FOLLOWUP: Who’s moving in after JF Henry closes in The Junction


When we reported last week that J.F. Henry in The Junction would close, with its owners Tom and Patty Henry leaving the retail business, leasing his building to someone and something new, the new lease wasn’t final yet. Now, it is, and we’ve heard from the new tenant: Tyler McKenzie recently bought the John L. Scott West Seattle real-estate office at 5242 California SW and will be moving it to the current J.F. Henry building at 4445 California SW.

In the photo atop the story, McKenzie and wife Marguerite Carlson are at left, along with the Henrys at right. As designated broker, McKenzie will oversee the company’s operations. His community-involvement history included serving as president of the Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association board in 2009-2010. The move is still a few months away, McKenzie tells us, as they have permits and designs to deal with to convert the building’s interior. He summarizes, “We are truly excited by the prospect of occupying such a wonderful venue. Our goal is to create a fabulous environment, not only for our brokers, but clients alike. As they visit, clients will come to enjoy all the benefits of the Junction and its businesses, so this is a win-win all around.”

The building at 4445 California SW was a real-estate office in one of its past incarnations, McKenzie mentions. It has more than enough space for his firm, and room to grow. As for JF Henry’s closing date, we were unable to reach Tom Henry this afternoon, so we’ll have a separate followup on that later.

P.S. As noted in last week’s story, this is one of eight Junction buildings that the new West Seattle Junction Historical Survey considers to have landmark potential, pending further research.

24 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: Who's moving in after JF Henry closes in The Junction"

  • brian March 9, 2016 (7:06 pm)

    Wow. That’s a super boring announcement.

  • Kari Scott March 9, 2016 (7:36 pm)

    I know I speak for many John L Scott West Seattle Brokers in sharing that we are so excited to be moving into such a beautiful historic Building! Cant wait!


    Kari Scott

    Managing Broker Seattle

    John L. Scott Real Estate Top
    1% 2015

     206 799-8343

    Fax 206 935 7000


  • Jeannie March 9, 2016 (8:59 pm)

    Agh. Kind of a letdown. Real estate office? Really? Well, I guess it’s better than yet another coffee shop, nail salon, or hipster craft cocktail bar. 

  • Mr. B March 9, 2016 (9:36 pm)

    Bummer… a new restaurant would have been nice.  

  • celeste17 March 9, 2016 (9:39 pm)

    Wish it was something fun like a mother gift shop.

    • WSB March 9, 2016 (9:48 pm)

      Re: restaurants, this building isn’t geared up for that but at least ten more are on the way in WS by my count (the announced ones, already reported here, are Dumplings of Fury, Kizuki Ramen, Lodge Sports Grille in The Junction, Pecos Pit in The Triangle, Whisky West and Chungee’s in Morgan), plus additional spaces being offered for lease as eateries/drinkeries, and none of that even counts vacant existing spaces like ex-Cask, ex-Zatz, ex-Westside Pub …

      • Sarah March 15, 2016 (9:58 am)

        Tried to get a drink or something to eat lately in The Junction on a Thursday/Friday/Saturday ?   Impossible.   I’ve seen close to fistfights over barstools lately.  With our growth we needed another eatery or bar.   Chungee’s, Whiskey Bar, Pecos Pit are not going to help The Junction density issue. 

        • WSB March 15, 2016 (10:12 am)

          At least seven more are in the works in The Junction, announced and unannounced, and I’m not even counting the spaces coming in the buildings on the west and east edges. As discussed at last Saturday’s Gathering of Neighbors, perhaps the more perplexing space-taking on main streets is that of banks (not just in WS – apparently Capitol Hill, too) – as they tend to be lightly used in terms of employees per square foot. But we do need more space for more people to work on the peninsula without having to leave – we are lucky enough to be able to be here all day most days, but anyone who isn’t might not be mindful of the fact that eating/drinking places usually need lunch business, too, and businesses with double- or triple-digit staffs will help with that… – TR

          • Sarah March 24, 2016 (10:55 am)

            Agreed on the banks.   Why a bank had to move into a prime spot in the Juction next to Chipoltle I will never know.  Now THAT is a boring use of a new building. 

  • WS Wanderer March 9, 2016 (11:31 pm)

    Welcome Tyler and everyone else from John L. Scott West Seattle!

  • dsa March 9, 2016 (11:46 pm)

    The thing is you *might* use it once in your lifetime as a R/E office.  Other than that I’m glad to see it stay commercial than condo.

  • Jon March 10, 2016 (1:31 am)

    Yeah, that’s a bummer. The Junction already has like four real estate offices. Anything else would’ve been more exciting; especially given the unique space.

    What a shame. I liked JF Henry. It’s a loss to the neighborhood to lose shopping diversity.
    Here’s to the yuppification of West Seattle, I guess.
    • Sarah March 15, 2016 (9:46 am)

      Agreed.  There is no good reason (except for money) that we need another Real Estate office taking up a prime location along California Ave SW.  We need more boutiques and restaurants.  What a shame. 

  • Damntheweather March 10, 2016 (4:50 am)

    Hats off to the Henry’s for maintaining that beautiful building. The paint and trim colors, the lighting, signage and displays are gorgeous and adds so much to The Junction. 

    Congrats on your retirement, Mr and Mrs Henry, and thank you for adding a classy touch to The Junction’s retail mix.

  • YourAdHere March 10, 2016 (5:41 am)

    Curious how the plan to grow will work out when there is so little inventory to buy & sell. 

  • David March 10, 2016 (5:43 am)

    It used to be Ron Turner Reality back in the 70’s

  • Meg March 10, 2016 (6:39 am)

    Is JF Henry still open for now, or have they already closed?

  • Wsgal March 10, 2016 (6:42 am)

    Children’s play gym would’ve been amazing or even a store like city people’s. Another real estate office? Ick. 

  • Tara March 10, 2016 (8:21 am)

    Forward Progress is what this move is going to bring to our team here at JLS-West Seattle!! I cannot wait for this exciting change and more than ever extremely happy to be able to get the chance to work with Tyler and his amazing wife Marguerite. This is going to be such a great experience and I feel lucky to be apart of it!! 

    Congrats Tyler and Marguerite!!!

  • Guy March 10, 2016 (8:31 am)

    Wow, Tara; we get it.

  • Marlow Harris March 10, 2016 (9:59 am)

    It’s good to support the small business, in whatever form they take.  Main Street USA can’t be all restaurants and gift shops, there are a lot of other business ventures that keep the engine of commerce moving along.  What this new business will bring are dozens of folks to the neighborhood who will dine in the restaurants and browse the gift shops and add to the color and vitality of California Avenue and The Junction.

    • newnative March 10, 2016 (12:07 pm)

      I have to agree with this.  Plus, it is next to other real estate businesses and will have/encourage foot traffic for this purpose.  

  • Red Cup Espresso March 10, 2016 (12:20 pm)

    Welcome to the Junction!  

  • Ken March 10, 2016 (5:11 pm)

    Wasn’t this place Friar Tucks (the music store) in the 70s or am I getting mixed up with another location?

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