Traffic update: Alaskan Way Viaduct open, closes again Sunday

After a day of closure for inspection, maintenance, and testing those new in-case-of-quake gates, the Alaskan Way Viaduct reopened at 5:30 pm, WSDOT just announced. It’s scheduled for 6 am-6 pm closure again tomorrow (if it reopens early as usual on Sundays during these weekends, we’ll publish an update) – remember that traffic out of West Seattle can be brutal, as it was at times today (here’s one pic from Twitter), so allow yourself extra time.

7 Replies to "Traffic update: Alaskan Way Viaduct open, closes again Sunday"

  • Nulu March 19, 2011 (6:53 pm)

    Nice photo of McGinn’s option.

  • Dandelion March 19, 2011 (7:45 pm)

    Exactly Nulu.

  • Irukandji March 19, 2011 (9:23 pm)

    I wish they could pair these tests/installations up with the marathons that also shut the commute down.

  • Mack March 19, 2011 (9:42 pm)

    I have run the Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon. The economic impact of this event is about $30 million dollars. Not too bad for closing the viaduct and 1st Ave for 10 hours.

    This figure is from the inaugural year which drew 25,000 runner. In 2011, it is expected to sell out at 28,000. So the economic impact is probably greater this year.

  • blueemerald March 19, 2011 (9:52 pm)

    I commuted roundtrip to from W. Sea. to lower Queen Anne (“Uptown”) today. Usually it is only about a 10 minute drive.
    Today at 1:30 I was on the W. Sea. highrise, then went I-5 N and then Mercer to QA. Took 50 minutes in stop-go traffic all the way. I returned at 5:15 via 1st. Ave. Again, stop-go traffic all the way. Took a frustrating 1 hour and 15 mintues!!
    I recall it taking 2 hours to get from the highrise to Fremont when the Viaduct was closed after the Nisqually quake.

    This is the experience I wish the mayor and Council members would have prior to any other votes/vetos re: Viaduct options for traffic management.

  • Nulu March 19, 2011 (10:15 pm)

    Mack has come up with a great idea.
    Let’s pay for the tunnel with more marathons.

  • marty March 20, 2011 (10:22 am)

    Can someone tell me why we are spending money for gates on a road that is soon to be torn down?

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