:

We are now over a month into the survey and have reported 278 salmon! We have seen 6 Urban Runoff Mortality Syndrome (URMS) cases, 34 cases of pre-spawn mortality, and 81 deceased salmon in total. Below is a nice visualization of the data we currently have comparing salmon reported to the survey day they were seen on. As of right now our peak day was on our 26th survey day, but sightings are still increasing!

You have a chance tomorrow to make a difference for the salmon – Bachmann adds, “This Saturday (November 16, 2024) we are having a cleanup at Longfellow Creek. It will last two hours from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm; please register here if you are interested in coming out to help clean up debris along the creek.” The registration page has information on where to meet up to join the cleanup.

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