West Seattle, Washington
17 Monday
Three reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch tonight:
Stephanie reports a stolen car:
Stolen 1998 Honda CRV. Stolen on Dec. 2nd from the 1100 block of SW Holden Ave. Stolen CRV has the following feature/options: Roof rack, tinted windows, 5 spd manual transmission, rear mounted spare tire. WA State Lic. Plate 370YKH
Amy reports an attempted burglary in Sunrise Heights/Gatewood:
Someone attempted to break into my apartment at 35th Ave SW and SW Webster St today. When I came home my apartment key wouldn’t work and I had to call a locksmith. The locksmith said that someone had attempted to jimmy the locks but couldn’t get past the deadbolt.
The type of theft you might not notice happened to Katie:
I live down on Beach Drive around Mee Kwa Mooks Park and I had my plates stolen and replaced last week. Through strange twists and turns, my plates were recovered by the Tukwila Police Department and the plates that were nicely put on my car were also stolen from a silver 2002 Honda from West Seattle. The really nice SPD officer who (responded) said they have seen more and more of these types of theft. He said when the thieves switch plates it buys them time since most people don’t check their plates very often (sometimes only once a year to change their tabs).
So just a heads up to your readers to check their plates! The Seattle PD has been investigating more and more of these and say if you discover your plates are incorrect to stop driving and immediately call the non-emergency line for help.
West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor) already had a triple-digit crowd on hand within a few minutes of the start of Seattle Seahawks‘ Super Bowl MVP Malcolm Smith‘s appearance tonight.
He’s scheduled to be there until 8 pm.
(The products/logos are from P&G, sponsor of the event, in case you wondered.)
(We’ve added photos since original posting.) Smith and the Seahawks host the 49ers next Sunday (December 14th).
The newest round of weather alerts is out, and they start with another “coastal flooding advisory” for tomorrow morning, upgrading to a “coastal flood watch” Wednesday night/Thursday morning. This time, the tide is expected to be about a half-foot higher than today, which means more than half a foot past the level where “minor flooding” can happen. This morning, it was about 13.6 feet, but in the absence of strong wind, Alki and vicinity didn’t look anything like a week and a half ago. Tomorrow, though, it’s projected at about 14 feet around 8 am, and then on Thursday around 9 am, 14.5 feet, possibly with a “storm surge.”
Even if you’re not right on the water, take note of a “high wind watch” announced for Thursday, 4 am to 10 pm, with south-to-southwest winds of 30 to 40 mph, possibly gusting to 65 mph. More rain is on the way, too, according to the forecast.
(Access-pit camera’s image from 3:20 pm today)
Again today, with the stalled Highway 99 tunnel project under the microscope more than ever before, WSDOT has just published a new update. This time, they’re clarifying the status of the access-pit dig intended to get to the tunneling machine’s cutter head:
Excavation continues on the circular pit (pdf 2.5 Mb) that will be used to access and repair the SR 99 tunneling machine. Seattle Tunnel Partners’ engineers have determined that continuing excavation to 84 feet, an additional 3 feet from the current depth, will not affect when and how the dewatering wells could be turned off. We anticipate excavation to this elevation will take approximately one day, at which time STP will inspect the shaft walls per their quality assurance procedures. Once they reach 84 feet, STP will review survey data and consult with their engineers and WSDOT prior to determining next steps. …
The update (which you can see in its entirety here) also mentions that work continues on the crane intended to lift the damaged machinery from the pit, and on the 1,000 feet of tunnel dug before the machine stopped work one year ago. The latter two points were also reviewed at the project stakeholders’ meeting we covered one week ago downtown, just a few days before WSDOT disclosed last Friday the “settling” that was causing concern, following up with a Sunday update, and then a City Council briefing yesterday.
We’re still updating the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide daily/nightly, removing the events that have already happened, adding new ones that come in, so we wanted to extend another invitation: If you have an open house, holiday party, bazaar, worship service(s), concert, etc. coming up in West Seattle/White Center/South Park between now and New Year’s, and it’s not in our guide yet, but you’d like to invite the community, please send info ASAP! We do NOT require (or even need) posters/graphics/full news releases – just a line or two about what it is, when it is, where it is, and (if applicable) a web or social-media link. The best way to reach us is via e-mail, editor@westseattleblog.com – thanks!
(August 2014 photo by JayDee)
Love ’em or not, they’re coming back for at least two more years. The U.S. Navy Blue Angels will return to Seafair in 2015 and 2016, they formally announced today at the International Council of Air Shows’ convention in Las Vegas. In case you want to mark your calendars to be sure you’re here or away, depending on your preference, Seafair says the dates will be Friday, July 31, through Sunday, August 2nd, in 2015, and Friday, August 5, through Sunday, August 7, in 2016. Though their official performance venue is “over Lake Washington,” they take off from and land at Boeing Field just east of West Seattle, with the runwayside Museum of Flight as their Seafair base, so they’re often top of mind (and ears) while here.
Every so often, Southwest Precinct crime-prevention coordinator Mark Solomon sends an advisory about sex offenders moving into this area. He’s just sent this:
In an effort to keep you informed, and in our constant attempts to reduce future victimization, we want to let you know about a level 3 sex offender that moved into Southwest Precinct neighborhoods in recent weeks.
· Daniel Richard, a 59 year-old White male, is a level 3 sex offender who has recently moved to the 10400 Block of California Avenue Southwest. Mr. Richard is no longer under Department of Corrections supervision. (Editor’s note: You can see his photo and more information here.)
Detective Fields from the Seattle Police Department’s Sex Offender Detail is assigned to check on (him) and verify their information.
To learn more about offenders and to see photos, please visit the King County Sheriff’s Office Sex Offender website … You will also find personal safety tips and resources on this site.
If you have further questions about this offender, contact Michelle McRae of the Seattle Police Sex Offender Detail at (206) 684-5581 or e-mail at michelle.mcrae@seattle.gov.
To register to receive an email alert whenever a published offender registers within one mile of your desired addresses, go to (this) link.
Click ahead to read general safety information that Solomon has shared with similar advisories in the past:Read More
If you use the off-leash area at Westcrest Park – West Seattle’s only official public off-leash area – can you spare a few minutes for a survey? It’s part of a project that’s just getting going with a $7,500 grant from King County Wastewater Treatment meant to help manage the off-leash area’s runoff problem, with water coming down the slope from the covered-reservoir area. A much-larger amount is being sought via grants, sponsorships, and private donations to pay for general improvements to the park, in partnership with Seattle Parks, King County, Seattle Public Utilities, Seattle Animal Shelter and COLA (Citizens for Off-Leash Areas). The survey is collecting opinions on what improvements you’d like to see at Westcrest. Answer ASAP; they’re planning to report results next month.
(Yellow-rumped warbler, photographed by Trileigh Tucker)
From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar and WS Holiday Guide, highlights for the day/night ahead:
CITY COUNCIL TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE: The meeting that’s under way right now (viewable via Seattle Channel, online or cable) is scheduled to include a review of last June 10’s Highway 99 closure and what was learned from it – see the agenda for document links; that review is scheduled to start around 10:30 am.
TEEN PROGRAM SHOWCASE: 4:30-6:30 pm, the youth at Neighborhood House’s High Point Center are showing off what they’ve been working on this semester; you’re invited to drop in to see! (6400 Sylvan Way)
MVP MALCOLM SMITH AT WEST SEATTLE THRIFTWAY: Seahawks fans, come meet Malcolm Smith, Super Bowl MVP, 6-8 pm! West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor) tells us he’ll be signing posters that’ll be provided at the event. (California/Fauntleroy/Morgan)
WEST SEATTLE TRANSPORTATION COALITION: 6:30 pm at Neighborhood House’s High Point Center, with two major agenda topics – first, what’s the transportation plan for West Seattle in case of emergency that cuts off the regular routes? And second, another chance to offer your thoughts on the proposed rerouting of RapidRide C Line in The Junction, up California between Edmunds and Alaska instead of its westward jog to 44th SW. (6400 Sylvan Way SW)
NIGHTLIFE, NIGHTLIFE, NIGHTLIFE – Tuesday’s a busy night for regular events – see the calendar for venues/listings!
(WS high/low bridges and Highway 99 views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
Good morning! We start with the usual camera views, and alerts/notes:
TRUCK ALERT: Today is scheduled to be the second of three days for the big concrete pour at the Murray Combined Sewer Overflow Project pit by Lowman Beach, which means up to 20 trucks an hour – here’s our coverage of day 1 last Friday.
SPEAKING OF PITS: Here’s our as-it-happened coverage of the City Council‘s meeting with WSDOT about the “settling” Viaduct and vicinity (pre-scheduled meeting, but Friday’s disclosures switched the focus). Bottom line, the state insists it’s safe, but wouldn’t specify any sort of quantification regarding what would constitute “unsafe.” Later in the day, the Viaduct website added this brief summary.
WEST SEATTLE TRANSPORTATION COALITION TONIGHT: The Viaduct’s not officially on the agenda for tonight’s meeting (6:30 pm, Neighborhood House’s High Point Center) but we suspect it’ll come up. The two scheduled topics are detailed on the WSTC website – emergency access, and the proposed RapidRide route change in The Junction (last discussed at November’s SW District Council meeting).
Congratulations to the new West Seattle Hi-Yu Junior Court, coronated Monday night at Admiral Congregational Church. They are Queen Emily Cain (center) and Princesses Emma Maffeo (left) and Audrey Kline. They will succeed the 2014 Junior Court, Queen Bianca Carufel and Princesses Sadie Botuchis and Callie McFadden, with them in our photo below:
Admiral Church, where Hi-Yu members and volunteers gathered along with family members, is the organization’s new regular meeting place.
The next meeting will focus on designs/themes for 2015 Hi-Yu. Everyone’s welcome and volunteers are very much appreciated – watch westseattlehiyu.com and the Hi-Yu Facebook page for meeting and event info.
P.S. Next gig for Hi-Yu – they’ll be at West Seattle Windermere in The Junction this Thursday night (December 11) for the holiday edition of West Seattle Art Walk, 6-9 pm. You can buy one of their blown-glass fundraising ornaments there, too!