Pinewood Derby x 2: Brickyard today, Pack 793 tomorrow

Thanks to Colby for sharing photos from the Pinewood Derby races today at Brickyard BarBQ in the Admiral District – above, the contenders’ creations – here, the track:

Another round is planned for noon next Saturday (4/24) at Alki Tavern; here’s the Facebook event page. Pinewood Derby is of course best known as a Scouting tradition, and tomorrow, you can cheer on local Cub Scouts putting their vehicles to the test — West Seattle’s Pack 793 will be racing at Holy Rosary Gym starting at 1 pm, and you’re welcome to come watch for free.

5 Replies to "Pinewood Derby x 2: Brickyard today, Pack 793 tomorrow"

  • Ken April 17, 2010 (6:54 pm)

    Wow, what a coincidence — a few days ago I found two old Pinewood Derby cars I made over 40 years ago, and hadn’t seen since then. Doesn’t look like it’s changed much.

  • Colby April 17, 2010 (7:00 pm)

    Here is a link to the entire collection of my photos from the derby;

    • WSB April 17, 2010 (7:08 pm)

      Thanks again. When people send us Flickr links, we never want to assume they’re OK with us linking to the entire gallery, as some people have personal photos in their accounts too, so we don’t just link by default – TR

  • Colby April 17, 2010 (7:22 pm)

    I assume if I put something public, I want to share it with everyone. Flickr has good enough security controls that allows users to hide photos from lurkers.

  • Derby Monkey April 27, 2010 (6:17 am)

    Pinewood Derby races and BBQ… It doesn’t get much better than that… except for the fact that it called Brickyard… that’s perfect.

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