(WSB photo from West Seattle Summer Fest 2010)
Tonight, an update on applying NOW to be part of the summer’s biggest local event, West Seattle Summer Fest, this July: We reported last week that applications were available online for everything except musicians; now, musicians’ applications are available too. Susan Melrose of the West Seattle Junction Association wants to make sure you know that if you’re local and you apply within the next month, you get to be at the head of the line:
We strongly encourage West Seattle businesses and non-profits to participate. Space in this event is in high demand and in an effort to have our local flavor well represented, the Junction Association is offering West Seattleites priority. All West Seattle businesses and non-profits that turn in complete applications by March 15 will get priority consideration.
The application links are all on the Summer Fest home page – one form for crafts/imports/nonprofits/services, one form for food vendors, and one for musicians. This year’s Summer Fest dates are Friday-Sunday, July 8-10.