UPDATE: Water-main work brings brown water for some in Admiral

7:26 AM: At this early hour we’ve already received three texts from Admiral-area residents who woke up to brown water. So we’re publishing this quick note to let you know, it’s not just you. The first texter says Seattle Public Utilities told them it’s water-main-replacement work – we don’t yet know where. In the meantime, as noted during all our coverage of discolored water in recent months, do call SPU if it’s happening to you: 206-386-1800.

9:04 AM: One texter mentioned the 2200 block of California, so we went there to check, and found an SPU crew flushing a hydrant:

Flushing system in North Admiral (California/Walker) after early-morning water work. #westseattle

A video posted by West Seattle Blog (@westseattleblog) on

Shortly thereafter, Ingrid Goodwin from SPU answered our inquiry:

There was a planned water main shutdown this morning from 5 am to 8 am on California Avenue SW from SW Holgate to SW Walker Street. The work was to seal off a 2 inch water main. Customers impacted by the shutdown would have received a door hanger notification late last week from SPU’s water quality inspectors.

If customers are experiencing dirty water, they should run the cold water for a few minutes to see if it is clearing or still discolored. If the water does not clear, let the water sit for an hour. Then, run the water for a few minutes and flush the toilet a couple of times. If the water remains discolored, please contact SPU at 206-386-1800.

More information about discolored water can be found here.

12:30 PM: Commenters have been discussing continuing concerns; SPU says that while the work is complete, the water main was still being flushed, and a second hydrant was opened to help with that. Goodwin adds, “Flushing too quickly, however, can cause even more discoloration. So they are doing this work carefully. SPU thanks its customers for their patience as we work to clear the water as soon as possible.” We’re expecting another update soon.

31 Replies to "UPDATE: Water-main work brings brown water for some in Admiral"

  • Kelly Kalkwarf December 8, 2015 (8:58 am)

    Just received a call back from SPU saying our brown water is due to water main work and not to drink the water if you have other means until it runs clear which probably will not happen until the end of today.

    • WSB December 8, 2015 (9:01 am)

      We just got the official update & are adding that.

  • PS December 8, 2015 (9:19 am)

    1600 Block of California Ave, SW … Still experiencing DARK BROWN water at 9:15am.

  • Jessie December 8, 2015 (9:43 am)

    Is there any way to find out when the water from that planned shut-off will be turned back on? It was supposed to be back almost two hours ago, but we are only getting trickles and can’t flush our toilet.

    • WSB December 8, 2015 (9:50 am)

      Have you already called SPU? 206-386=1800.

  • Chris December 8, 2015 (10:08 am)

    1900 Block of California. Just spoke with SPU and they couldn’t provide an estimate for when service would be restored, only able to say their crews are still working on it.

  • PS December 8, 2015 (10:15 am)

    10:15am … Still Have Dark Brown Water.
    I’ve had coffee that wasn’t this brown.

    This is really nasty. Who wants to shower in mud? Are we in a 3rd world country? Are we savages?


    And Will SPU Offer refunds for the water we (Their Customers) have to waste as we run cold water to clear our pipes?

  • admiraldon December 8, 2015 (10:17 am)

    46th and holgate. definitely the darkest water to date. smells odd. never got any notice. did not run clear after 5 minutes so went to work.

    hopefully, will clear later.

    we’ve had more colored water this year than any other. hmmmmm


  • Wsgal December 8, 2015 (10:21 am)

    We had discolored water last night. As of this morning it’s been discolored since 7am, “flushing out” doesn’t appear to be working. I’m in an apt building, not sure if that changes things? I’ll call the number.

  • Diane December 8, 2015 (10:35 am)

    it REALLY sucks that SPU does such a lousy job of informing residents when they plan to do this; people need to shower in the morning to get ready for work; if we get appropriate notice, we can plan, get up earlier to shower; so inconsiderate; c’mon SPU; think about it

  • Ray December 8, 2015 (10:41 am)


    Overreact much?

    These things happen. It is a once in X years event for your address. I think you will somehow manage to overcome this devastating incident.

  • PS December 8, 2015 (10:51 am)

    Hey Ray… I don’t think Dark Brown Water that prohibits me from showering, cooking, doing laundry or drinking is overreacting.

    And is not a once in X years thing.

    This is the 3rd time this has happened at my address in 6 months.

    Thanks for the empathy and understanding.

    Hey, can I make you a cup of coffee or get you a glass of water from the brown water coming out of my tap? I’ll even deliver it.. but you gotta drink it!

  • Spana December 8, 2015 (11:02 am)

    I was already irritated that the planned shut off was during prime showering/teeth brushing/coffee drinking hours (that seemed asinine to me) – now it’s still off and running brown all over? Omfg

  • Boss December 8, 2015 (11:29 am)

    Ray, This is at least the third time this year that we in the admiral district have had our water turn so brown that it is darker than sewage. If you think some of us are overreacting, let me make you a glass of lemonade with this sludge and you drink it. We have never received any notice from the city — and this water can cause serious damage to heating systems, water heaters, and other appliances. This isn’t Botswana – and we pay a premium for our water service so it is not overreacting to expect good customer service. Now, how about a nice glass of lemonade?

  • WS or bust! December 8, 2015 (11:53 am)

    ” Who wants to shower in mud? Are we in a 3rd world country? Are we savages? ”

    In an earthquake you may not have water either.
    What will you do then?

  • PhysicsLady December 8, 2015 (12:07 pm)

    Our water is also still quite brown. We also did not receive any notice from the city. When I called, they said it should be restored by the end of the day.

  • PS December 8, 2015 (12:12 pm)

    Well WS…

    You must have clean water running in your hut and I really don’t understand why you would bring a natural disaster into this conversation.

    This poor customer experience was not caused by an Earthquake, Flood, Hurricane, Tsunami or other natural disaster…

    We pay a premium for water is Seattle. Furthermore, we never received notifications that we would would have muddy water in the Admiral District and this is the 3rd time in 6 months this has happened. This is a horrible customer experience provided by SPU and I am sure that that brown water is not safe to drink or good for your hot water heater.

    So, you wanna come have a glass of tea made from my faucets and then maybe take a brown water shower.. or are you offering all of us with mud water to shower at your hut???

  • delores December 8, 2015 (12:13 pm)

    @WS or bust! an earthquake is not a controllable event. Planned work, is by its definition, controllable. I also was not notified about this, that is error #1. Not communicating a plan to resolve, error #2. Projects go awry all the time, but if you control for risks, it goes a long way. I would be instantly fired for handling one of my projects this way. as well I should be.

    I do not see accountability here.

  • schwaggy December 8, 2015 (1:53 pm)

    The sludge this summer has ruined several of my high-end filters and my water heater. Will SPU cover the expenses? No. No they won’t.

  • KT December 8, 2015 (2:50 pm)

    We have brown water on 50th and Hudson. Not really a big deal but would have a appreciated a warning. I thought it was going to be some costly plumbing problem. Very relieved to find out it’s not!

    • WSB December 8, 2015 (3:02 pm)

      PLEASE be sure to call SPU anyway. They still seem to be insisting that this is just a case of scheduled work that dragged on a little long but had advance warning out to people, and if you were affected but didn’t get advance warning, they REALLY need to hear from you so they can at least internally figure out what went wrong – TR

  • GW December 8, 2015 (3:52 pm)

    Our water is still pretty grimy. Just called SPU to report. The operator immediately took my name and number and said he’d report the issue to quality control and have them call me back. Not sure what to make of it, but hopefully it helps their process and also helps their QA folks get things resolved.

  • sam-c December 8, 2015 (4:09 pm)

    Not sure if it is related but I saw SPU running the hydrant at 21st Ave SW/ SW Oregon earlier today. Hopefully every-ones water is back to normal soon!

  • Kris Stafie December 8, 2015 (4:16 pm)

    I also just called SPU to report and got the same answer as GW and I received a call within 5 minutes. It is a waiting game at this point and could go through the night. We are at 47th and Mass. Our tap water is clear, just the toilets are bad.

  • Wsgal December 8, 2015 (6:38 pm)

    Any updates? I let my landlord know, our water is still brown, been flushing shower water and sinks for over ten minutes (feels so wasteful).

    • WSB December 8, 2015 (7:04 pm)

      According to the last I heard from SPU this afternoon, there shouldn’t have been any further problem: “SPU crews flushed the water main until it ran clear. All valves have been opened and water is back on for all customers. If any customer is still experiencing discolored water, they should run the cold water for a few minutes to see if it is clearing or still discolored. If the water does not clear, let the water sit for an hour. Then, run the water for a few minutes and flush the toilet a couple of times. If the water remains discolored, please contact SPU at 206-386-1800. Again, we thank customers for their patience and apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused.”

  • Rusty December 8, 2015 (8:00 pm)

    Just called SPU. After 13 min on hold, a worker passed my number on to the on-call person who just phoned.

    We gave the kids a bath tonight around 7:10, in yellowy water. The SPU person said yellow color is the tail end of the issue. The issue being rust in the water from work on the main earlier today. She recommends limiting water tonight to “let the rust settle”. She also states it is not harmful, nor will cause itching, etc. just some added iron on the skin however diluted. So there it is…

  • Gary December 9, 2015 (7:58 pm)

    Brown water 3800 block of 34th av sw.
    First recorded at 6pm December 9th.
    Reported it to SPU.

  • Gary December 9, 2015 (8:54 pm)

    Or something else?
    I have a powerful magnet next to class of brown tap water, and there has been no discernible movement of the brown stuff towards the magnet in three hours.

    • WSB December 9, 2015 (9:00 pm)

      We just drove 35th from Andover south, no sign of a work crew. Let us know if you’re seeing one somewhere.

  • Martin December 22, 2015 (7:30 pm)

    We have water the color of a strong cup of tea on 42nd Ave SW Gatewood area. Noticed it a few weeks ago.

Sorry, comment time is over.