(On the beach at Lincoln Park, photographed by Mark Ahlness, shared via WSB Flickr group)
From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar for today/tonight:
CO-WORKING MEETUP: Working at home today? In a coffee shop? Meet your fellow non-traditional workers at the West Seattle Office Junction (WSB sponsor) weekly co-working meetup, noon-1:15 pm. (6040 California SW)
FINAL FARM STAND FOR HIGH POINT MARKET GARDEN: 4-7 pm, this season’s last scheduled farm-stand sales day for the organic produce grown in the High Point Market Garden. (32nd/Juneau)
WEST SEATTLE TIMEBANK: 6-7 pm at Southwest Branch Library, new/prospective Timebank members are welcome to this month’s orientation event. (35th/Henderson)
WEST SEATTLE LAND USE COMMITTEE: 2nd meeting of the new group focused on peninsula-specific land-use/zoning/development issues. West Seattle Senior Center, 6:30 pm. Here’s our coverage of its first meeting. (Oregon/California)
LIVE/WORK IN SOUTH/SOUTHEAST WEST SEATTLE? CRIME/SAFETY CONCERNS? 7 pm tonight is your chance to bring them up directly with Seattle Police, at a special joint meeting of two West Seattle community councils representing much of the peninsula’s south/southeast areas, Highland Park Action Committee and Westwood-Roxhill-Arbor Heights CC. 6:30 pm potluck before the meeting, all welcome to that too! Highland Park Improvement Club. (12th/Holden)
LOTS MORE, INCLUDING NIGHTLIFE: Please browse the WSB calendar (updated multiple times daily/nightly) for the full list of what’s up today/tonight/beyond.