Though a West Seattle Bridge crash is already “closed” on the 911 log – meaning fire/medic units have cleared – we’ve gotten several messages indicating it’s still causing a backup. According to two people on Twitter (thanks, @cdawg2610 and @nicholasseattle), it’s a westbound truck that got stuck atop the cement barricade, which then was pushed partway into the eastbound lanes, blocking one of them. This is reported to be near the 35th/Fauntleroy end of The Bridge – and the view from the Fauntleroy cam right now does look fairly jammed. 7:55 AM UPDATE: From the middle of the jam, @alexpietsch tweets that eastbound Fauntleroy is “backed up well past Oregon right now.” Adding the Fauntleroy cam “live” image here. 8:27 AM UPDATE: Alex sent a photo just before going by the stuck truck, which as you can see is definitely close to the Fauntleroy end (so if you get on The Bridge from Admiral or Delridge, it’s not an issue):

(He clarifies, that’s the tow truck you see in his photo, not the stuck truck itself.) 8:38 AM: Just got the e-mail rider alert from Metro that the 21, 22, 54 and 55 are “experiencing delays” because of this. 8:56 AM UPDATE: As the top image shows, it’s cleared up now – Jodi also confirmed that via Facebook. She also had this early view of the actual (then-)stuck truck:

ADDED 3:53 PM: Devin shared a better view of what caused the backup: