Meet the new 2015 West Seattle Hi-Yu Junior Court!

Congratulations to the new West Seattle Hi-Yu Junior Court, coronated Monday night at Admiral Congregational Church. They are Queen Emily Cain (center) and Princesses Emma Maffeo (left) and Audrey Kline. They will succeed the 2014 Junior Court, Queen Bianca Carufel and Princesses Sadie Botuchis and Callie McFadden, with them in our photo below:

Admiral Church, where Hi-Yu members and volunteers gathered along with family members, is the organization’s new regular meeting place.

The next meeting will focus on designs/themes for 2015 Hi-Yu. Everyone’s welcome and volunteers are very much appreciated – watch and the Hi-Yu Facebook page for meeting and event info.

P.S. Next gig for Hi-Yu – they’ll be at West Seattle Windermere in The Junction this Thursday night (December 11) for the holiday edition of West Seattle Art Walk, 6-9 pm. You can buy one of their blown-glass fundraising ornaments there, too!

1 Reply to "Meet the new 2015 West Seattle Hi-Yu Junior Court!"

  • W. Waring December 9, 2014 (6:28 am)

    The verb in the headline and story should be “crowned.”

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