As Damien Jurado performed a free in-store set at Easy Street Records in West Seattle this evening, the art on his guitar seemed particularly appropriate:

He had told the Easy Street crowd that “home” for him was, once upon a time, about a block from The Junction’s iconic music store – and that the songs on his new album “Maraqopa” were written there, so this appearance was like “coming full circle.” The first one, “Nothing Is the News,” starts about 2 minutes into our clip, which caught the back half of another song, plus his explanation of “Nothing …”:
After his set, Easy Street proprietor Matt Vaughan told the audience his store was the only place in the world Jurado’s album was on sale – at the moment (it’ll be officially released next Tuesday):

And certainly the only place anyone could get one autographed tonight! Jurado also lists nearby White Center as a former residence, though now he is based in Shoreline.