(Photo by Long B. Nguyen)
What you see in that recent aerial view is part of the West Duwamish Greenbelt – the largest contiguous forest in Seattle, and the focus of the restoration work done by the Nature Consortium. The West Seattle-based nonprofit is celebrating the other kind of greenery, too – almost $40,000 raised by Sunday’s annual benefit brunch at The Hall at Fauntleroy, double last year’s total, according to NC founder and executive director Nancy Whitlock:

Other big numbers could be found in the NC’s annual report, circulated at the brunch – 2,295 youth served with art classes last year, 3,651 volunteers helping plant 7,155 native trees and shrubs. “It’s pretty astounding even to me, how much is accomplished,” marveled Whitlock. She spoke of her organization “growing up,” coming out of its adolescence – next year is its 15th anniversary. The terms were apropos, given that Nature Consortium works with youth, including the two groups that performed at the brunch – Natural Voices sang “The Greatest Love of All”:

There was also a feisty dance performance by younger kids from Rainier Vista; though Nature Consortium is headquartered in West Seattle, it works elsewhere in the city, too. This year, a bit of a disappointment for fans of all ages of the NC’s signature Arts in Nature Festival – it’s going on a one-year hiatus to regroup for a big 15th anniversary blowout next year, and beyond. But the boost from Sunday’s brunch is bound to help power them in that direction. You can donate to the NC’s work online any time; you can also plug into their frequent forest-restoration work parties by going here.