Words of thanks from family of West Seattle Bridge crash victim

A family member of Bradly Gilmore, the 53-year-old motorcyclist who died after crashing Tuesday morning on the West Seattle Bridge, has posted a thank-you comment that you probably haven’t seen, so we’re sharing it here. Ally writes:

Thank you to everyone for your kind posts about Brad. Our family appreciates your condolences. If you knew him, please share your memories on havenrest.com under the Online tab on the Online Obituaries in the Guestbook for Bradly Gilmore. [Obituary here; guestbook here] Thank you to those who stayed with him through the accident and thank you to all of his fellow riders for your kind words. Please keep riding – that’s what he would have wanted. I can’t say it enough to everyone else regardless of fault LOOK TWICE. You NEVER know who is going to be where and when whether it’s a motorcycle, cyclist, pedestrian, etc. Thank you again for your kind words and support.

Mr. Gilmore’s obituary (we added direct links in Ally’s comment above) says the family is hosting an event to remember him at their home in Olalla (Kitsap County) tomorrow. For those who want to make memorial donations, Ally’s followup comment, and the obituary, suggest supporting High Country News.

2 Replies to "Words of thanks from family of West Seattle Bridge crash victim"

  • Bonnie September 30, 2011 (3:54 pm)

    Ally, I am so sorry for your family’s loss.

  • lzz October 1, 2011 (4:30 pm)

    so sorry about your loss….my partner was hit Thurs evening in a bike lane and came within an inch of losing his life…he will recover but will never be the same. Please look when you are driving.

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