The newest round of weather alerts is out, and they start with another “coastal flooding advisory” for tomorrow morning, upgrading to a “coastal flood watch” Wednesday night/Thursday morning. This time, the tide is expected to be about a half-foot higher than today, which means more than half a foot past the level where “minor flooding” can happen. This morning, it was about 13.6 feet, but in the absence of strong wind, Alki and vicinity didn’t look anything like a week and a half ago. Tomorrow, though, it’s projected at about 14 feet around 8 am, and then on Thursday around 9 am, 14.5 feet, possibly with a “storm surge.”
Even if you’re not right on the water, take note of a “high wind watch” announced for Thursday, 4 am to 10 pm, with south-to-southwest winds of 30 to 40 mph, possibly gusting to 65 mph. More rain is on the way, too, according to the forecast.