West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day tomorrow! The benefits

Out driving around this morning, we saw a sign already up on a pole pointing people to a certain sale # on the West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day map. Warms our heart. With a few last-last-minute cancellations garagesaledaysmalllog5.jpg(check here to see which ones to scratch off your printed map), we are now at right about 245 sales for tomorrow. Before sale day, we always pull the list of who’s donating at least part of their proceeds:

#8, 9800 8th Avenue SW, just across Roxbury from the south boundary of West Seattle, the White Center Kiwanis’s benefit sale is at Greenbridge Plaza.
#9, 4408 Delridge Way SW, West Seattle Tool Library (northeast side of Youngstown Arts Center), buy, sell, donate tools, and check out the WSTL’s wish list here
#36, 3000 California SW, at West Seattle High School, benefit for the WSHS girls’ basketball team
#39, 4136 Beach Drive SW, benefit sale for American Cancer Society via Relay for Life team
#41, 4100 SW Genesee, at Seattle Lutheran High School, benefit for student athletics
#57, 4426 California SW, at West Seattle Eagles, members donating part of the proceeds to charities of their personal choice
#58, 2753 44th SW, benefit to fight lung cancer through Breathe Deep Seattle 5K
#65, 4736 40th SW, benefit for West Seattle Rainbow Girls
#66, 2103 46th SW, benefit for animal shelter (sale hosted by Daisy Girl Scout Troop)
#68, 3916 California SW, Olivia’s Consignment sale with a portion of proceeds benefiting WestSide Baby
#75, 2326 California SW, at Merrill Gardens-Admiral Heights (WSB sponsor), benefit for West Seattle Helpline
#103, 4200 SW Admiral Way, at Muttley Crew Cuts, benefiting English Springer Rescue
#115, 4142 47th SW, bake sale/fundraiser to fight breast cancer via Susan G. Komen.
#125, 4410 California SW, at group sale site @ Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor), you’ll find Delridge Produce Cooperative (with their famous strawberry bags)
#126, 4030 55th SW, Amethyst Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star
#140, 3618 SW Alaska, at American Legion Post 160, benefiting the West Seattle Grand Parade
#157, 3526 SW Rose, with part of the proceeds benefiting the Greater Northwest Chapter of the National MS Society.
#166. 35th/Findlay, lemonade stand to support WestSide Baby and Kitty Harbor.
#168: 5400-5600 block 31st and 30th, benefit block sale, families donating percentage to the charities of their choice
#173, 5612 California SW, benefit sale at C & P Coffee (WSB sponsor) group site, for DetermiNation team in Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon, benefiting American Cancer Society.
#181, 5931 47th SW, group yard sale to benefit Foolscap
#182, 6308 41st SW, all sales benefit American Cancer Society Relay for Life.
#188, 8436 Fauntleroy Way SW, benefits Delta Kappa Gamma (women educators), for scholarship fund.
#189, 7400 Fauntleroy Way SW, Lincoln Park P-Patch.
#197, 5240 49th SW, benefit sale for world peace.
#232, 6309 Beach Drive SW, benefits Friends of Youth, La Leche League.
#236, 7571 46th SW, multifamily sale benefiting the West Seattle Hi-Yu Summer Festival.

Anyone on the map who’s donating proceeds but didn’t mention it in your listing? Let us know and we’ll add you to the list.

Meantime, if you haven’t already, get your maps here – then, if you’re not selling, be out shopping 9 am-3 pm tomorrow. We’ll post in-progress updates as they happen; you can also join the pre-sale discussion on the WSCGSD Facebook page, including more on who has what.

9 Replies to "West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day tomorrow! The benefits"

  • clark5080 May 11, 2012 (5:45 pm)

    I have an exercise bike I can donate and deliver by noon tomorrow if the sale is for a good cause

  • Gene May 11, 2012 (6:15 pm)

    Looks like the link to the West Seattle Tool Library “wish list” didn’t show up, you can find it at:
    and you can see a sample of what will be for sale at:

    • WSB May 11, 2012 (6:24 pm)

      Will add.

  • TW Girl May 11, 2012 (9:16 pm)

    If you’re hungry grab a Bratwurst lunch at Thriftway! All proceeds benefit West Seattle Helpline.

    • WSB May 11, 2012 (9:20 pm)

      I’m remembering now to add that to the events calendar so it’ll be in the morning preview – thanks for the nudge! – TR

  • kg May 11, 2012 (9:17 pm)

    Sale # 140
    Benefits the West Seattle Grand Parade.

    We’ve cleaned out our closets and found a few antiques that weren’t mentioned on our original bill:
    Aldritch of New York upright piano.

    National cash register.

    Piano Organ. It has glass tubes in the back and a seperate speaker doohickey. I would guesstimate 1940-1960’s? Very heavy.

  • LongTimer WS May 11, 2012 (10:34 pm)

    It’ going to be fun!

  • cj May 12, 2012 (2:01 am)

    Please be safe out there everyone. The traffic for this event gets crazy.

  • cafeosita May 12, 2012 (2:33 am)

    And while you’re out, drop off your Postal Carrier Food Drive donation at Cafe Osita (the unofficial ‘official’ collection site) until 2p today.
    Marty (The Mailcarrier) will pick up the goods @ 2p and they go directly to the West Seattle Food Bank.

    We’ll even give you a free soda with your donation of 3 or more items! … while supplies last!!

    We’re located at 7349 35th Ave SW (35th and Webster)

    Happy Shopping WSea!

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