West Seattle restaurants: Chopstix sets opening date; Bada Bistro happy hour; La Romanza joins Restaurant Week

Three West Seattle restaurant notes this afternoon:

CHOPSTIX SETS THE DATE: Though the “OPEN” sign was on this afternoon at the new Chinese restaurant Chopstix (in the former Ho-Win/Pan Africa Grill site at California/Juneau), it’s not open just yet, but owner Mark Lam just e-mailed us this news:

I am pleased to announce that Chopstix at 5905 California Ave SW will be taking orders on April 2nd at 11 am. First 20 dine-in customers will recieve a free appetizer of their choice. And first takeout or delivery order will be rewarded with one fried rice of their choice.

Our March 7th report on Chopstix is here.

BADA BISTRO ADDS HAPPY HOUR: One week after opening, the new Bada Bistro in the former Beachside Café/Alki Bakery space at 61st/Alki SW added happy hour as of today, 2-6 pm daily, per co-owner Sharon Bang. Lunch and brunch? Not yet, she says, but soon.

LA ROMANZA TO BE PART OF SEATTLE RESTAURANT WEEK: Proprietor Aimee Pellegrini of La Romanza Bistro Italiano (WSB sponsor) in The Junction sends word that La Romanza is participating in Seattle Restaurant Week, which actually will be happening over the course of two weeks, April 7-11 and 14-18. Speaking of courses, they’ll offer a three-course meal for $28 – see the menu here.

23 Replies to "West Seattle restaurants: Chopstix sets opening date; Bada Bistro happy hour; La Romanza joins Restaurant Week"

  • A. March 27, 2013 (4:36 pm)

    Any hint of a preview for a menu at Chopstix? SO EXCITED!

  • A. March 27, 2013 (4:37 pm)

    …Or I could click the link I missed.

    And after clicking the link there is no menu information.

  • Rick Steel March 27, 2013 (4:50 pm)

    Love that the website they advertise is broken and still written in Lorem Ipsum.

    • WSB March 27, 2013 (4:51 pm)

      Rick and A – I asked Mark about that. It will be done in a few days. I maybe shouldn’t even have linked it, but since our articles are archived, it would be relevant for future lookups. First he’s working to make sure the restaurant is ready to serve people. – TR

  • Kelly March 27, 2013 (5:17 pm)

    Does anyone know what the delivery radius will be?

    • WSB March 27, 2013 (5:23 pm)

      I’ll e-mail Mark back.

  • justme March 27, 2013 (5:28 pm)

    I’m going to be there! Can’t wait to try this new Chinese food restaurant.

  • Faith4 March 27, 2013 (5:33 pm)

    Pulled up the Chopstix link and in a different language.

  • onceachef March 27, 2013 (5:41 pm)

    To my house I hope! :)

  • Heidi March 27, 2013 (5:41 pm)

    Any news on the former Wing Dome spot?

    • WSB March 27, 2013 (5:48 pm)

      Not that we have found or heard. We keep checking…

  • MikeRussellFoto March 27, 2013 (5:49 pm)

    So, not directly related to these, but what ever happened to that rumor that Cassis was going to open on Alki? Did Bada Bistro take the “unnamed” building they were hoping for?


    • WSB March 27, 2013 (5:56 pm)

      No. Bada Bistro is the same ownership as Beachside Cafe, which leased the building after Alki Bakery left, unrelated to the Cassis intrigue. As discussed in various comment threads, the Cassis proprietor listed an address in his LinkedIn profile per Google results – an address already occupied and occupied to this day. He never answered our inquiries, so we don’t know what’s up – perhaps someone else does! No liquor license filings in that name or business license, so far, either. The building built in the area on the former Pegasus Pizza site is being divided into two spaces, though, after sitting unleased for a while … documents online do not specify future tenants, though, only that construction work to divide the building is being done now and any future tenant improvements would be under future permits. – TR

  • MikeRussellFoto March 27, 2013 (6:04 pm)

    Yeah, I knew the folks of Bada Bistro were not the same as Cassis. But hadn’t seen the other comment threads about the matter.
    Thanks for the update!
    And just for the heck of it, found his LinkedIn page, and it still says “Cassis is being reborn this Spring/Summer on Alki beach.”
    Intriguing, indeed!

  • Sara March 27, 2013 (6:26 pm)

    Wanted Chinese delivery today, and the only choice is Yen Wor. Reviews online aren’t good.
    Very much looking forward to a 2nd choice!!

  • Desertdweller March 27, 2013 (7:53 pm)

    Please please please deliver to Westwood.

  • no man March 28, 2013 (7:59 am)

    HUNGRY !!! no msg !!!!

  • Michael March 28, 2013 (8:13 am)

    Cannot wait for this – totally right by house!

  • East Coast Cynic March 28, 2013 (8:41 am)

    I’ll eat ramen from the supermarket before I eat Yen Wor’s food again.

    I appreciate Chopstix getting the food right first, but yeah, get that menu up.

  • enid March 30, 2013 (7:44 am)

    MaPo tofu and Szechuan string beans PLLEEEEEEZ!!

  • Pete March 30, 2013 (9:07 pm)

    Have been in Bada Biestro twice now and loved it both times. Great food, fun times.

  • Ari G April 2, 2013 (1:20 pm)

    Anyone have a menu yet? Or a scan of menu?? It’s April 2nd and I am MAD CRAVING Chinese food but their website still isn’t up.

    So glad to have an option besides Yen Wor and China Best Wok.

  • Dr April 5, 2013 (5:09 pm)

    Disappointing that the website is not up and if you call the number in the picture, an answering machine for pan Africa grill picks up after one ring.

Sorry, comment time is over.