West Seattle, Washington
03 Tuesday
Chris Dormaier had reason to beam this afternoon – a big turnout to help her celebrate the 15th anniversary of SoundYoga (WSB sponsor). Sound Yoga offers a wide range of classes, from early morning “Get Up and Go!” to monthly Restorative Yoga sessions, and more, as detailed here. Chris is also a certified Krishnamacharya Healing Yoga Foundation Teacher Trainer.
Tonight we know where and when all four varsity basketball teams from Chief Sealth International High School and West Seattle High School will start postseason play:
Monday – Chief Sealth @ Bainbridge, 6 pm
Tuesday – West Seattle @ Cleveland, 7 pm
Monday – Bainbridge @ Chief Sealth, 6 pm
Monday – West Seattle @ Nathan Hale, 7 pm
Thanks to CSIHS’s Sam Reed (who’s also Metro League president) as well as WSHS boys’ head coach Keffrey Fazio and girls’ head coach Sonya Elliott for sharing updates this afternoon.
Meantime, the regular season wrapped up last night – details ahead:
A brand-new shop just opened in downtown White Center – Rat City Records and Relics at 9632 16th SW – and it’s throwing a grand-opening party today/tonight. See our coverage on partner site White Center Now.
Though the Special Olympics of Washington-benefiting Polar Plunge is being held at Lake Union this year, West Seattleites are participating, and one team from West Seattle High School is at Husky Deli in The Junction till about 4 pm to ask you to dive in with some support. If you don’t see this till later, you can donate online by going here. (Or, there’s still time to register to participate in the Polar Plunge, which is happening one week from tomorrow.)
Another highlight in West Seattle High School‘s year of musical milestones: The first-ever Big Band Dance, last night in the WSHS Commons. Thanks to Anne Weglin for sharing photos; above, that’s the WSHS Jazz Ensemble, directed by Ethan Thomas; below, the West Seattle Big Band, directed by Donn Weaver:
Before the bands played, the night began with a round of swing-dancing lessons!
Today’s the second day of registration for West Seattle Soccer Club‘s spring season, and board member Bill Fry contacted WSB to ask that we help get the word out. It’s an 8-game season on Sunday afternoons, starting April 7th (no games on Mother’s Day or Memorial Day weekend), at fields around West Seattle. Details (including age requirements) are on this page of the WSSC website; if you’re ready to register, here’s how.
Our tipster from the recent hit-run that took out a utility pole by 21st/Roxbury (map) reports that one westbound lane is closed there right now while it’s replaced.
As decided in November, starting with the sketch above, “Alki Deep, An Undersea Adventure” is this year’s West Seattle Hi-Yu Summer Festival theme. Now that it’s February, summer’s in view – and there are two ways you can help with Hi-Yu this year. From Regina Arceo-Schulz:
West Seattle Hi-Yu is looking for your button design. This year’s theme is Alki Deep, An Undersea Adventure. If your design wins, you’ll be participating in this summer’s American Legion Parade (7/20) with the West Seattle Hi-Yu Court. Please bring your button drawings (2″ diameter) to the General Meeting, Monday night (6:30 PM), February 4th at St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church, 3050 California Avenue SW. We will make a decision on the winning design later in the week.
Also, we are desperately short of volunteers for this year’s festival! It is time to begin float construction, enlisting business sponsors for the souvenir book , and procuring items for this year’s coronation and auction night. We have a great Junior Court, with their families, and a small group of diehard volunteers, but we will not be able to continue preparation for the Summer Festival, if we don’t have more help. This is a great opportunity to fill some of our dreary winter nights & weekends working with other interesting & fun West Seattlelites. Please check out our website westseattlehiyu.com or our Facebook page if you are able to help.
Thanks to Mark Wangerin for sharing the photo of a red-breasted sapsucker, seen in the Camp Long/West Seattle Golf Course area. Mark explains, “Sapsuckers drill neat horizontal rows of holes into tree trunks and then return to feed on the sap. They also eat insects.” How industrious are YOU feeling today? Check out the highlights from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar (where you will find many other options too, for today/tonight and way beyond):
SHREDDING FUNDRAISER: As previewed here last night – 9 to noon, benefiting a local team in the Big Climb, 3703 California SW.
FRIENDS OF LINCOLN PARK: Help clear the park of invasives – it’s a big job but volunteers tackle it one work party at a time, and your help means a lot. 9 am start BUT if you get there late, there’s info on a kiosk where to find the group – as explained in the calendar listing.
ALKI COMMUNITY CENTER PRESCHOOL OPEN HOUSE: 10 am-noon, come find out more about the preschool at ACC – details here.
‘ICE CREAM FOR BREAKFAST DAY’ AT FULL TILT: It’s International Ice Cream for Breakfast Day. Really! And Full Tilt Ice Cream (9629 16th SW) will celebrate by offering free waffles – provided you buy the ice cream. Opening early for the occasion, 10:30 am.
JERRY CEIS MEMORIAL: While his friends and admirers have already had tribute gatherings, today is the official memorial for Jerry Ceis, a former Seafair Pirate and larger-than-life West Seattleite who passed away earlier this month, 1:30 pm at Alki Bathhouse.
SOUND YOGA’S 15TH ANNIVERSARY: At 2 pm today, a celebration and blessing will mark 15 years in West Seattle for longtime WSB sponsor Sound Yoga (5639 California SW).
MOVIE SERIES: “The Finger” from Argentina is the featured Global Lens Film Screening at Delridge Library, 2 pm – details here.
MOVIE PREMIERE: Local rock movie “Bent Richard” premieres at 7 pm tonight at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor; 6451 California SW), one of the locations where it was shot.
‘ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW’ AT MIDNIGHT: The monthly Admiral Theater midnight show of what’s become an audience-participation classic is tonight.
MORE NIGHTLIFE … local music, local venues, on the calendar!