Tonight’s West Seattle Crime Watch roundup starts with another stolen car getting found – Carissa reported her Audi was stolen in early October; she e-mailed again to say it was found last Thursday night at Sea-Tac Airport. One odd detail from Carissa: “There were tools in the back with paperwork for Queen City Sheet Metal Company.” (Just to see what’s trending now, we checked the police-report map for the most recently reported car thefts in West Seattle: A truck was stolen late last night from the 3400 block of 40th SW; a car was stolen early yesterday from the 5200 block of 19th SW; and one was taken late Sunday night from the 6700 block of 12th SW. That’s the entirety of the detail available – which is why we welcome reader reports with more info.)
Ahead, six more reader reports – including a neighborhood where burglars seem to strike on a certain day of the week:
From Michelle in Arbor Heights:
34th and 100th during the day Friday, October 12th, my house was broken into; they took laptops and jewelry. iI found out that my neighbor on 34th and 102 was broken into on Friday, October 19th; two weeks prior, the house across from this neighbor was also broken into on a Friday during the day. It appears to be on Fridays and they are entering during the day, breaking windows or going into open windows. They are taking computers, jewelry, cameras, etc. easy things that likely can fit into a backpack.
From Mindi:
Someone stole our son’s jogging stroller from our backyard in the 3400 block of 45th Ave SW, across from Madison Middle School. It was taken sometime between late evening on Friday 10/12 through Sunday evening 10/14. It is very sad that someone would steal something that belongs to a child. Our family just moved into the neighborhood and have had two thefts from our yard in two months. We are very concerned about the crime we fallen victim to in such a short amount of time.
From Ross:
Our car was prowled Saturday night (10/19-10/20) and our car stereo was stolen. No other items were taken, thankfully. We live on 5600 block of 37th Ave. SW.
From Nathan:
I saw this story, and thought I would add that our car was also broken into on the 9600 block of 47th Ave. SW on Wed. (10/17) night. We’re just a couple blocks down from 9200 47th Ave SW where the other break-in occurred that night. We discovered that one of the power door locks wasn’t working correctly (since fixed), so the car may have been unlocked.
From Kelly:
I just wanted to make you and other neighbors aware of mail theft happening on our block. There are two young ladies and man (in their 20s it seems) that have been stealing mail out of mail boxes around our house. We live in the area of 19th and 107th. Recently, they stole a neighbor’s credit card, ordered a laptop, and then tried to steal it from their front porch! The woman went so far as to knock on the door with the children home and ask if they had seen a package that was “delivered to the wrong address” but luckily the family found out she had ordered it from their stolen credit card! The police were called and came by but we believe they’re still out there, on foot and bike. Just wanted neighbors to know so we can all keep our eye out for mischievous behavior.
And Matthew e-mailed an observation that seems best shared as a reminder – if you have a garage, lock it! He noticed open garages while out for a walk in the morning in an alley south of The Junction, not far off California, and wondered whether it was deliberate or the work of burglars trying doors, opening them, and prowling.
Need a refresher on crime prevention? Lots of info in this section of the SPD website.